Off Roading Is No Problem


Active LVC Member
Jul 23, 2004
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About two or three months ago I took my 2002 Cadillas STS on a camping trip for my son. I was quite worried about how the car would hand the bumpy narrow passage to the campsite in the Northern Laurentians in near Montreal. To my surprise the car was great it took the large ridges and down hill turning like I was parking it. I enjoy driving this car and the gas mileage is good for its size and I feel I made an exelent choice buying this Caddy.

I would also like to ask anyone to take a look in my member garage and tell me what you think about the license plate on the front of my car. I edited it out and put the two pictures side by side. I cant dicide, can you?
Definately better without the front plate. As with almost any car. I just wish Illinois didn't require them.
Wow, I thouhgt that PA was the only non-front plate state......I like it without....... :Beer
Did you get any funny looks from other campers in their trucks and suv's? My opinion is that it looks better without the front plate. Oklahoma doesn't require front plantes either.

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