im working on the pics, but i was more worried about everyone getting back home, so im checking the forums now
no we didnt feel like ribs, so ms chicken, jason, martin and gia and i all went and had burgers at the double k (the last bar on the poker walk)
Also is Debi still lost?
Well at Lansing we went up to the park at the top of the bluff.. Sorry to hear about the rim...
I wonder if Debi knows what powers the windmills?
Oh now don't start this.. Debi will be asking until she passes those windmills what's up with them?
Pepps mentioned a charging system problem, was that the issue?
Unity it wasn't a charging system problem, I had to get a serpentine belt replaced as well as another radiator. I didn't get back on the road until a little after 7:00pm yesrerday.
Friggin Honda Flag.........
Friggin Honda Flag.........
Yeah really...Rich, why?Should have been a flag with a 4 point star.
Hey You could have brought a Chicago Flag and Flown it also....
How about a Bears or Cubs flag? Think that will go over well? lol
I got yelled at in the second bar because I was wearing a Cubs shirt on friday
Ouch, I don't like the way that fender sticks out so far. I know it's suppose to a little, to help reduce some wind noise, but that looks extreme.