Obama has not spoken to head of BP???

Heard today that boy-blunder is going to face to face with BP's CEO next week-so much for him being a peon, unworthy of an audience with the great pretender. I guess all you were wrong about anyone who thought it might be a good idea to meet with the foreign CEO of a $125 billion+ international corporation who's company has been dumping over 100 million gallons of oil off the shores of the Gulf of Mexico,affecting our country. Duh...

If only the boy-genius had done this early enough to impress upon said CEO the impact this fiasco would have on the lives of over 40 million U.S. citizens...but hey, let's wait EIGHT WEEKS to decide this is a good idea. Better late than never, I'll give him some credit there, but I am willing to bet he's just going to puff out that puny chest of his and act like a tough guy, do a photo op...that's all he's got now, 50 plus days later. Moron.

And as for you, 'find' (you are a real find, too:D), I said your ideas were stupid, and did not get personal, but in your case I will now make an exception-you should try not to argue about concepts you are not capable of defending, it proves you to be feeble-minded. If you aren't an idiot, you are borderline, I'll surmise.

BTW. I did this passage in bold, just to annoy you, I don't know why it bothers you, but find that amusing too.

Oh, and don't forget to invoke
Bush (again), it's your one-trick pony, RETARD
Heard today that boy-blunder is going to face to face with BP's CEO next week-so much for him being a peon, unworthy of an audience with the great pretender. I guess all you were wrong about anyone who thought it might be a good idea to meet with the foreign CEO of a $125 billion+ international corporation who's company has been dumping over 100 million gallons of oil off the shores of the Gulf of Mexico,affecting our country. Duh...

If only the boy-genius had done this early enough to impress upon said CEO the impact this fiasco would have on the lives of over 40 million U.S. citizens...but hey, let's wait EIGHT WEEKS to decide this is a good idea. Better late than never, I'll give him some credit there, but I am willing to bet he's just going to puff out that puny chest of his and act like a tough guy, do a photo op...that's all he's got now, 50 plus days later. Moron.

And as for you, 'find' (you are a real find, too:D), I said your ideas were stupid, and did not get personal, but in your case I will now make an exception-you should try not to argue about concepts you are not capable of defending, it proves you to be feeble-minded. If you aren't an idiot, you are borderline, I'll surmise.

BTW. I did this passage in bold, just to annoy you, I don't know why it bothers you, but find that amusing too.

Oh, and don't forget to invoke
Bush (again), it's your one-trick pony, RETARD

weak-minded troll.

congratulations. Obama is going to have a photo-op that won't do anything for anyone but pay some press photographers salaries. Yay government that caters to idiots. I'm sure next week you will be posting all about how Obama met with the CEO but he still hasn't managed to plug the leak even after talking to the head of BP. Seriously. I just want to hear one way that you think Obama meeting with the CEO of a company (one who only knows about what is going on in the gulf through e-mails, the news and memos) is going to help anything? Is he going to teach Obama how to suck the oil out? Do you think BP isn't aware of the impact the oil spill is having on people? Do you think they aren't aware of the impact it is having on their share prices? It is stupidity in the extreme for you to even have any expectation that there would be any productive results from a meeting between the two. Honestly, how dumb can you get. The gulf oil spill should be handled by experts. Neither Obama, nor Tony Hayward are experts in clean-up. The fact that Palin keeps ragging about how Obama has not met with him, and trying to say that that demonstrates his inexperience, is proof that she is far to inexperienced to have served in an office that high. I think I will thank the liberals that my vote for McCain didn't put her in office.

Where do you keep getting this Bush crap anyways? Only time I have ever made comparison to dubya, I also made comparison to Reagan, Bush Sr. and Clinton Aside from the opinion poll graph. But I can dig up the others as well if you really want. I am sure you will see that they are pretty much all the same.

But then again, I suppose you are just a one-trick pony. Insults and pretending I didn't say any of the things you do not have a canned response for.
WHO's the troll?

You have 100+ posts on here, since you joined on MAY 24TH (three weeks). And most are in the political forums? Are you trying to impress someone (like yourself) with your mindless dribble? Please...you prove you are 'feeble minded' with every subsequent attempt, you are the poster-boy of internet trolls.
Why hasn't my question been answered? If Obama won based on race, why did Jesse Jackson, Al sharpton, Allen Keyes, Or Shirley Chisolm win their bid for the White House?
Why hasn't my question been answered? If Obama won based on race, why did Jesse Jackson, Al sharpton, Allen Keyes, Or Shirley Chisolm win their bid for the White House?

