couple of new pics with the sentas on. now i just need to lower.
couple of new pics with the sentas on. now i just need to lower.
couple of new pics with the sentas on. now i just need to lower.
Looks very good coleio. I love the Sentas on an LS but ALOT of people are getting them lately. I believe Sentas are the wheel Lincoln should've offered as an option on the LS...atleast in a 19" version.
yeah i thought 20s might be too big but so far no rubbing at all with 245/35 series tires. i probably will if i lower it. yeah ive had my sentas for awhile but all this weather and such kept me from putting them on. glad my stock lincoln center caps fit too. cost $115 for mount and balance, put new lugs and wheel locks on and lifetime nitrogen fill.
are all sentas 20's or were there 19's as well?
Yes please... Not enough people are posting pics up here anymore. I don't care if its clean /dirty. In your driveway/ or in front of a lake. Post pics of your sexy car people! Lol
Before I put her away for the winter..
Black Beauty at the paint shop getting a fresh coat, and all of the minor imperfections perfected!!!:wave
just messing around and found some pics that the painter took of my car when he finished it. He them on his facebook page and i saved them. Even though they are a year old i thought i would still share with you guys.
that paint!!!
Jay, maybe think about getting them to plug the holes on the front bumper where the plate holder is now and move the plate down into the grille with brackets.
Before I put her away for the winter..
Just messing around and found some pics that the painter took of my car when he finished it. He them on his Facebook page and I saved them. Even though they are a year old I thought I would still share with you guys.
Thanks for your advice would look cool, however called the shop and he is already spraying her.