Obama Stimulus Plan...


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
OR, as I like to call it, the StealFromUs program.

I've decided to help Obama out. I have also figured a few things out...

1) Obama prefers that the government provide everything for everyone.

2) I recognize my need to be taxed at all levels to pay for government programs that are bankrupting the USSA.

3) In order to contribute more, I need to increase my earnings.

4) In order to increase earnings, I need to either:
a) increase my sales in an economic depression - not likely.
b) lower my costs to increase my EBIT - Earnings Before Interest and Taxes.

In order to achieve the goal set forth by Obama in #1 by succumbing to #2 via #3 I have decided #4(b) is the only path.

Therefore, in order to lower my costs, thus increasing my EBIT, I am going to move one of my molding projects overseas. This will result in the loss of 5 American workers jobs as I source production overseas. These displaced workers will no longer have to work for a living as Uncle Sam and Obama will step in and take care of them.

The 12 year Chinese kids who will now make my product will be able to put more rice on the table.

I will enjoy lower production costs and will not have to raise my prices or increase my sales in order to pay for Obama's StealFromUs program.

I do plan on sending a letter to these displaced American workers to explain why this step was necessary.

As you can see, this is Obama Econ 101.
It is called socialism in a capitalist society.
The Stimulus Plan will not work. The long-term debt will crush us all.

My advice to you folks, start looking out for number 1. The government is NOT going to take care of you. Hell, they are already reneging on tax refunds in states like Kansas and issuing IOU's in states like California. The gig is up. But don't' expect the media to tell you that.
Perhaps we could borrow a few dollars from the Chinese to pay for the programs that forced business to move overseas.

It's amazing. The 1st thing out of a retailers mouth is where your product is made. If you say Made in USA, they frown. They instantly know they are paying too much for the product because the manufacturer is paying too much to have his/her product made here. It is vicious cycle.

In order to solve our problem, we have to make our Country more competitive with the world. There is not a SINGLE item in the porkulus that makes us more competitive with the world.

Getting government out of business is the best step. The next best step is to let the business's keep more of their earnings with incentives to keep the jibs here.

It is painfully obvious what the solution is but Obama and the Dems are doing the exact opposite.:rolleyes:
Next step, unionize everyone and set wages at the federal level.
I told you guys during the election about the consequences of Obama.

Here is a devasting graph that clearly shows what happened between McCain and Obama.


I told you guys during the election about the consequences of Obama.

Here is a devasting graph that clearly shows what happened between McCain and Obama.


Unfortunately, we're "doom and gloomers."
By forecasting bad things to come, we must just not "like" Obama, like this is some sort of personal thing, or like being a Yankees fan and hating the Red Sox. The consequence free lives that everyone wants to lead carries over to government.

"Give them a try. Let's try socialism for a while, (what ever that is), if it doesn't work,we'll just switch back, right?" Since they don't know how to anticipate these things, no one should do so and ruin their mood, and we'll just wait and see what happens.... who knows, "can't be any worse, right?"

Just do something government to the critical extreme.
Most black people I know can't stand Al Sharpton
I believe that, so who gives him credibility?
And why don't "most of the black people" publicly express that sentiment so he'd cease to be considered a national representative.

But more importantly, do you have anything to say about the stimulus, or response to anything else said in this thread so far?
That ad is kind of racist.

How so?

Criticizing the Congress as a bunch of Chimps is racist in what fashion?

The cartoon says wrote, not signed btw.

Humm...Considering all the chimp comments we had to hear about Bush.

I shouldn't ....but but.... Sharpton made me.

I can't do it. Funny as hell but I'd catch hell around here if I posted what I wanted to.
That ad is kind of racist.

Thread Hijack.... addressing the easier, more emotional topic instead of the drier, more complicated economics one.

What ad?
The cartoon? How is it racist? What's racist about it.
And what do you think about the stimulus?
And why don't "most of the black people" publicly express that sentiment so he'd cease to be considered a national representative.

Most do. It's difficult however do to the fact that he can hop on a plane and be the center of attention on all matters concerning race. Right there, front and center for all the cameras to see. So what does this perpetuate? That he is our national representative......unfortunate. Make no mistake, he has done some positive things for the black community but he has also inflammed many situations and made them worse.
When it was first realized the nation was facing an economic crisis, the media had an opportunity to stage a serious, substantive debate about economic policy,However, with economists accounting for a mere 5 percent of guest appearances during discussions of the recovery package, that debate more closely resembled a political side show.

--Erica Knuti

Media Matters - Substantive Policy Takes Back Seat to Raw Politics

What was the most ridiculous lie the media spread about the Economic Recovery Act? My vote is for the lie about money going to protect the mouse.
Most do. It's difficult however do to the fact that he can hop on a plane and be the center of attention on all matters concerning race. Right there, front and center for all the cameras to see. So what does this perpetuate? That he is our national representative......unfortunate.
What's unfortunate is that the black community, and liberal media, promote men like Sharpton to national status and community leader when honorable people who happen to be black conservatives or more centrists are derided and called names.

Make no mistake, he has done some positive things for the black community but he has also inflammed many situations and made them worse.
I would disagree with that. He hasn't done anything positive, he's a race baiting, self-promoting, punch line. I've been following Sharpton's career since the 1980s, having grown up in New York where he was merely a local trouble maker, and not the national divisive figure that he's since become.

His tone has moderated in reason years, but I still would challenge you to provide some kind of explanation regarding the positive he's accomplished.


Many in the conservative media eagerly advanced the false claim that the economic recovery package contained $30 million to protect the salt marsh harvest mouse in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's district. The story was traced back to an email from a Republican staffer that said an unnamed federal agency, when asked how it would spend its share of the stimulus money, said that $30 million would go toward wetland restoration - including work to protect the salt marsh harvest mouse. That same staffer later conceded that "[t]here is no language in the bill that says this money will go to this project."

"[t]here is no language in the bill that says this money will go to this project."
Correct. Ther eis no specific language but the door is left open to do whatever they want with the money.

Wanna place a side bet on this forum that money DOES go to this project within the next 2 years?

Place your bet.
The stimulus plan sucks ,that cartoon sucks,America sucks Im movin to Dubai.
The stimulus plan sucks ,that cartoon sucks,America sucks Im movin to Dubai.

America is great, it's just being taken over by people who don't understand it's greatness... I have considered looking for work in Bahrain though.

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