Obama Press Conference 2-9-09


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Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Words won't do justice on the bill that bankrupted America.
Dear Liberal Senators, Congressman and Mr. President.......
Oh Yah, and the 3 RINO's.............................................
Obama promises to save or create 3,000,000 jobs (he ACTUALLY says saving a job, like a schoolteacher, has the same effect as creating one:confused:) believe it or not.

Let's do the MATH.

$900,000,000,000 (billion) on porculus program
3,000,000 (million) new or saved jobs
$300,000 (3 hundred-thousand) per job.

Why not GIVE 3,000,000 people $50K a year for the next 6 years?

Our long term interest payments on our debt in 6 years will be more than we INVEST in the military.

We're screwed and the sheeple don't know it.:(
CRS Report for Congress
The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global
War on Terror Operations Since 9/11


With enactment of the FY2008 Supplemental and FY2009 Bridge Fund(H.R.2642/P.L. 110-252) on June 30, 2008, Congress has approved a total of about $864 billion for military operations, base security, reconstruction, foreign aid, embassy costs, and veterans’ health care for the three operations initiated since the 9/11
attacks: Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) Afghanistan and other counter terror operations; Operation Noble Eagle (ONE), providing enhanced security at military bases; and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF).

This $864 billion total covers all war-related appropriations from FY2001
through part of FY2009 in supplementals, regular appropriations, and continuing resolutions. Of that total, CRS estimates that Iraq will receive about $657 billion (76%), OEF about $173 billion (20%), and enhanced base security about $28 billion (3%), with about $5 billion that CRS cannot allocate (1%). About 94% of the funds are for DOD, 6% for foreign aid programs and embassy operations, and less than 1% for medical care for veterans. As of July 2008, DOD’s monthly obligations for contracts and pay averaged about $12.3 billion, including $9.9 billion for Iraq, and $2.4 billion for Afghanistan....

COST ESTIMATE: H.R. 5140 Economic Stimulus Act of 2008

H.R. 5140 would provide a tax rebate to individual tax filers who satisfy specific income requirements and special depreciation allowances to businesses. In addition, the act would raise the loan limit for the Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA’s) single-family program. The Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) estimate that H.R. 5140 would:

• Decrease revenues by $114 billion in 2008 and by a net amount of $82 billion over the 2008-2018 period; and

• Increase direct spending by $38 billion in 2008 and $42 billion over the 2008-2009 period.

In total, those changes would increase budget deficits (or reduce future surpluses) by $152 billion....
Democrats, (in Control of Congress) the last 2 years, have spent more in 1 month than Bush did in 8 years, including the wars in Iraq and Afganistan.

Wake up sheeple.
Can't believe he actually claimed that there were no earmarks in the bill!!
Look at the liberal talk show host Ed Schultz he had sitting in the front row.


The media is destroying us. They are not keeping the Democrats honest. Dems can say and do anything and will not be called on it.
Well, at least the man isn't afraid of being seen in prime time. I believe President Bush never had a prime time press conference (maybe after 9/11, but I think that was just a speech in front of reporters, I can't remember him taking questions on air). Even his last one was at 9:00 am Eastern Time.

Democrats, (in Control of Congress) the last 2 years, have spent more in 1 month than Bush did in 8 years, including the wars in Iraq and Afganistan.

Really - which month Bryan - got the figures for me?

Government spending in the last 8 years was 30.5 Trillion dollars - Bryan, these boys know how to spend, but got a one month figure for me that exceeded 30.5 trillion?
but got a one month figure for me that exceeded 30.5 trillion?

We're talking stimulus...
But you are the queen of subject changing so here goes....:rolleyes:

Under Bush (8 years)

War on Terror: 2001 to 2009: $864 Billion
TARP funds 2008 $350 Billion
Stimulus Act 2008: $152 Billion
Total: $ 1,366,000,000,000 Trillion

Under Obama (1 month)

Porkulus Bill 2009: $ 850 Billion
TARP funds 2009: $ 350 Billion
Total: $ 1,200,000,000,000 Trillion
ah, Bryan, of the tender toothed thighs...
If you mean stimulus spending, say it... Let's see a quick perusal at post #5 doesn't seem to mention 'stimulus'...
Democrats, (in Control of Congress) the last 2 years, have spent more in 1 month than Bush did in 8 years, including the wars in Iraq and Afganistan.

And since you have rolled up the tax cuts into the 'porkulus bill'...

Don't forget Bush's 2001 little tax cut plan...
Mr. Bush's 10-year, $1.35 trillion tax cut of 2001, considered the largest in history, contained $174 billion of cuts during its first two full years, according to Congress's Joint Committee on Taxation. The second-largest tax cut -- the 10-year, $350 billion package engineered by Mr. Bush in 2003 -- contained $231 billion in 2004 and 2005.

That doesn't include 2 rounds of stimulus checks... and, although Obama inherits Tarp funds, those were asked for by the Bush administration.
Mr. Bush's 10-year, $1.35 trillion tax cut of 2001,

I don't get it.

You claimed Bush ('01-'08)cut taxes 1.35 trillion over 10 years, yet Treasury receipts went up over $3.6 trillion in only 8 years over the collections of Clinton ('92-'00).

So cutting taxes led to an increase in revenues for the government of a net $2.5 trillion in 8 years. Huh. Sounds like a damn good deal for the government.


