old person's car


Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 11, 2005
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Ok well sh*t this pisses me off. When someone asks me what kind of car a drive and i say its a Lincoln LS right away they say "you drive an old person's car." Unless they know of the LS. So whatever. I want to take a poll on the age of LS owners :) lol :ban :thread:

Age- 19
Hey All,

I am a long time reader (3 months), but first time poster. I own an 02 V8, and I am 27.
I'm 25, bought it at age 23.

Anybody I know who 'thinks' it's an old man's car quickly changes their tune after a ride in my LS.
32. If they think it's an old person's car, they clearly haven't ever ridden in or driven one.
22 bought at 20.

i get the same, anyone that knows anything about cars doesn't say that though.

whatever, i bought it for me.
LuxurySport00 said:
22 bought at 20.

i get the same, anyone that knows anything about cars doesn't say that though.

whatever, i bought it for me.

Same cept I'm 28.

Most folks think it's a smaller version of the Town Car until the first turn. :L
mwhited said:
I'm 43 (but not old)

Yeah yeah yeah... middle aged. :invasion:

(Coming from someone who works in an office where the average age is 45)
bought at 19 with my own money. Needless to say I'am broke and i thank my parents for paying the NYC insurance. Thank you MOM :yourock:
JaredLS said:
bought at 19 with my own money. Needless to say I'am broke and i thank my parents for paying the NYC insurance. Thank you MOM :yourock:

wow, Lucky YOU! even though i still live at home, i pay for it ALL myself. have been since day one! i pay for my $326/month car payment 110$/mo insurance & all the wonderful repairs/maintenance that comes along with this fun little package!

my parents wouldnt dare pay for anything on my car, since i got a car thats nicer than both of theirs! :L
I know I'm lucky. But once I get kicked out of college b/c I spend all my time driving in the LS I will have to start paying the insurance.

I agree with u about having a nicer car then my parents...they have Explorer and a Caravan...lol.
And everytime I come home on vacation my father tells me that when he was my age all he had was a bike....I let him drive my LS once in a while.
I got it about a week before I turned 22.

I usually just say it's an LS and leave out the Lincoln part, then when they ask "what's that" I can give a short explaination before they get out the old person's car comment.
alright im soo glad to see people talking about payment plans i was thinking these little rich kids parents bought them am ls. anyway im in the same boat im 21 i pay 196 on a 48 month plan. i was 21 when i bought it no parents ,
and for the old person part, im a painter and this is my painter "truck" jk, but this is the car i use to be a painter here in st. louis. definetly not an olds persons car nor a painters either, trying to find a new job for the car, so if anyone in stl is hiring im your man.
honestly who cares. Unless they are paying my car note I could care less for the opinions of some people. Its funny because most of the people with stupid comments are usually driving a piece of s#!t So F**K em! I like my ls.
2k2ls said:
honestly who cares. Unless they are paying my car note I could care less for the opinions of some people. Its funny because most of the people with stupid comments are usually driving a piece of s#!t So F**K em! I like my ls.

haa-rumph haa-rumph haa-rumph.
I think the4 "old persons" car sterotype is because on new car surveys, the average age for people buying NEW LS's is over 50. I think this has a lot to do with most teens thru 20's just don't have the bucks to buy a car that can get up over $40K.

The surveys usually only look at NEW car buyers.

In the second hand market the LS becomes Much Much more affordabale and is not much worse than the typical Rice Burner in cost and beats the heck out of most of them in all around fun to own in my opinion. So there are probably a lot of 20s and 30 something owners of the LS in the second hand market.

Lincoln came out with the LS to try to get market share in the traditional market of the premium Eurocoupe market, ie the 30 to 40 something group with some cash. Most previous generation Lincolns were aimed at older folks usually with cash, thus the older folks stereotype.

I am 48 and prefer to buy American because I feel American cars are under rated while the Benzs and BMws, while being good cars are not worth the ridiculous premium many people are willing to pay. Most Asian cars are FWD which I don't care for. The LS had the performance, some of the comfort, RWD and V8, and price/value I was looking for. Somehow I just don't see myself in a V6 Honda, I would way rather have a similar priced LS.

Just my opnion.

Jim Henderson
I'm 26 and the wife to be is 23. We both stumbled across the LS while looking for comparable cars to the Grand Prix GTP, and just fell in love with it. Now it's a maintained love-hate relationship with the car, but that's another topic.
whatsupadrian said:
Ok well sh*t this pisses me off. When someone asks me what kind of car a drive and i say its a Lincoln LS right away they say "you drive an old person's car." Unless they know of the LS. So whatever. I want to take a poll on the age of LS owners :) lol :ban :thread:

Age- 19

Guess that I'm the only old guy in the bunch! My wife says that I drive like a 22 year old. Hell, it doesn't seem at all to me like that was 40 years ago. I still like to surprise Mustangs and blow the doors off those noisy rice burners, in either my Mark VII or my LS Sport. Like to give my neighbors heartburn too when they see under the hood or under the car changing the tranny fluid.
Most of them think I'm wierd but some of them don't even know how to change the toilet paper roll! Heh heh. lol, Lincolnlov

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