Official 5th Annual Boscboel Beach Party Thread

Well smoking tires may cause some dirt to land on Tux ... so I doubt she'll wear our the tires ... Wear out a few Neighbor kids maybe .... usually doesn't pay too much attention to the Neighbor kids ....
kids = speedbumps...and yes, as much as I love doing burn outs, the dang crap on his side panels suck to clean off!!!!
Hey Pepps you are falling down on the job ... might have to fire you as head Beach Party Liaison and Thread Bumper ...

Liaison Def ... (Who can find Pepps definition of the word)

Main Entry: li·ai·son
Pronunciation: \ˈlē-ə-ˌzän, lē-ˈā-, ÷ˈlā-ə-\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Middle French, from lier, from Old French
Date: circa 1648
1 : a binding or thickening agent used in cooking
2 a : a close bond or connection : interrelationship b : an illicit sexual relationship : affair 3a
3 a : communication for establishing and maintaining mutual understanding and cooperation (as between parts of an armed force) b : one that establishes and maintains liaison
Sorry about that but i do have news the money is in place for the trip to Boscobel, Oh and i am working on a sound system for the TC.. :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Luxury Muscle

It looks like there may be a few of us from Luxury Muscle attending this year, our club has grown a lot this year thanks in part to LVC and some of it's members. We recently had 15 Lincolns show up for a meet by Kansas Speedway. Then we had six later on that evening at the local Bass Pro shops.
It looks like at least four so far from the KC area may be on our way up in July. We hope to have more by then. Thanks for everything LVC.
Steve Burns-Luxury Muscle president

2010 1st Linc Meet017.jpg

2010 1st Linc Meet029.jpg

Hey Pepps,
I will see what I can do. I might try and bring one for myself for the weekend, I'll see if I can get one for you also. We may try and see if there is a Hooters anywhere up there, arrange a stop and a photo session for us in Wisconsin. Anyway, have a great day, I am working at the speed shop today. Johnny Ray's in Lee Summit,Mo tonight(it's a Hot Rod Cruise) Peace
There is still plenty of time to make plans on attending the meet in Boscobel on the third weekend in July. :cool: :cool: :cool:
The money is in place for this meet, all i am waiting for is the day to leave for Boscobel. :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
i don't know, mike leaves CO on wed,here Thur then we'll all head out Fri. Good times-I love a caravan of mark viii's!

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