Oh great...just what we F*cking need - Porn Police

raVeneyes said:

Talk about wastes of money!!! Yeah small government ... right ... just small enough to be a fly on my wall and tell me it's not right that I beat off at 2 AM every second Thursday...

Um RaVeneyes Pat Robertson left this message for you!:ban

god kills kitten.jpg
mespock said:
Slippery Slope I don't want Rednecks running around toting guns killing people they don't like because they are drunk and disorderly. I fear for all those women whose Redneck Drunk husband comes home and pulling out the gun that they are toting and killing because they are a Redneck dumb ass who think that toting a gun will make them a big guy or increase their dick size.

But I can't own my rifles to go hunting or to the shooting range? I'm not going to kill someone unless they are breaking into my house and threatening my life or the life of someone I love. But that's not why I own my guns. I own them because I like to hunt. Do you now see that slippery slope? I understand raveneyes problem, although I disagree. You are just being difficult rich. How many drunk rednecks off their wives to have bigger penises? I haven't seen many cases of that in the news lately. Guns are a tool. It takes either improper handling or an intent to hurt to actually do harm to someone. But in both cases you could take those scenarios to many other things. I also happen to be a cook. Are you going to take my butcher knife away because it can be used to hack people to death? The gun issue is a slippery slope because it doesn't stop with guns. Next thing you know we will be using circles of paper and safety pencils(Simpson's quote!). I haven't read much about what Bush is doing in this case, but if he's just going afterchild pornographers, people need to shut the hell up. That's like getting pissed at him for cracking down on pot dealers because eventually he could come after cigarette vendors. One is illegal and one is not. There is no slippery slope there. It stops with the law. I do disagree with you raveneyes on the whole change the channel if you don't want to see it. But I don't think it's the place of the government to change. Sometimes I'm tired of seeing sticoms with 16 year old girls have sex problems. It makes me sick. If I had a daughter she wouldn't watch much besides Discovery Channel and the Science Channel. Unfortunately, I can't control what she does when I'm not there. I just wish the networks would get some good humor that doesn't always have to be about sex on TV. I don't mind seeing it, but sometimes it's like "Just make some new jokes". That's why I hated Will and Grace. It was funny the frst few episodes. But there is only so many times I can laugh at one gay guy calling another a queer. That's why shows like the Simpsons are so liked. It's not just the same old thing, well it used to be that way anyways.

If you want what you want talk to your kid and disagree with public school then home school your kid or send them to the private school. There are more people and religions in our schools who said you're religion is the right one.

My problem is that too many teachers take it upon themselves to teach their own values in school. I had that even in private school. And you can't police them all the time. Even if you start to watch teachers, then they'd go complain to the union anyways. It's hard to find a solution there.
raVeneyes said:
So you think the answer is to make our world like the Arab world? I don't. I enjoy having the freedom to say/do as I please with very few restraints.

Nooo my friend. Conservatives and the religious right want to cut my sack off so I do as they dictate...I've never heard one liberal even come close to the level of censorship that many conservatives wish to achieve.

Helloooo. Restricting children from praying in school IS a liberal agenda, and it IS restricting freedom. Conservatives want this PERMITTED, not forced. Liberals want evolution forced and creation and prayer eliminated.
mespock said:
If you want what you want talk to your kid and disagree with public school then home school your kid or send them to the private school.

Okay, but then why is it that every time a bill with school vouchers comes up for vote the Lib Dems in Congress vote it down? Why should parents not get a tax deduction for choosing where to send their children to school?

It's your libwack friends in the Fed Gov that want ALL THE MONEY and ALL THE CONTROL but NONE OF THE FAIRNESS.
fossten said:
Helloooo. Restricting children from praying in school IS a liberal agenda, and it IS restricting freedom. Conservatives want this PERMITTED, not forced. Liberals want evolution forced and creation and prayer eliminated.

No no no no no! NO!

School led prayer is forcing children to conform to religious values...that is a restriction of freedom. I have no problem with allowing children to pray to whatever deity they please while in school, but having an announcement at the beginning of school leading a school prayer is not right.


Conservatives want Forced not Permitted. Conservatives want to force my children to learn about "intelligent design"...when I don't even believe in the God that is supposed to have lead that design! NO! You can teach all the intelligent design you want at home, otherwise teach children scientific method and logical deduction.
barry2952 said:
Can anyone tell me why prostitution is illegal? Why is it that a woman can give it away, but she can't sell it. Seem illogical to me.