We'll see how well Robbing Hussein Obama does.
cutting taxes led to an increase in revenues for the government of a net $2.5 trillion in 8 years.
What was the change in the rate of growth in revenues over the 8 years? Tax revenues are always increasing due to inflation and population growth.

You need to show that the rate of growth in tax revenues increased after the tax cuts.

The Treasury Department has published a paper titled "REVENUE EFFECTS OF MAJOR TAX BILLS." According to the paper, the effect of the Bush tax cuts was a real decrease in tax revenue when measured in constant dollars.

by Jerry Tempalski

U.S. Department of the Treasury
OTA Working Paper 81 Revised September 2006

The OTA Papers series is an occasional series of reports on the research, models, and datasets developed to inform and improve Treasury's tax policy analysis. The papers are works in progress and subject to revision. Views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent official Treasury positions or policy. OTA Papers are distributed in order to document OTA analytic methods and data and invite discussion and suggestions for revision and improvement. Comments are welcome and should be directed to the authors.

Office of Tax Analysis
U.S. Treasury Department
Washington, D.C. 20220

I am grateful to Robert Carroll, Lowell Dworin, Laura Kalambokidis, David Richardson, and Karl Scholz for their comments and to Kevin Morris and Anona Samuel for their research assistance. The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Treasury Department.

by Jerry Tempalski

U.S. Department of the Treasury

OTA Working Paper 81 Revised September 2006

The OTA Papers series is an occasional series of reports on the research, models, and datasets developed to inform and improve Treasury's tax policy analysis. The papers are works in progress and subject to revision. Views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent official Treasury positions or policy. OTA Papers are distributed in order to document OTA analytic methods and data and invite discussion and suggestions for revision and improvement. Comments are welcome and should be directed to the authors.Office of Tax Analysis U.S. Treasury Department...
That would be a good way to stimulate the economy if it was structured so that all of the money was actual spent quickly on consumer goods.

You don't get it.

Nobody should have to give the government $300,000 of their own money so the government can turn around and give it to someone else.

What don't you understand about redistribution of wealth and why redistribution (let's call it what it is; socialism or communism) has failed the world over.

The past 30 years China has been heading to full blown capitalism. In the past 30 years we have been heading to full blown socialism. Notice where the two lines intersect and which line is going up and which one is going down?

:Bang :Bang :Bang
According to the paper, the effect of the Bush tax cuts was a real decrease in tax revenue when measured in constant dollars.

Let's be fair. Factor in the Internet Bubble from the Clinton years along with 9/11 which cost the US hundreds of billions.

Allowing people to keep and spend more of their own money always leads to growth.

Watch and see what happens with Obama.
^^So how much of all of what is going on Obamas fault, Bryan? He's trying to fix Bush's mess he handed off.

He sure inherited a "broken" America. If he did nothing he'd be thrown under the bus, when he tried to do something about it he gets thrown under the bus.

It's a no win presidency for this guy it seems.
^^So how much of all of what is going on Obamas fault, Bryan? He's trying to fix Bush's mess he handed off.

He sure inherited a "broken" America. If he did nothing he'd be thrown under the bus, when he tried to do something about it he gets thrown under the bus.

It's a no win presidency for this guy it seems.

Is America really broken and how did it break and why did it break at the time it did?

Ron, take a deep look at what is happening here and why.

Who manufactured this crisis?
Why did the media pick the least qualified person?

Why are we in crisis mode and making deals and creating legislation nobody has even discussed or really even knows about.

So much is stinky. Think B.O.

Obama is the problem, not the solution.
We're talking stimulus...
But you are the queen of subject changing so here goes....:rolleyes:

I'm interested in knowing how it is Foxpaws changing the subject when you so clearly are the one who made the statement about the Dems spending more in a month than Bush did in 8 years. All she is doing is asking you to provide evidence to your statement, how is that her changing the subject?

Just so we're clear, it's not necessarily that I disagree, but let's call it what it is, ok?
I'm interested in knowing how it is Foxpaws changing the subject when you so clearly are the one who made the statement about the Dems spending more in a month than Bush did in 8 years. All she is doing is asking you to provide evidence to your statement, how is that her changing the subject?

Just so we're clear, it's not necessarily that I disagree, but let's call it what it is, ok?

Look at the context of this thread; the economy and spending; specifically stimulus spending. That was clear in the first post. Foxpaws is (not suprisingly) ignoring that context.
Look at the context of this thread; the economy and spending; specifically stimulus spending. That was clear in the first post. Foxpaws is (not suprisingly) ignoring that context.

I hate to work on assumptions.... Bryan assumed that everyone knew it was stimulus spending... I just wanted to work back to that context... otherwise it appeared that in one month we were spending as much as we did in 8 years, with no stipulation that we were just talking stimulus. Bryan had even brought in war spending...
Look at the context of this thread; the economy and spending; specifically stimulus spending. That was clear in the first post. Foxpaws is (not suprisingly) ignoring that context.

And Bryan VERY CLEARLY was the first person to cite the 8 years to one month statistic. All Foxpaws did was ask for a reference. How is Fox the one who changed the subject?
Official Changing the Subject Post....

This is why this country is in deep doodoo.

Glad I finally found a video of RRocket:D

Never thought I would find a person underqualified for a burger flipping job. Guess I just did.

Praise the Lord Obama.

YouTube - Obama and Julio

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