Missing Linc'
Dedicated LVC Member
lol I can't get hand tats or I lose my job![]()
Pete do you have any tattoos?
lol I can't get hand tats or I lose my job![]()
Pete do you have any tattoos?
my trainer has me on an all protein diet, mostly meats, for a while, would it be ok to have peanuts
Id like to hear more about this.
well I've been in and out of jail because of my bipolar disorder... I mean, I just get downright enraged... cold sweats, voice changes into meniacle ranting, increased strength, racing thoughts
it has it's perks but all in all it's just bad news...
after my last stint in jail (a group of ricers thought it would be cool to beat on my friends mustang with bats and the like, so I went in and defended it... a smaller kid with a bat got in my face so I layed him out with a set of brass knuckles, most ran away but 4 of them stuck around... when I left one of them threw a torque wrench at my lincoln and a white light snapped in my vision and I pulled a complete 180 and sent the kdi over the hood) I realized it was time to control my anger, and it took about 2 years, but finally I seem to be a normal member of society, I get mad for like 5 seconds just like anyone else and just move on... and so about 2 years ago I decided I would get the numbers 1-10 in picked spots throughout my upper torso to signify the anger... A. as a trophy for conquering it and B. because I conquered it myself, without any medication or doctors... and people would always tell me "get your anger out in some way punch a pillow or COUNT TO TEN".... obviously they never worked... but now that I have it under control my anger is truly "OUT"... so I guess you could say it's a mockery of these failboat ways doctors tell you to control your anger and a personal badge of what I needed to do most in my life... so in essence I found my theoretical numbers that I needed to count xD
Interesting. I used to have anger issues, now I'm jus like fcuk it (when it comes to the reason of my anger)
This stuff works pretty well from GNC for creatine. I personally don't take it but a few of my friends love it.
I hadn't lifted in a while, to me it began to get a little old. I use to lift at the community college where I live and they had a huge indoor climbing wall. Starting doing that and got hooked. I know its completely different but its a total body work out. Especially for your back, shoulder, and forearms. I'm 6'1", and I use to be 210 when I was lifting. Not really chubby, just "bulkier", after rock climbing I've dropped to 195. Occassionally I'll lift to keep things balanced. With climbing sometimes I get my cardio hiking to the location and it also targets your core. Plus you get to be outdoors! Its summer, enjoy the weather!