Are you going to argue that Obama's racial identity didn't contribute to his success as a candidate?

The four candidates you mention all failed to win the party nomination for different reasons. Jackson and Sharpton are corrupt race baiters. Alan Keyes can be considered a it eccentric and failed to really generate much support in the Republican primaries, and he wasn't even allowed in some of the debates. Chisolm was reasonably successful in 1972 but lost to McGovern - who was crushed by Nixon.

Obama had a few significant advantages over all of those candidates.
1. He was an unknown commodity. The public didn't know what he was and they projected their hopes upon him. The media, having abandoned all objectivity and critical observation, never dug into this.

2. The sense of history. A lot of people wanted to elect the first black President. They wanted to be a part of history. It made them feel good to do it. And Obama was presented as the first post-racial, first post-partisan, President.

So did Obama win simply because he was black?
No. But it did work to his advantage.
He won because he had a very well organized campaign pulling his strings and a very accommodating national media.
Are you going to argue that Obama's racial identity didn't contribute to his success as a candidate?

The four candidates you mention all failed to win the party nomination for different reasons. Jackson and Sharpton are corrupt race baiters. Alan Keyes can be considered a it eccentric and failed to really generate much support in the Republican primaries, and he wasn't even allowed in some of the debates. Chisolm was reasonably successful in 1972 but lost to McGovern - who was crushed by Nixon.

Obama had a few significant advantages over all of those candidates.
1. He was an unknown commodity. The public didn't know what he was and they projected their hopes upon him. The media, having abandoned all objectivity and critical observation, never dug into this.

2. The sense of history. A lot of people wanted to elect the first black President. They wanted to be a part of history. It made them feel good to do it. And Obama was presented as the first post-racial, first post-partisan, President.

So did Obama win simply because he was black?
No. But it did work to his advantage.
He won because he had a very well organized campaign pulling his strings and a very accommodating national media.

He said Obama won based on his race, he said "voted" for Obama because he was black! both statements are LIES, and I am pissed that none of you pointed that out. If the statement is true, why did none of the candidates mentioned above win? "Blacks" dont vote based on color!
This is why I got upset, ALL wrong information that is put out by those who argue against what you believe is quickly corrected, but for this man to say that an entire race voted for President based soley on his race is stupid, and for Cal and Shag not to correct him gets to me. I know you guys are very intelligent, and I have learned loads and loads of info from you guys, but this shows that as long as someone is agree with you, you dont care about honesty. I hope it was an oversight.
He said Obama won based on his race, he said "voted" for Obama because he was black! both statements are LIES, and I am pissed that none of you pointed that out. If the statement is true, why did none of the candidates mentioned above win? "Blacks" dont vote based on color!

Do you think that identity politics played a factor in Obama's election? That is not meant that is was the sole reason for someone voting, or even that it was the primary reason for someone voting; just that is was a factor.

What about with Sarah Palin or Hillary? Do you think identity politics was a factor in the votes they (or the front runner on their ticket) got in the Presidential race and the Democratic primaries, respectively?
Do you think that identity politics played a factor in Obama's election? That is not meant that is was the sole reason for someone voting, or even that it was the primary reason for someone voting; just that is was a factor.

What about with Sarah Palin or Hillary? Do you think identity politics was a factor in the votes they (or the front runner on their ticket) got in the Presidential race and the Democratic primaries, respectively?

That is not what was said, he said an entire race voted for him based on his race, I take offense to that, do you honestly think black people would vote for someone to run this country just because they are black?
That is not what was said, he said an entire race voted for him based on his race, I take offense to that, do you honestly think black people would vote for someone to run this country just because they are black?

The notion that an entire race would vote for someone just because he was the same race as them is simplistic and grossly inaccurate. With regards to Obama, the two black scholars I pointed out in this thread (Williams and Sowell) disprove that notion.
The notion that an entire race would vote for someone just because he was the same race as them is simplistic and grossly inaccurate. With regards to Obama, the two black scholars I pointed out in this thread (Williams and Sowell) disprove that notion.

