Guess I can post a few, no ones ever seen me before..
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First day First LS July 2008
See, with your display name, I thought you were a brotha'. You never know. Cute kid by the way!
Guess I can post a few, no ones ever seen me before..
Posted Oldest to newest.
First day First LS July 2008
I guess I walked into that one
haha thats a mean guess...last max bench was 325Mel can bench 300lbs. true story.
+1The thread is bumped lets see some new pics!
haha thats a mean guess...last max bench was 325
At the Niners game last year... I'm on the right.
Boo Ravens! I wanted a Pats vs. Niners Super Bowl so bad last year!![]()
Me, last year, in a Volvo 670 fully loaded.
~ just before crossing a small old "questionable" heritage bridge in the backwoods of Nova Scotia Canada.
View attachment 828459444
... made it!
I was at Pats/Giants in Indy. Forgot all about these pictures. Enjoy
Me holding Bradshaw game jersey and pads.
Me with Jake Ballard.
Me with Edie George.
Media interview booth.
Me at midfield.
Me with 2 of the Giants offensive line men. I felt tiny between those two.
Me at media day.
show off!
I could have done without those Indy pictures. Brings back bad memories.
Sorry, not ignoring you Robot, just got back, finished 3 back-forth Ontario to NJ loads this whole week. ($$$)
I was only in that Volvo as a loaner for about 2 weeks or so ... I don't recall all the details on the wipers, I only recall taking that thing across a pint size old bridge on a dirt road.