OK lawmakers seek ban on Shariah law

Is The Case for Christianity a book? I got a pamphlet of it when I was in school - I don't know about a book - sorry foss. My CS Lewis is pretty well relegated to the Narnia series, and some pamphlets about Christianity we got at school. I tried to read Space Trilogy - and just couldn't slog my way through - not for me I guess.
It's called 'Mere Christianity,' and it's a book. Try reading it before you try to one-up me on its contents. Same goes for the Bible.
Some Lewis is so profound that, although I read pretty well, I have to take it a page or less at a time, and then give it time to percolate before trying a few more paragraphs. Try "The Abolition of Man" or "A Grief Observed". The SF and "Narnia" are entertaining along with the lessons they offer.

All very worthwhile in any case.

Fox, I managed to finish the Space Trilogy but I didn't really get it. The Narnia series, on the other hand, I've read through several times.

If you really want to read some good "old timey" fantasy/sci fi, tackle the John Carter of Mars series by Edgar Rice Burroughs. The first three novels, A Princess of Mars, The Gods of Mars, and The Warlord of Mars, make up probably the best trilogy I've ever read.

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