So why was I the only to make an attempt to correct MMTphoto? I think thats his name.
...but I still don't see where anyone, except you, said he was elected "solely" due to his race. It looks like the charge is that his race was an advantage in the election and that the identification resulted in even higher support amongst black voters than previous candidates had experienced. Maybe I missed that sentence amongst the bold fonts.
So why was I the only to make an attempt to correct MMTphoto? I think thats his name.

Frankly, this thread doesn't interest me. I stated my opinion on the Obama/race/voting issue and haven't been back since.

As to the whole race issue in general, in my view is has been beat to death and I generally tend to gloss over it. I have my views on it and can provide facts to back it up to a point but I am frankly tired of the whole race issue in general. Identity politics is never rational and using race and the charge of racism (direct or implied; as with the tea parties) in political rhetoric has long since become cliche. In many ways it goes in one ear and out the other for me.
I tend to skip over the posts that are typed in caps or all bold text...

Had I known that bolding my replies to specific excerpts would have offended anyone (except the troll), I'd have never done that, sorry-just felt it was the easiest way to differentiate my replies to specific points, it's not like I invented it...

If lincolnx2 doesn't think that race wasn't a huge factor in Obama's getting 95% of the black vote, I guess I'll never be able to convince him of what the real basic motivation for that figure might have been-read it...


To deny that African Americans as a group did not vote for Obama simply due to racial identification is disingenuous, statistical evidence is irrefutable. I have no doubt that many voted for him for reasons other than race, but 95%? To act offended because I suggest that race was a LARGE factor in the black vote is, well, that is the lie.

I'll add that I appreciate that you are about to go into a fifth tour, and I do wish that this President would have figured a way, by now, to not have that happen to you-the sacrifice you and your family are making is no doubt difficult, but I'll suggest that barry is not nearly up to all the empty promises of his empty campaign rhetoric which obviously seduced a majority of the voting public. Now, the chest-beating when face-to-face with BP's CEO will begin, 8 weeks after this all started. Who didn't think this was going to play out like this.

Back to my original point, barry is an empty suit, day late and a dollar short-there wasn't much doubt that this was how the whole term would play out, the only variables are the unexpected crisis that can (and will) crop up in the two years remaining.

Here's hoping that we make it in time to fix this mess.
cue the crickets:D

While the mainstream media harps on the POS CEO Brit playing on his boat, our ball-less leader has played multiple rounds of golf, gone to see ballgames and concerts (with Sir Paul, no less)-he gets a pass, though and the oil which is now bearing down on the Keys and Panama Beach is only getting a chance to travel further, thanks to the ineptitude of barry. Katrina was bad, this is going to last decades and it is going to affect more than just the Gulf.

November of 2012 will not get here soon enough.

The silence here is deafening.:rolleyes:
All will be well - Rosie O'Donnell has the solution! :rolleyes: :lol:

At first, I did think that Tony Hayward was a POS, but now I'm not so sure... I get the feeling he is being 'thrown under the bus' and will be disposed of pretty soon.
Does President Toonces even want to fix the leak in the gulf? I'm not so sure. Either he's completely incompetent or he wants this disaster to continue. He does stand to benefit from its perpetuation.
Does President Toonces even want to fix the leak in the gulf? I'm not so sure. Either he's completely incompetent or he wants this disaster to continue. He does stand to benefit from its perpetuation.

I have been wondering that myself, what with nazi collaborator George Soros connection, probably Obama's biggest contributor and his connection to oil drilling off Brazil's coast-our government either severely regulates, or outright bans it here, yet we (taxpayers) subsidize Brazil's oil industry to the tune of 2 billion.

barry's little house of cards is tumbling down, he is being exposed for the fake, lying, unqualified and inexperienced charlatan that he is-between the economy, dissatisfaction with government, problems within the ranks of the military (McChrystal), this fiasco in the Gulf of Mexico, his ties to questionable individuals (blagojevich/obama connection) and subversive groups, who the hell can defend anything this clown does?

All he does is play golf, go to fundraisers or ballgames, shop with the women of the house, operas/symphonies...enjoys dinners serviced by celebrity chefs,
God-forbid (like God even matters to this heathen) he should actually hold press conferences where he could be openly questioned by the press. I guess now that Keith Obermann or Chris Matthews are no longer fully on-board, barry doesn't think it's a good idea to face anyone who might ask questions that cannot be answered by some canned reply on a teleprompter.

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