Prostitution has been made illegal throughout history for several reasons:

One; It's believed to be degrading to women and society.

Two; Legal prostitution makes it harder to prevent women from being used as prostitues against their will.

Three; Prostitution usually goes hand in hand with other behaviors that are linked to declining societies.

Four; It accelerates the spread of many diseases.

Many things illegal today were legal in the past. If you question why they became illegal look at what has happened in the past.

This is true of politics as well. There is little new under the sun. Look at the words and actions of movers and shakers in the past and you will see the true Hitlers, Stalins, Pol Pots, and Lenins of today. Avoid the ignorance of labels and really see what these people said AND did, you will find many parallels in todays world.

Why do those supporting civil unrest, social disruption, and terrorist often seem to be well educated, wealthy, children of elites? Has anyone read 'A Chantle For Liebowitz'? Perhaps that is the way we should go, distaining education for the trouble it has brought with it. Do we really have a better society that some tribe in the backwaters of the Amazon?

Prayer in schools doesn't infringe on anyones "freedoms" other than the immature "freedom" to not have to listen to things you may disagree with. I don't believe anyone has been swayed to toss their beliefs aside because they heard a prayer in school, or anywhere else for that matter. If prayers offend you perhaps your not as liberal and tolerant as you wish others to believe. 'I have two mommies' in school is fine, but references to someone/thing you can turn to for support in times of personal troubles is not?

Prayer in schools, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, and a single common language are but some of the things that help unify our society, stir the melting pot, so to speak. Diversity is distructive to societies, driving wedges between different relgious, ethnic, and behavioral groups. Look at India and the Balkans, these are fine examples of what diversity sows.

It is one thing to be tolerant of different peoples and another to "Balkanize" your society.
Malena said:
My problem is that too many teachers take it upon themselves to teach their own values in school. I had that even in private school. And you can't police them all the time. Even if you start to watch teachers, then they'd go complain to the union anyways. It's hard to find a solution there.

Too many parents don't teach anything! Too many parent are too concerned about their own free time and fun time kids are second thought..

You ever seen a child waiting after school to be picked up buy the parent who said I'll be there for you but when the time comes they are drunk down at the bar.

Have you seen the face of the children who can't get their parents to sign permission slips because they were too tired after being out all day and all night, and now th child can't attend programs.

Have you seen the bruises on the children after their parents have beaten the :q:q:q:q out of them.

Have you seen the children coming to school in dirty filthy close because their parents are too busy to do the laundry.

Have you seen the children who come to school with homework not finished because no one is at home to tell them to get their work finished.

Have you seen the children who come to school with no lunches or lunch money because their parents have drank the lunch money away.

Don't ever tell me what is happening in school unless you have your ass in that school for a year seeing what is actually happening.

Oh and to address your gun issue.. I never said you can't own guns... I'm against concealed weapons. I believe we have the rights to own and posses guns. I have problems with people driving around my community with concealed hand guns. In the bars at night with concealed hand guns.

I'm not read to go back to shoot outs on my main street.
mach8 said:
Prayer in schools doesn't infringe on anyones "freedoms" other than the immature "freedom" to not have to listen to things you may disagree with. I don't believe anyone has been swayed to toss their beliefs aside because they heard a prayer in school, or anywhere else for that matter. If prayers offend you perhaps your not as liberal and tolerant as you wish others to believe. 'I have two mommies' in school is fine, but references to someone/thing you can turn to for support in times of personal troubles is not?

Let's be much more specific here. I am not offended by prayer in school I *AM* offended by school led prayer. There is a very large gulf between the two and it is the gulf between free speech and an oppressive church led environment.

mach8 said:
Prayer in schools, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, and a single common language are but some of the things that help unify our society, stir the melting pot, so to speak. Diversity is distructive to societies, driving wedges between different relgious, ethnic, and behavioral groups. Look at India and the Balkans, these are fine examples of what diversity sows.

This society does not have a single common language. We are one of the only nations on the planet to not have an official language and that is as it should be. The Pledge I'll agree is unifying, but school led prayer is not...it's divisive and disruptive.

As far as diversity...diversity has always ALWAYS proven to be a better situation than homogeny.
mespock said:
Too many parents don't teach anything! Too many parent are too concerned about their own free time and fun time kids are second thought..

You ever seen a child waiting after school to be picked up buy the parent who said I'll be there for you but when the time comes they are drunk down at the bar.

