Official LS Picture Thread

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  • Never-before-seen Pics? = WHO CARES, it's an LS!




[not to be ever outdone, the BigRig sneaks in a lays down the 7800th post]

Very nice!!! Did you actually take her out of hibernation or are these from the past??
No, we still got several feet of snow here, you know that white stuff that falls from the skies, you might have seen it on the news or such.

Last fall pics when i just had the cosmetics finished on it. I promise some new pics this spring ASAP. No worries.

And when it does come out of hibernation, first thing on the agenda is to get those chrome tips removed and the exhaust redone by someone that actually knows what they are doing, not just tells me they know what they are doing.
No, we still got several feet of snow here, you know that white stuff that falls from the skies, you might have seen it on the news or such.

And when it does come out of hibernation, first thing on the agenda is to get those chrome tips removed and the exhaust redone by someone that actually knows what they are doing, not just tells me they know what they are doing.

I've heard of "snow"..... But the cops usually confiscate the stuff and throw you in jail!! :LOL: True story, When we lived in SLC Utah came out with new license plates with the motto "Greatest Snow on Earth". There was actually a movement trying to eliminate/change the motto as they didn't want Utah to be known as a druggie state!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!

Really??? I think the tips give the LS a Marauder look...... Now, if you hate it, it IS your car!!


Naaa, no more chrome tips, gonna try something more hidden and black it out.
I know this is not an LS but, there is a reason I put these pics here. There is something unique about this Jaguar S-Type VDP. See if you can spot it.
Because the wheel sticks out further than the tire.
Ok, I will let you know the front and rear tires are the same size. This example actually has 9.5" width wheels in the rear. These are STR wheels. Some Florida tire retailer idiot sold her non-staggered tires for staggered wheels.
Ok, I will let you know the front and rear tires are the same size. This example actually has 9.5" width wheels in the rear. These are STR wheels. Some Florida tire retailer idiot sold her non-staggered tires for staggered wheels.

I noticed the wheel type, but couldn't tell the size from the picture.
I know this is not an LS but, there is a reason I put these pics here. There is something unique about this Jaguar S-Type VDP. See if you can spot it.

I'm gonna need her to wipe down those rims a lil bit at least. Geesh. That is one thing that erks my nerves. People buying rims and not keeping them sh!ts clean. WTAF?

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