one of the worst cars i have buffed


Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Palm Harbor FL
this belongs to a friend of a friend. i had to do some welding in the pass strut tower the other day and the paint looked horrible on this thing so i talked him into letting me buff it until he has the money for a paint job. its an all wheel drive eagle talon, the roof is shot i cant buff it there is hardly any clear coat left but the car looks 100 times better, i cant wait to see his face this car was the absolute pits man. so dull and neglected and i gave life to it again!







this is my reflection in the hood, its like a mirror now!!

Good work!

Maybe i can pay you to do mine before i head out of Florida for good? At least once its done, be easy to keep on top of.
dont you ever sleep? hell yeah i'll do it, i'll make that blue a shade you have never seen, the stuff i use to pull out the color is absolutely awesome, and im not giving it away, i wont tell, but if you come down you'll find out what it is, you think your car looks good washed and waxed forget it, you'll pop a woody when im done! i did mine when i had it, just before i sold it, looked sweet. this was 13 hrs of wet sanding and buffing though, i wont wet sand yours!!!

Sleep? Lol. Snooze you lose! Lol.

Cool. We'll sort something out. That blue car you had sure looks sweet! Not expecting it to look that good though, just better - wax will adhere better then too. Once im out of Florida, the car will be permanently garaged so it makes sense to get the paint into better shape in preparation.
WOW, I know how bad those talons can get, and to get that kind of shine is nice. Seems like Eagle didnt use good clear from factory. Wish you could do mine, but I'm in PA.
I'm a little confused on the last picture, are you trying to show us how shiny the hood is now, or how shiny your head is??? LOL!

I had a buddy that used to have one of those Talons, it was a pretty fast car but he tried to do some engine mods to it and ended up frying the motor.
Looks very nice, good turn around except for that RDS near your shoulder on the last pic.
Looks good. Very shiny!

You're not going to give away the product name? So it must be a product with a bunch of fillers. I mean, if it's only the product that's responsible for the results, and not your finessing with a rotary... :p

Have you tried Meg's D151? I've been hearing some good things...
i use kleen cut on all clear coat cars first with a heavy cutting pad, but that leaves swirls, but thats all im saying, i wont say what i use to finish off the car, i'll say this though, anyone can buy it at any auto parts store!!
I prefer menzerna. I'm not a fan of 3m really. I know some people like it though. I'm thinking of trying out either Prima or Einzett Proline.

Don't get me wrong, the job you did was very nice. But it's just the same as working down to PO83RD on a blue/black lake country pad.

In fact, you might be able to achieve a BETTER finish with menzerna than with what you are currently using.

Again, beautiful job!
hey pete do u buff cars as well ????want to get mine done. what area are you from???
all i can say is wow lolol seriously though good job!
*edit* damn it, it will only put one pic up, i wanted 10 in a row

LOL that is a funny pic, you can tell your happy with the buff.

Jamie I still see the chebbie in your shop....any updates on the rebuild ?
the chevelle is waiting to go to caledesi autobody so they can weld the quarter on, ive lost my patience with that pos quarter, china china china, need i say more, it doesnt come close to fitting and this guy matt over there says he can get it on no sweat so he's gonna do it then give it back to me to finish the rest of the car. i did block the whole car, and once the quarter is done i'll reshoot primer on it and block again, i need to finish the floor pans too so its got a ways to go still. we kinda put it on the back burner for a bit.
Ah pektel how much you've learned over the past months haha. Addicting isn't it? Menzerna is a great polish, very tempermental though. I'd keep PB on hand just in case. The trick to getting a high gloss shine is burnishing with a finishing polish. You work the speed up on the machine and then back down slowly to completely diminish the abrasives. Meguiar's has a new paint conditioning cream that people are raving about, even for hand use. I'm still waiting to see if people catch fillers in it.
Yes sir. I still use pb too. I actually put a small dab of ssr2 on the pad with the ssr3. It gets the polish a little wetter so it works better for me. Then I use Menz 106FF which I love. Ineed to pick up that PO85RD to really jewel the paint.

In post #10, I referred to the meg's paint reconditioning cream you are referring to (D151).
the chevelle is waiting to go to caledesi autobody so they can weld the quarter on, ive lost my patience with that pos quarter, china china china, need i say more, it doesnt come close to fitting and this guy matt over there says he can get it on no sweat so he's gonna do it then give it back to me to finish the rest of the car. i did block the whole car, and once the quarter is done i'll reshoot primer on it and block again, i need to finish the floor pans too so its got a ways to go still. we kinda put it on the back burner for a bit.

That China crap sucks, I bought a tailgate for a bronco the was that china crap...nothing and I mean nothing fit right.
He should of spent more money and got a quality part.

Keep at it can't wait to see if painted.
the thing is , is the quality parts come from the same damn place, i put good mark floor pans in it, GOODMARK, made in america, with stickers all over the bottom of the floor pans that said made in taiwan!!!!!!!!!!

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