Obama wants to know if you know how to wipe your arse.

Considering I bought some one-way tickets on airlines to buy boats and cars and that put me on the terrorist watch list which got me pulled from line every time I showed up at the airport and took 2 years of bitching with the feds to get off the list and they still mysteriously choose to rifle thru my checked luggage as they did just 2 weeks ago when I was in Vegas, ya, I would say I have a problem.

NSA wise, we know who the bad guys are and what they probably look like. Strip searching 80 year old grandmas ain't doing crap to safeguard this country.

So forgive me if I have a healthy mistrust of government.
I've had to deal with the EPA.
I've had to deal with OSHA.
I've had to deal with the IRS.

I've got cop friends that are bad people and they brag about doing bad things sometimes to bad people but even do some stuff I have to honestly admit was funny but still out of line for an officer to do while hiding behind his badge.

So the fact that you now want to be an officer tells me it is possible you don't give a crap about "serving your fellow man" or "protecting the innocent". For you it sounds like another step up in an ego trip of power. Half the guys that become cops have that issue so you wouldn't be unique. You are all about power. Good luck with your newfound power.

Some people need to feel superior and powerful and the only way they get that sensation is to obtain a means of using that power. Cop is a perfect example.

I'm deeply troubled by some Americans willing to be paid to pry into other American's lives and even deeper troubled by those that may choose to take up arms in favor of the government against its citizenship.

LOL, your "victimhood" is transparent Bryan. You were not at all concerned about those policies when they were enacted by your zero GW BuSh and the GOP. No, not until Obama took office have you voiced outrage at the policies put in place by republicans. Dems made the exact same arguments years ago about DHS and the NSA infringing on civil rights and freedoms and you were all about "screw the liberals, if it'll stop a terrorist attack, it's A-OK in your book". Do you think Mr Von Brunn or Scott Roeder "look like a terrorist"? Or is it just brown people in your opinion? Not that you had any credibility to begin with, this is just another example of your hate-driven, double-standard hipocracy.
Not that you had any credibility to begin with, this is just another example of your hate-driven, double-standard hipocracy.
Thanks for showing up every six or 12 months or whatever it is and adding your -$.02 worth.

I am all about profiling. If you think I fit the profile, you're a dumbass. Plain and simple.

The point is we don't profile in any way that makes any sense.

OK, Let's profile everybody that buys a one way ticket.

Does a suicide bomber really give a fcuk if he spends another $150.00 to avoid scruntiny on his one-way mission?

Liberals like you are such complete, f'in stupid jokes I can't stand it.

Cry about the personal insults.

If you showed up more than twice a year to stir the pot I might show a little more leniancy but your trolling is getting sooooooooooo tiresome.
Listen to the guy who shows up every 6 months and farts on the forum talking about credibility.
I heard about this a few weeks ago. If I ever get the survey, I'll send it back unfilled out and attach a $5000 check to it.

But I doubt I'll ever get such a form to fill out. 99% of the stuff I own is owned by various businesses. Not much in my name, so I stay well below the census "radar".

I've been getting a guy from the Census Bureau at my door every other day and keeps leaving his card and a form saying that they want me to take this god damn survey.......and I'm tired of their harassment...Hell I'm gonna call my lawyers and see what they can say about the "false" information piece since I have high class of ADD/ADHD forgetfulness is part of who I am. So hense it would be prejudice to fine me because of my "social disability" which the government describes my ADD/ADHD as :p
*Pulls the Hodgden Benchmark Powder down off the shelf, pours it in the despenser, and procedes to reload all the bullets I can.*
Damn government...I'm gonna comply but I better get no f*cking fines........If they wanna know how much toilet paper I use then I'll show them the prove cause I'll save a pine for them if they want it..... Make a fudge cake for em :-D
Funny. You make a statist comment about trying out for sheriff so you can bully people

Dahahaha, seems like you think I'm saying more than I am. I said I'll get in somebodys business if the situation warrants it. If you're driving like a jackass, I'll 'get in your business' and write you a citation. If you're getting robbed, I'll 'get in your business' and arrest the suspect. But if I ask to search your car, and you use your right to say no, fine with me as long as there isn't probable cause. Like I said, if the situation warrants it.

In my book, getting into somebody elses business ISN'T a job.

How exactly is civilized society supposed to work without, say, a police force which by it's nature 'gets in someones business?'

What is your reasoning for saying the right is so "militant/extreme?"

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying 'the right' in general is militant. I'm saying some of you guys in this forum are, like fossten for instance.
How exactly is civilized society supposed to work without, say, a police force which by it's nature 'gets in someones business?'
A police force isn't supposed to get in people's business in the form that the Census Bureau is. That's what we're talking about. A police force is supposed to serve the public by fighting crime.
How exactly is civilized society supposed to work without, say, a police force which by it's nature 'gets in someones business?'

The Census Bureau is a FEDERAL organization and the police are NOT FEDERAL. They are two different roles that serve different functions; they are not really analogous.
A police force isn't supposed to get in people's business in the form that the Census Bureau is. That's what we're talking about. A police force is supposed to serve the public by fighting crime.

Right, they're different. The Census Bureau is supposed to serve the public by surveying the population and providing appropriate data, so it's a different way of getting in people's business. If the Census Bureau conducting a census gets your vag sandy, you're beyond reason, and I'm about done with this thread.
If the Census Bureau conducting a census gets your vag sandy, you're beyond reason, and I'm about done with this thread.

Does the "census bureau" decide what information is pertinent for a census? Or, as you said, "appropriate."
Where does such a power come from? Can they arbitrarily decide what information is necessary to include and have the ability to use law enforcement and the court system to exercise and enforce their decisions?

Why is it different for the census bureau to compel you to tell them you're personal habits? If a police officer or congressman asks you those questions, do you have to answer?

I'm not following your logic. It's the governments obligation to get "into our business" in this example because- the government has simply decided it wants to know?

Furthermore, before you made you statements, are you aware whether this information is going to be kept "private" or if it'll be made available to other areas of the government and business?
Of course, an old census "employee" will defend them to the hilt because they signed his paycheck for x amount of time. I've come to the conclusion that MediumD's opinion on this matter doesnt count. How is that for an arbitrary decision MediumD?

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