Obama Poll Numbers

Guy, I was just asking him to change it up, "babykiller" was getting old, haven't I told you "I dont get offended unless you are shooting mortar rounds at me, not that pisses me off.
Dude, you ARE a babykiller, you admitted it and even bragged about it, supplying us with manifest details. So quit whining.
What does any of this have to do with Obama's popularity, which was the original thread, or Lincolns or Cadillacs, which is what this site is all about?

The debates are entertaining though. Shows the different points of view. Maybe it does have some relavance to the thread; only on another level.
which was the original thread, or Lincolns or Cadillacs, which is what this site is all about?

Please feel free to visit all of the forums we have set up for discussions of Lincolns and Cadillacs.

This particular forum is rough and tumble and serves a small segment of our customers. As a management team, we feel if provides a valuable outlet for people to express their feelings without having to go on 'dedicated' political forums which are not nearly as exciting as what goes in here.

So you are welcome to visit and even participate, but please put a think skin on because this is after all "Politics and Current Events".

What does any of this have to do with Obama's popularity, which was the original thread, or Lincolns or Cadillacs, which is what this site is all about?

The debates are entertaining though. Shows the different points of view. Maybe it does have some relavance to the thread; only on another level.

Welcome to the forum. It would appear that you stumbled onto the wrong section. If you scroll up, you can navigate out of here as this area is not for the faint of heart or for noobs. :)
Dude, you ARE a babykiller, you admitted it and even bragged about it, supplying us with manifest details. So quit whining.

Ok, I am a "babykiller", better keep your kids away from me! I wasn't whining, I just want him to expand his vocabulary.
Ok, I am a "babykiller", better keep your kids away from me! I wasn't whining, I just want him to expand his vocabulary.

I think their point is, their kids would be safe because since they were already born and not an inconvenience to you there'd be no reason you to kill them. Not "baby killer" in the traditional hippy anti-military sense, but in the late term abortion for convenience kind of way.

Hope that cleared up any confusion.
Time to Update the Messiah's numbers again. End of the month and all that....
Plus 2 now and consistently falling as people wake up and the buzz wears off.


And please, don't hurt yourself trying to post up a C:bsflag: , ABC or Gallup poll as proof of his greatness.:rolleyes:

Poll Score Grade Accuracy Consistency

Rasmussen Reports 91% A- 92% 86%
Ipsos/McClatchy 89% B+ 92% 79%
CNN/Opinion Research 88% B+ 92% 77%
Fox News 84% B 92% 61%
Pew 83% B- 92% 56%
GWU/Battleground 79% C+ 92% 41%
Diageo/Hotline 77% C+ 77% 79%
NBC News / Wall St. Journal 76% C 77% 75%
Gallup Traditional 73% C- 77% 63%
Marist 67% D+ 62% 82%
ABC News / Wash Post 67% D+ 62% 82%
IBD/TIPP 66% D 77% 34%
Gallup Expanded 66% D 62% 78%
CBS News / NYT 60% D- 62% 56%
Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby 35% F 31% 48%



:dj: :dj:

And please, don't hurt yourself trying to post up a C:bsflag: , ABC or Gallup poll as proof of his greatness.:rolleyes:

How about we show the FOX poll of 60% ? Or are they BS now too?

How about the WSJ @ 61% Approval?

Not to mention the others listed:


Oh, how about Gallup? 63% Approval
I mention Gallup specifically because you right wingers thought enough of Gallup to post their Pro Life polling as being reliable. Or is Gallup only reliable when it backs you right winger's positions?



Let's stay consistent shall we?

Obummer is now at 0% as of June 5 on his strongly approve/strongly disapprove numbers

His total disapproval is now at 47%.

Inauguration Day Jan 21
Strongly Approve 44%
Strongly Disapprove 16%

Obumbel June 5
Strongly Approve 34%
Strongly Disapprove 34%

Chart that my friend.


The Obama sheeple have heard enough of his sermons and are leaving the pews. Didn't take them 20 years to toss Osama Barak Biden Bin Laden under the bus.:shifty:

Need an update here.

Obama down to his lowest approval number.
Matches his electoral percentage.

The rats are beginning to jump ship.

Even Gallup now has him at 58% today. Guess they are starting to face reality.

When it all goes really bad and the media can't gloss it over any more, it is going to be quite entertaining to watch the media eat themselves.
Oh, how about Gallup? 63% Approval
I mention Gallup specifically because you right wingers thought enough of Gallup to post their Pro Life polling as being reliable. Or is Gallup only reliable when it backs you right winger's positions?


Is Gallup right now? :shifty:

58 and sinking like a slider.

Rasmussen has him 53-54%
Americans have been largely opposed to Obama's policies for some time now. The popularity numbers are just now starting to fall in line.

He's a failure.
Obama down to -2
Feel free to take a look at my predictions couple months back.
The guy is a total, unequivocable loser.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 32% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-four percent (34%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -2. That’s the President’s lowest rating to date and the first time the Presidential Approval Index has fallen below zero for Obama (see trends).

Sixty percent (60%) of Democrats Strongly Approve of the President’s performance but only 8% of Republicans share that view. Sixty-one percent (61%) of Republicans Strongly Disapprove.

Waiting for Joey to weigh in and tell me how great the Messiah is, but I'm sure he is too busy buffing the Deville to care.:D
I just want to know what those 30% actually approve of? I really really do not get it. BTW - I know I am not the correct Joey to respond. :p
Everytime Obama sets a new record, I feel it is my duty to update the numbers.

Fastest free fall of any President in history. He is even ahead of my pace I set for him. Quite the overachiever the Obummer is.

As of 7/7/09

Before.....After....and this is with the media propping this guy up hourly.
+28.............-3 Presidential Approval Index
44%.........33% Strongly Approve
16%.........36% Strongly Disapprove
65%.........52% Total Approve
30%.........47% Total Disapprove

Last edited by a moderator:

-5 Presidential Approval
Strongly Approve 32%
Strongly Disapprove 37%

The sheeple are waking up and not liking what they are seeing.:eek:
Update: 7-16-09

Obama overall approval number now at 51%, a percentage that is less than the number of voters he fooled in the general election. :D

Great news. The sooner we impeach him and correct our mistake, the better.
oBUMBLE now under 50% approval at 49% as of 7-24-09.


Falling faster than Carter which is quite the accomplishment. Lower than Bush at this stage a whole 6 months into his Presidency.

Don't say I didn't warn you. koolaid hangovers must be like the dry-heaves.


Now maybe the media will start investigating this guy's past and we can make him a lame duck for the next 3-1/2 years.

I must say the fall is right on schedule. :D
This decline even with a compliant, stenographic media who is all-in with their integrity in order to support this guy.

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