Have you seen the face of the children who can't get their parents to sign permission slips because they were too tired after being out all day and all night, and now th child can't attend programs.

Have you seen the bruises on the children after their parents have beaten the :q:q:q:q out of them.

Have you seen the children coming to school in dirty filthy close because their parents are too busy to do the laundry.

Have you seen the children who come to school with homework not finished because no one is at home to tell them to get their work finished.

Have you seen the children who come to school with no lunches or lunch money because their parents have drank the lunch money away.

Don't ever tell me what is happening in school unless you have your ass in that school for a year seeing what is actually happening.

yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Have you heard young black kids tell black teachers that the only reason the teacher is telling them to stop tearing up school property is because they are black?

Have you seen elementary school kids dropped off at school from cars blasting the most racist, vulgar, hate filled "music" you've ever heard?

Have you had your child come home complaining the teacher swears at the class?(I smuggled a tape recorder into the class and took the tape to the counselor. I was informed I shouldn't have done that! No mention of the teachers misconduct. The joys of tenure and teachers unions)

Have you had your child come home telling you how the teacher spent their time pushing political views?

Have you had your child come home with evidence the teacher is unable to control the classroom?

Have you heard students talking about who's selling what at school?

Have you seen the scams the school admin plays to show they have high attendace levels and high grade point averages?

Have you tried to get your school to obey laws protecting students?

Don't say you know what is going on in schools unless you sit in on classes and are active in parent organizations too.

And people worry that being led in a prayer is the heavy hand of an oppresive theocracy? Get off it and worry about a real issue.
raVeneyes said:
No no no no no! NO!

School led prayer is forcing children to conform to religious values...that is a restriction of freedom. I have no problem with allowing children to pray to whatever deity they please while in school, but having an announcement at the beginning of school leading a school prayer is not right.


Conservatives want Forced not Permitted. Conservatives want to force my children to learn about "intelligent design"...when I don't even believe in the God that is supposed to have lead that design! NO! You can teach all the intelligent design you want at home, otherwise teach children scientific method and logical deduction.


First you misquote me and twist my words from 'prayer in school' to 'school led prayer' - a typical liberal tactic, but the usual standard by which you operate.

Secondly, we've already established, in a now deleted thread, that science is definitely NOT on the evolutionists' side here, and it's repression and dumbing down of YOUR children to force them to believe something that is consistently and more increasingly being disproven by old and new scientific findings! Furthermore, it is people like you who want to force children other than your own to have to believe that there is no God and that we all come from apes and slime that slithered in the muck billions of years ago! What an absolute crock!
fossten said:
First you misquote me and twist my words from 'prayer in school' to 'school led prayer' - a typical liberal tactic, but the usual standard by which you operate.

I didn't misquote anything...I was very specific and have made a very clear distinction between school led prayer and prayer in school the entire thread. If you feel misquoted then perhaps you should have been more specific in your argument

fossten said:
Secondly, we've already established, in a now deleted thread, that science is definitely NOT on the evolutionists' side here, and it's repression and dumbing down of YOUR children to force them to believe something that is consistently and more increasingly being disproven by old and new scientific findings! Furthermore, it is people like you who want to force children other than your own to have to believe that there is no God and that we all come from apes and slime that slithered in the muck billions of years ago! What an absolute crock!

Nothing about evolution theory says there is no God. Science and God are not mutually exclusive as that thread you're talking about has proven. The problem with teaching intelligent design in schools is that it forces the belief in a deity on children. I find that deification can be done at home when the children bring home what they've learned from school...the family's filter can then be placed on the information received. Until some other scientific (and by scientific I mean derived from observation and logic) theory comes to light to explain the origin of humans, then we will only be able to teach evolution. We still teach Newtonian physics in school even though it's not 100% accurate...this is because there is no better way to explain how science works and logical thought on scientific matters than to present a theory and show how it modifies over time...

Until God herself comes down here and forms a human being from dust, we can not use that as a theory of how the human species originated because we've never observed it, meanwhile we have observed the empirical evidence of evolution though there are blanks in the theory they aren't as large as the blanks in creationism or intelligent design.
mespock said:
Too many parents don't teach anything! Too many parent are too concerned about their own free time and fun time kids are second thought..

You ever seen a child waiting after school to be picked up buy the parent who said I'll be there for you but when the time comes they are drunk down at the bar.

Have you seen the face of the children who can't get their parents to sign permission slips because they were too tired after being out all day and all night, and now th child can't attend programs.

