I have had many stones over the years. You have experienced what labor for a woman is like, only worse. In 2005 I had 5 stones in left kidney, 6 in the right. Had 2 litho procedures that did not work. Went to a urologist who did a procedure where he went up the penis, thru the bladder, in the ureter to the kidney. With a scope, he checked each lobe of the kidney, cleaned them out and relief. I have passed many stones. So, NO POP! NO TEA! LEMON in everything. Lemonade, lemon in beer, lemon in water. I drink LOTS of lemonade, Water and small amounts of beer. My urologist says Lemon is the # one thing to prevent stones. Also, Sodium Citrate helps. He has a saying: "The solution, for pollution, is dilution". When you feel the intense pain, it is the stone moving thru the ureter. It is clamping down on the stone, attempting to move it thru to the bladder. If you were to look at the stone thru a scope, you would see something that resembles a cockabur. Thus the pain and blood. When it finally is in the bladder, many times it feels like you have to pee all of the time as the bladder is irritated. Once it passes, all is well. So, drink clear liquids, no dark. Drink tons of it and eat lots of fruit. My first stone was in 1981. Lots of experience and it sucks with both lips! Hope this helps.