Obama up Palin down

The point I am making is that you have to have a good understanding of ideology to have any coherent understanding of how society works.

You don't need a coherent understanding of how society works to be sucessful in life. However, a handicapped understanding of how society works can end up costing you and the rest of society.
My parents escaped the nazis and communism and came here after WW2.
I have a pretty good understanding of how societies work and what motivates people.
I'm not meaning to be insulting here either but I hope that for all your high minded thinking you don't wind up being a brilliant nobody, successful in thought but disappointing in the accomplishments of life.

A pimple genius.
A Poser.
The big difference is that, in the past century, we have seen the rise of heavily biased news sources that attempt to present themselves as objective and above partisanship while confusing opinion with hard news coverage. That illusion has only served to confuse things.

So you have the same opinion of FOX that I do.:p
They're just as bad as MSNBC
So you have the same opinion of FOX that I do.:p
They're just as bad as MSNBC

Actually, I am more focused on NYT, CBS, NBC, ABC and many of those news outlets that were enshrined in power by the "Fairness" Doctrine. The 24 hour news shows are a relatively new development that came well after the "Fairness" Doctrine.
Newspapers are an invaluable check on government, but they are inherently biased (especially in the time of Jefferson). Therefore a strong foundation in political thought is necessary to be able to critically analyse the news; to separate editorializing from facts in order to glean the truth

I also read or used to read Comic Books like Richie Rich, MAD Magazine:D Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Foreign Affairs,National Review, Readers Digest and others that help round out my bottomless pit of information.:p
Some Bugs Bunny episodes were pretty good too.
If your center right contention is accurate then why are her negatives so high.
Her show has been doing well so she's popular there and the public has plenty of exposure to her personality, but her political negative numbers keep rising.
Now within her own party as the starting article states.

A) People in the Republican party opposing her is nothing new. That has been present since she was first anounced as McCain's VP pick.

B) Her numbers are negative in large part because the MSM was able to brand her early on; to create the narrative concerning her and still filter coverage of her rather effectively. this has been pointed out numerous times on this forum.

C) The center right claim is not merely contention but EMPIRICAL FACT . This has also been pointed out numerous times on this forum.
People in the Republican party opposing her is nothing new. That has been present since she was first anounced as McCain's VP pick.
I have explained this before; her numbers are negative because the MSM was able to create the narrative concerning her early on and still are able to filter coverage of her rather well.
I'll go with Ann Coulter on this one :D
C) The center right claim is not merely contention but EMPIRICAL FACT . This has also been pointed out numerous times on this forum.

Then perhaps the center right is saying she's not the droid they're looking for :D
Then perhaps the center right is saying she's not the drone they're looking for :D

I take it you are no longer interested in anything other then agitating at this point
and what does she say that counters anything I said?

So then you agree with Coulter's I love her but... she's better as a conservative mascot energizing the base instead of a candidate for president.

Getting you to actually admit this is like squeezing water out of a rock.
I take it you are no longer interested in anything other then agitating at this point
Well you know I have fun sometimes being tongue in cheek.:p
My english prof in college said that if I could write assignments with this much wit (as she put it)I was bound to do well.
You said the country is empirically center right proven by you and foss and cal on this board.
Ok then maybe a big part of the center right country doesn't find Palin as appealing as you contend, so using a mixed metaphor, she's not the droid they are looking for as Obi Wan might say.

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