Have you seen the bruises on the children after their parents have beaten the :q:q:q:q out of them.

Have you seen the children coming to school in dirty filthy close because their parents are too busy to do the laundry.

Have you seen the children who come to school with homework not finished because no one is at home to tell them to get their work finished.

Have you seen the children who come to school with no lunches or lunch money because their parents have drank the lunch money away.

Don't ever tell me what is happening in school unless you have your ass in that school for a year seeing what is actually happening.

First, I get the feeling that you think I was confronting you on being a teacher that teaches your own ideologies. I don't think you are that kind of person Rich, so don't think that. But I still have a problem with teachers doing that same thing in the classroom. I am sure that you have seen some crazy :q:q:q:q in your time as a teacher, but I seriously doubt that even close to 50% of students are like that.

Oh and to address your gun issue.. I never said you can't own guns... I'm against concealed weapons. I believe we have the rights to own and posses guns. I have problems with people driving around my community with concealed hand guns. In the bars at night with concealed hand guns.

I'm not read to go back to shoot outs on my main street.

well good, I agree with you then. However, that is not the impression you gave me when you said that drunk rednecks are offing their wives in record numbers to increase the size of their pecker.
MAllen82 said:
First, I get the feeling that you think I was confronting you on being a teacher that teaches your own ideologies. I don't think you are that kind of person Rich, so don't think that. But I still have a problem with teachers doing that same thing in the classroom. I am sure that you have seen some crazy :q:q:q:q in your time as a teacher, but I seriously doubt that even close to 50% of students are like that.

It's a sore subject with me. I've heard so many time it's those damn teachers. You have 1% in any field who are a bunch of crap. I don't like them either and I fight with them all the time. I am a passive member of our union because I don't want to be associated with the :q:q:q:q in our district. As my son once asked one. When are you going to retire you're old enough.

One problem we have in schools is politics. People who have never been in a classroom except when they were in school trying to lay down policies which will not work. Look good on paper and sound good but they don't know what they are dealing with.

It seems many people think that all 22 of the the students I have in my classroom are excited to be there everyday, and that everyday it's the same thing.

I have 22 variables everyday that I have to figure out what is up with them and what happened at home or on the way to school. And you have at least 3 to 5 students who are always on the edge.

You have 20 + students who have almost as many learning styles and personalities styles and you pack them in a room that looks like they are in a sardine tin.

The problems with our schools is not the schools the problem is in what we have to do to acquire the government aid needed to run the schools. Also think about this (lucky I don't have this problem but) how many of you have to have your work scanned for weapons? Think about many of the city schools where the students are passed through detectors and monitored for weapons. With educational environments like that ask yourself is education the foremost issue or is it survival.

MAllen82 said:
well good, I agree with you then. However, that is not the impression you gave me when you said that drunk rednecks are offing their wives in record numbers to increase the size of their pecker.

Right now Wisconsin has the concealed weapons issue going through congress. I hate the idea and I fear for it. It puts too many weapons on the streets and too many people with attitudes with hidden weapons. It scares me.
fossten said:
Secondly, we've already established, in a now deleted thread, that science is definitely NOT on the evolutionists' side here, and it's repression and dumbing down of YOUR children to force them to believe something that is consistently and more increasingly being disproven by old and new scientific findings! Furthermore, it is people like you who want to force children other than your own to have to believe that there is no God and that we all come from apes and slime that slithered in the muck billions of years ago! What an absolute crock!

Huh? Science is now on the 'Creation' side? Science proves that two people populated the planet, which is now over 6 billion people? Science proves that dinosaur remains which science has dated to be hundreds of millions of years old while the oldest modern human remains found several hundred thousand somehow existed together? I think science is definitely not on the side of the 'Creation' myth. Also, science doesn't dictate that no God exist, it just dispels a few religious stories.

A magical garden where Adam/Eve lived in harmony with the lion, sheep and the tyrannosaurus. That sir is an absolute crock.
raVeneyes said:
I didn't misquote anything...I was very specific and have made a very clear distinction between school led prayer and prayer in school the entire thread. If you feel misquoted then perhaps you should have been more specific in your argument

Nothing about evolution theory says there is no God. Science and God are not mutually exclusive as that thread you're talking about has proven. The problem with teaching intelligent design in schools is that it forces the belief in a deity on children. I find that deification can be done at home when the children bring home what they've learned from school...the family's filter can then be placed on the information received. Until some other scientific (and by scientific I mean derived from observation and logic) theory comes to light to explain the origin of humans, then we will only be able to teach evolution. We still teach Newtonian physics in school even though it's not 100% accurate...this is because there is no better way to explain how science works and logical thought on scientific matters than to present a theory and show how it modifies over time...

