Oil in coolant?


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 30, 2012
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Hello all, I was thinking about buying another LS and returning to LvC. I see an '03 v8 with fairly high miles (176k) but the car is in absolute mint condition and the guy is selling it at a bargain price. The issue is: Oil in the coolant but no coolant in the oil. While I know this sounds like a headgasket problem, I find it hard to believe these car's can blow head gaskets. What should I look for? Any probable causes?
could be a bad oil cooler. since the oil cooler works by running coolant though a heat exchange at the oil filter.
since oil pressure is greater than the pressure of the coolant system, only oil tends to leak into the coolant when it fails instead of coolant leaking into the oil.
Well, i went to take a look at the car. Indeed there is oil in the coolant, but the engine is knocking and has a rough idle. Also, the oil light is on (of which I assume oil pressure is lost due to the oil cooler being ruptured. Do you guys think this motor has a chance of being revived?
... Do you guys think this motor has a chance of being revived?

No, I wouldn't touch it. Either they went too long with a bad cooler, or this is another problem (like maybe they hydrolocked it).

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