Ok, I have seen it all now.

I see stuff like this more and more. People with wrecked cars, cars with no title, cars with bad motors and are 15-20 years old and they want $1000 or more for them. Sorry, just because it's a Honda doesn't mean that your 92 Civic with a bad motor and 196K miles is worth $1500.
Dude why do I have the feeling that you won't stop until you have another black on black!:)

Because your feeling is correct. I must have another black on black Gen 1 and I would prefer it to be an LSC. I don't feel like converting one over to an LSC. I'm going to find out what the problem is with that black LSC in PA. I feel like flying again.
No chicken, that thing has been discussed here and on the other boards MANY times. That price is NOT a typo!!!! :lol:

I didn't even click the link, but I know who it will be - Don Zeilstra, an art dealer who isn't too far from me.

LMAO....You need to go visit Don, maybe you have.
I would want to look at his car, act extra serious.

Then offer him $3500. :D
LMAO....You need to go visit Don, maybe you have.
I would want to look at his car, act extra serious.

Then offer him $3500. :D

Lolz Fordnut - I am gonna take a drive by there sometime, but I don't want to meet the owner. (might hit me with his golf clubs - :lol:)
Please do and when he comes here, maybe he'll look below and see what 2G's buys you. Someone would have to be insane to pay $2000 for that POS. 1/2 of it is missing and he wants someone to pay for the money he has put into it for fixing it? That means I could sell my 94 (and we all know what it looks like :)) for about $4000 :rolleyes:

LMFAO This is his response as I figured...
so is his asking price, what is he a :q:q:q:qing moron, look at the car its :q:q:q:qing wrecked and he wants 2 g's he needs to get his god dam head checked. i bought this for $500 dollars mr. wrecked pile of :q:q:q:q seller. since someone showed you this i know you'll look, $500 bucks buddy, 123k miles gorgeous car with over 1500 dollars of new parts, and i still got it for $500, and you want 2 grand for that heap of :q:q:q:q?????


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