OMG!!! It's all the Republicans' fault!!!

97silverlsc said:
1. You Don't know what my position, then or now, is about what Bubba said or did.
2. Although it has no bearing on the issue, I did not vote for Bubba either time.
3. I criticize Shrub because it is my right to do so as a citizen and I feel he is wrong about the issues I comment on.
4. You don't know my party, and obviously you don't read the whole post before commenting because I have stated before that I am registered as an Independent.
5. The only swallowing going on is being done by you-I read books on the subject as well as read articles from numerous sources before forming my opinions.
Your responses to any disagreement are typical Repug-sling :q:q:q:q at the fan and hope something sticks, anything to deflect attention from the truth.

1. Everybody knows your position - it's Anti-Bush and anything he says or stands for, no matter how right or sensible.
2. Doesn't matter, you probably don't vote at all so your criticism is useless since you don't even make use of your citizen powers.
3. You hardly ever comment or offer any real insight on issues. All you do is parrot other people and cut/past their articles, while saying "Shrub Shrub Shrub".
4. Doesn't matter again what you are registered as, you are a Bush hater whose eyes are blinded to anything and everything he does that is good. You are a Kennedy/Moore follower.
5. I don't swallow :q:q:q:q - I went to college and studied this stuff and usually tied my professors in knots when they tried to get too liberal.

There is no proof that you have read books on this stuff or that you know anything about these issues or that you think for yourself. All you do, as I've already said, is quote other people.

fossten said:
1. Everybody knows your position - it's Anti-Bush and anything he says or stands for, no matter how right or sensible.
2. Doesn't matter, you probably don't vote at all so your criticism is useless since you don't even make use of your citizen powers.
3. You hardly ever comment or offer any real insight on issues. All you do is parrot other people and cut/past their articles, while saying "Shrub Shrub Shrub".
4. Doesn't matter again what you are registered as, you are a Bush hater whose eyes are blinded to anything and everything he does that is good. You are a Kennedy/Moore follower.
5. I don't swallow :q:q:q:q - I went to college and studied this stuff and usually tied my professors in knots when they tried to get too liberal.

There is no proof that you have read books on this stuff or that you know anything about these issues or that you think for yourself. All you do, as I've already said, is quote other people.


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt concerning your statement that you went to college, could you tell me what school you went to? I'm curious which one teachs your debating techique, the "I know you are but what am I?" style.
97silverlsc said:
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt concerning your statement that you went to college, could you tell me what school you went to? I'm curious which one teachs your debating techique, the "I know you are but what am I?" style.

Since when are debating techniques on syllabi for classes at college. We certainly learned how to argue in my classes, but not to debate. And of course there is a distinct difference between those two. Arguing is using facts to arrive at a conclusion, debating is using those conclusions to persuade others to fall into agreement. What school did you go to, Phil? I'm sure you could have gotten into Berkely quite easily with your ideals.

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