Until God herself comes down here and forms a human being from dust, we can not use that as a theory of how the human species originated because we've never observed it, meanwhile we have observed the empirical evidence of evolution though there are blanks in the theory they aren't as large as the blanks in creationism or intelligent design.

Wrong again, twice. You DID misquote me.

Wrong. Intelligent design, which you have just illustrated that you have not even bothered to research, does NOT assert the existence of God. It merely shows the presence of design in nature by using the very science that evolution ignores or tries to explain away. In doing so, it allows people (egads!) to make their own intelligent decision instead of force-feeding bullcrap 'empirical' make-believe evolutionary 'evidence.'

Perhaps you should try researching before you start asserting.
fossten said:
Wrong again, twice. You DID misquote me.
You are so full of SH!T. Why don't you copy and paste my misquote and show me where I misquoted you. Nothing I have quoted of yours is at all altered in any way...I never retype any of your words unlike you with mine.

Go fly a kite

fossten said:
Wrong. Intelligent design, which you have just illustrated that you have not even bothered to research, does NOT assert the existence of God. It merely shows the presence of design in nature by using the very science that evolution ignores or tries to explain away. In doing so, it allows people (egads!) to make their own intelligent decision instead of force-feeding bullcrap 'empirical' make-believe evolutionary 'evidence.'

Perhaps you should try researching before you start asserting.
Perhaps you should try knowing words before you put them in quotes. Evidence isn't made up. The only thing you could even say is in question is theories that are brought about because of the evidence, and that has always been the case. Interpreting the evidence is what science is all about.
Why can't we just make this rule?

No pornography may show any living thing that cannot by law sign a release be it real, drawn, or computer generated. So no kids...no animals. Then enforce the law.
raVeneyes said:
You are so full of SH!T. Why don't you copy and paste my misquote and show me where I misquoted you. Nothing I have quoted of yours is at all altered in any way...I never retype any of your words unlike you with mine.

Go fly a kite

Perhaps you should try knowing words before you put them in quotes. Evidence isn't made up. The only thing you could even say is in question is theories that are brought about because of the evidence, and that has always been the case. Interpreting the evidence is what science is all about.

Awwww, did I hurt your po wittle feewings with my superior arguments? There there, go home and suck your thumb and have a nice little cry and it'll be all over soon.

You got whipped in the last evolution debate. You sure you want some more?
"Superior arguements" Sounds like someone has a complex.

Fossten, I really do not want to jump in between you and Raven, but how can you accuse him of 'crying like a baby', when your last ditch tactic when you bury yourself is the usual "Blah Blah Blah liberal personal attack Blah Blah" line?


I'd like some of the Evolution debate.... Go see my earlier post on this thread.
fossten said:
Awwww, did I hurt your po wittle feewings with my superior arguments? There there, go home and suck your thumb and have a nice little cry and it'll be all over soon.

You got whipped in the last evolution debate. You sure you want some more?

I sure hope this isn't a self-proclaimed victory on the evolution debate. The only one who thinks your arguments are suprior is yourself.

It's like the little kid on that Movie "Big Daddy" the only game he can play is I win... It's himself proclaiming that he won. Nothing else!

Even the Pope voted you off the Island!
fossten said:
Awwww, did I hurt your po wittle feewings with my superior arguments? There there, go home and suck your thumb and have a nice little cry and it'll be all over soon.

You got whipped in the last evolution debate. You sure you want some more?

What superior argument nimrod...no you didn't hurt my feelings you just hurt my faith in human intelligence.

You are a moron...still... I did not misquote you and so all you can say is "you misquoted me" over and over until it doesn't mean anything and I just get frustrated and lose my temper. If I misquoted you...ever...prove it!
raVeneyes said:
What superior argument nimrod...no you didn't hurt my feelings you just hurt my faith in human intelligence.

You are a moron...still... I did not misquote you and so all you can say is "you misquoted me" over and over until it doesn't mean anything and I just get frustrated and lose my temper. If I misquoted you...ever...prove it!

"Beware of the dark side. Anger...fear...aggression. The dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight."

Circa A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away

Raven, don't let him get to you like that, it's his lousy tactic, you'll become like him. Like you said, all he can do is make empty accusations and thinly veiled insults.

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