Upstairs Chris
Dedicated LVC Member
Words can not describe my jealosy for a red LS
Wow, was just about to type something here and we had a little earthquake, lasted about 15-20 seconds, rattled the whole house, dog didn't like it too much.
anyhow ... PHOTO SHOOT WEEKEND CHALLENGE !!! Let's see some good weather LS pics.
Earthquakes Canada reports automatic detection of a "seismic event": magnitude 4.8 centred near Braeside, Ontario.
Automatic detection of seismic event: magnitude 4.2 - 17 May 9:53 EDT - BRAESIDE, ON region
EARTHQUAKE Mag=5.1 on 17 May at 09:43 EDT.
21 km NE of Shawville, QC
59 km WNW of Gatineau, QC
Automatic detection of seismic event: magnitude 4.8 - 17 May 9:43 EDT - BRAESIDE, ON region
~ LOL, little tremor, don't get those here often.
Hey man did you paint the chrome stuff, if so how did you do it?
View attachment 828458672 soooo.... who is this?? Found on Reddit.
Edit- I'm pretty sure its a LS but I'm unsure based on the door handle.
Just got her washed & waxed yesterday pulled her out for a few pics sorry they're upside down iPhone is being a b****
Just got her washed & waxed yesterday pulled her out for a few pics sorry they're upside down iPhone is being a b****
Do you have the Men in Black option?
BigRigls I think?
BigRig, this is in reference to your pics. Looks like you found my wheels without any help from me (sorry I've been AWOL for about a year). What I'm hoping I CAN help with is some center emblems for them. I'll have to do some digging, but there was a company that posted that they were making them a few years back. I think it was Fast Parts Network, but I could totally off on that. I'll do some digging and let you know.
digging behing my intake manifold. Been looking for these for the past 2+ years:
Tip of the day: check behind your intake manifold!
Damn! I would have bought new ones.
It's been awhile since your last beating I can tell !!!
PS: I don't own dumb shirts like that.
Thanks Tru!
I got your PM's ... I managed on the center caps, had some emblems made up from an eBay vendor.
Say, I noticed in one of your older posts, yours are 48mm offset, mine are 40 and were only available as such.
Still got those same wheels ?