barry2952 said:
Can anyone tell me why prostitution is illegal? Why is it that a woman can give it away, but she can't sell it. Seem illogical to me.
Prostitution has been made illegal throughout history for several reasons:
One; It's believed to be degrading to women and society.
Two; Legal prostitution makes it harder to prevent women from being used as prostitues against their will.
Three; Prostitution usually goes hand in hand with other behaviors that are linked to declining societies.
Four; It accelerates the spread of many diseases.
Many things illegal today were legal in the past. If you question why they became illegal look at what has happened in the past.
This is true of politics as well. There is little new under the sun. Look at the words and actions of movers and shakers in the past and you will see the true Hitlers, Stalins, Pol Pots, and Lenins of today. Avoid the ignorance of labels and really see what these people said AND did, you will find many parallels in todays world.
Why do those supporting civil unrest, social disruption, and terrorist often seem to be well educated, wealthy, children of elites? Has anyone read 'A Chantle For Liebowitz'? Perhaps that is the way we should go, distaining education for the trouble it has brought with it. Do we really have a better society that some tribe in the backwaters of the Amazon?
Prayer in schools doesn't infringe on anyones "freedoms" other than the immature "freedom" to not have to listen to things you may disagree with. I don't believe anyone has been swayed to toss their beliefs aside because they heard a prayer in school, or anywhere else for that matter. If prayers offend you perhaps your not as liberal and tolerant as you wish others to believe. 'I have two mommies' in school is fine, but references to someone/thing you can turn to for support in times of personal troubles is not?
Prayer in schools, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, and a single common language are but some of the things that help unify our society, stir the melting pot, so to speak. Diversity is distructive to societies, driving wedges between different relgious, ethnic, and behavioral groups. Look at India and the Balkans, these are fine examples of what diversity sows.
It is one thing to be tolerant of different peoples and another to "Balkanize" your society.