Obama releases his long form birth certificate

Unfortunately, Allen West says he is not interested, which is too bad.
YouTube - Allen West Heckled, Heckler Arrested

BTW, the woman being arrested is former Air America hostess Nicole Sandler.

Steve Wynn would be an interesting possibility as a nominee. He seems to have a much better idea of the way the world works then Trump and is not all about self promotion.

Unfortunately, it seems the best people for the job are not interested in it...

The best one for the job is a proven elected representative who has successfully run a large government with fiscal responsibility...there are some out there who fit this bill...the current President did not have this characteristic coming in to office. Let's face it we don't need another apprentice running the country.
There's still a year and a half to go.... and they may well be running against Hillary.
The best one for the job is a proven elected representative who has successfully run a large government with fiscal responsibility...there are some out there who fit this bill...the current President did not have this characteristic coming in to office. Let's face it we don't need another apprentice running the country.

I think that is as much a function of electing representatives as opposed to executive office holders. Most representatives/senators are masterful at shifting blame, pointing fingers, avoiding responsibility and short sighted narrow self interest over principle.

While that last point is largely a function of any politician it is, IMO magnified for Congressmen/Senators.

Governors at least have to lead and accept responsibility to be effective. Obama is approaching governance with the mindset of a senator. McCain would have done the same.

There are some exceptions to the rule concerning representatives being afraid to lead or take responsibility (Paul Ryan, for example, IMO), but generally they make for a bad choice for a leader.

There is a reason that we typically elect governors to the presidency. I find it a little telling that the DNC has nominated Senators the last two cycles. It also seems interesting that when Republican's nominate Senator's, they seem to lose.

When was the last Republican Senator/ Congressman elected to the Presidency?
I remember the Late governor of texas Ann Richards said George Bush was born with a silver foot in his mouth.
That was George H. W. Bush, not George W. Bush. She said it at the '88 Democratic National Convention.
When was the last Republican Senator/ Congressman elected to the Presidency?
Tricky Dick. Of course, he did other things before he was elected President, and he was only a Senator for less than half a term.
There are some exceptions to the rule concerning representatives being afraid to lead or take responsibility (Paul Ryan, for example, IMO), but generally they make for a bad choice for a leader.


LMAO, yeah because he has done so much good, that he is welcomed with flowers at his townhall meetings, Paul Ryan: another joke.
LMAO, yeah because he has done so much good, that he is welcomed with flowers at his townhall meetings, Paul Ryan: another joke.
Paul Ryan Gets Standing Ovation at Town Hall Meeting


Greenfield, Wisc.
Paul Ryan received a standing ovation Thursday afternoon during the Q&A part of his meeting with constituents at a high school auditorium in a suburb of Milwaukee.
Ryan faced a larger number of hecklers at this event than previous ones, but they were just a sliver of the max capacity crowd. The vast majority of those present stood and applauded Ryan after one constituent rose to thank the congressman for producing his plan to rein in the federal budget. You probably won't see this on the nightly news (and not just because I'm a terrible cameraman; sorry if you get whiplash):

YouTube - Paul Ryan Gets Standing Ovation.mov

Despite the media's focus on one incident last week where some constituents booed Ryan, the crowds at this week's and last week's town hall meetings have been overwhelmingly supportive. Here's a picture of the "protest" outside Ryan's meeting in Franklin earlier on Thursday:


Ryan Protest


If Ryan's budget is so bad where's all the protesters.
He's getting standing ovations from voters.
HEY! Don't challenge the narrative, teabagger! :p
Facts are Trump is a moron and uneducated morons follow the leader

Facts are morons believe anything their demigod, newspaper, or government, says without doubt; Morons come in the educated as well as uneducated variety; Just because you have an Ivy League degree doesn't mean you're not a moron. To trust anyone blindly is a good indicator you're a moron though.
Facts are morons believe anything their demigod, newspaper, or government, says without doubt; Morons come in the educated as well as uneducated variety; Just because you have an Ivy League degree doesn't mean you're not a moron. To trust anyone blindly is a good indicator you're a moron though.

We need a "like" button on this forum, like Facebook.
Paul Ryan protesters: grassroots, or groupies?
Posted by Moe Lane

USA Today has the funniest thing I’m going to read today, I think:
At the last of four events on Rep. Paul Ryan’s “listening tour” of his district Thursday, he called on a man in the front row of a high school auditorium, then instantly recognized him.

“You changed clothes!” Ryan told Steve Jozefczyk. The 54-year old salesman from Franklin, Wis., had asked Ryan several critical questions from the front row of an event six hours earlier in Waterford, when he wore a shirt and tie. In Greenfield, it was a black “Faux News” parody T-shirt.

Josefczyk admitted trying to trick Ryan into calling on him again. But Ryan listened anyway.​
(Bolding mine) Wow. Paul Ryan has Democratic groupies. Ones that follow him around from town hall to town hall. That’s so cool.

Do you think that they’ll start a fan club and have a newsletter? They should so totally start a fan club and have a newsletter.

PS: For the love of God, Moveon: don’t throw your underwear up on the stage. Please, please, please don’t throw your underwear up on the stage.

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