Ok i just got slaughtered lol


Well-Known LVC Member
Feb 6, 2009
Reaction score
Long Island
By a ZX2 ESCORT!!!!! Me and a couple buddies came from the movies, seen "taken" it was awesome. We're leaving the movies, driving to the bagel store, we get there and a bunch of people are over there. We go to leave, and as we do i notice this loud car near me. It was a black small car-i thought it was a civic. Looked like a jelly bean haha.

He was driving beside me, with a girl in his passenger seat. His car sounded like a mix between a civic and a wrx sti-a deep sounding 4 banger. We get to a light (it's 1:30am), my buddy rolls down the window and asks what the dude has done to his car. This guy was cool, he smiled and said "not too much, just enough to beat most stangs". He revs on me at the light near walmart (1/2 mile of dead road) so i rev back. He then says we should "let them loose" lol. The light turns green, we launch hard, i spin till 30mph then take off, he rode his clutch HARD and launched. By the time my AT shifted into second, he was neck and neck with me, my car is now at around 60mph, this little car was at my front bumper. At around 75 he was 2 cars ahead. He braked, so did i, then we slowed down to talk. He said he had "basic engine mods" whatever that means for his car. I asked how much his car weighed, he said it was around 2600lb's???? DAMN i guess it's the power to weight ratio.

What did this kid have done to this car to hang with my LSC?? Anyone have experience with those fords??
i have seen these listed as 0-60 in 7.4 stock 5 spd, so if he did custom intake(cosworth maybe) and exhaust it should move nicely,basically these can be built up like a focus SVT if i am not mistaken.

light car,decent hp and a manual trans with a smart driver easy to see these results i guess,

plus it sounds like you launched poorly and had a car full of guys,while he had himself and a 110lb chick???
im trying not to lol at this one! :q:q:q:q happens though! My 397rwhp stang lost to a F-150 stop light to stop light once. I still dont know what happened. But thats why I never race pinks.... too much can go wrong. Money ok, pinks no!
wellthats the thing about power to weight ratio.my father had a bajabug with a 110 engle cam a baja exhaust we were in arlington and stomp a saturn with a v6 and a 5-speed the bugs motor was stock at that point besides the cam. had a single solex 1 bbl carb,stock transmission and three people in it,the saturn ahad a slightly fat guy in it.we stomped that ass.he looked pissed afterwards.its usely all the driver.
power 2 weight FTW! its nice when i can pull in 450HP GTO in my 220ish HP miata.

stock zx2's can pull a mid 15 with a decent driver.
oh man, im definitley getting a ZX2 as a beater now.........lololol

little mini-me for the Mark :cool:
The ZX2 is light as He11. Much lighter than the ZX3. I've seen what looked like a stock one running 14.9s consistently at my track. I imagine the autos are less nimble.

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