Just a normal torque wrench. First screw all the bolts in hand tight. Then set the torque wrench to 5 Nm and tighten all bolts in sequence. Then set it to 12 Nm and tighten all the bolts again, in the same sequence.
Sequence below.
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What is a good thing to use in cleaning the pan and screws prior to reapplying new gasket?
Is there any special kind of adhesive to use when putting on the new oil pan gasket??
Brake parts cleaner usually works pretty well.
There's no requirement for any sealant on the oil pan gasket. If you really want to put something, ultra-black would probably be good.
I'd get the remainder of the bolt out and replace it.
Is there a special way to get it out that you could suggest? there is nothing to latch onto.
I dropped the oil pan on my LS V8 today. I removed the oil pickup tube and washed out the screen. There was oil under the gasket in the gasket groove of the lower engine. I cleaned this out the best I could with a towel over a screwdriver. How clean is clean enough?I got my pan gasket from Tasca. When the pan is off, it is also a good idea to remove the oil pump pickup and clean the junk out of it. Mine was full of timing chain guides lol.