Only 6 more days till the October Surprise!

MonsterMark said:
Either way I win.

Bush wins and I can continuously brag about his accomplishments and pontificate about how wonderful he is.

Kerry wins and I can beeotch and whine over every mundane mistake he makes in his Presidency. So I guess I will be posting daily.

It a good thing I don't have a real job. (according to Thereeeza). Gives me alot of time to entertain and keep you guys informed.

Really appreciate the information. Happy I can give you an audience. You must get pretty bored or like lots of words.

You might have to reduce the number of words you use as I can't read that many. Remember I'm voting for Kerry. Wez not az shmart az u votin' bu:q:q:q:q.

Buy the way do you want that Alternator? I'll bring it on Thursday.
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Katshot said:
I have a hard time believing that "nobody" has dug into Kerry's background. If there were anything there, we would've heard about it by now. And as for the mysterious specifics of his discharge, there are four common types of military discharges: honorable, general, undesirable, and dishonorable.

I stand corrected, and :iconcur:

Bryan, join the crowd! Now you know how OVER HALF of the voting citizens of the US have been feeling over the last 4 years!
Not so fast!
My original source was a lawyer specializing in Military Law but I did an internet search and now I'm finding varying answers to the question. The latest I'm finding is:
There are (3) types of "administrative" discharges
1. Honorable
2. General (under honorable conditions)
3. Other than honorable (considered "undesirable")
Then there's (2) types of discharges handed down only through a court martial. They are:
1. Bad conduct
2. Dishonorable
So if this is correct, Bryan's correct. Sorry if I was confusing the issue at all.
mespock said:
Buy the way do you want that Alternator? I'll bring it on Thursday.
Ya, bring it. I 'll get a core charge out of it or use it to reposition the new alternator mount for the Monster.

Oh, one more thing.

As far as this Kerry is smarter than Bush thing.

Is anyone aware that Bush scored higher on his ACT's than Kerry did? I guess one could extrapolate that finding into a correllation showing Bush as being smarter and having a higher IQ than Kerry.:headbang: Or maybe just a better cheater. LOL.
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Whoops, I'm a little late on this thread as I've been looking up the Pentagon crash crap for another thread. But my best friend growing up struck a superior officer in the Navy and he was given an "other than honorable" discharge, for whatever that's worth.
On the topic of intelligence, didn't Bush and Kerry both have the same grade average when they graduated Yale? Kerry is definitely a FASTER thinker than Bush is no doubt, but that doesn't mean he's smarter. We all know quick witted a-holes who are not very bright. (I know, I know, I'm asking for it: "yeah, Kbob, we all know you") ;)
It is again typical of MasterMark to misdirect the thread into Bush's level of intelligence and Kerry's discharge. Why can't you just admit that you were wrong and leave it at that. I've admitted when you were right.

You are doing exactly what Bush did in the debate and what he has done to the American people for the last 4 years.
Generally speaking, I've usually found that people who are extremely intelligent have little common sense. So Kevin's Law of Intelligence is:
"Intelligence and Common Sense vary inversely" :biggrin:
Kbob said:
and he was given an "other than honorable" discharge, for whatever that's worth.
Don't worry Kbob. I already did the *owned* thing.

I know in my heart he received an OTH.

Here is some more food for thought.

[ Kerry’s official Web site features an official Navy document describing his "Honorable Discharge from the Reserves.” This document is dated 2/16/78, a full six years after his original enlistment contract expired. It describes his discharge as being subsequent to the review of "a board of officers,” citing "Title 10, U.S. Code Section 1162 and 1163,” which refers to the grounds for involuntary separation from the service. No ordinary honorable discharge action in the Navy requires a review by a board of officers. The "board of officers" is even more noteworthy because it came about "by direction of the President,” Jimmy Carter. No normal honorable discharge requires the direction of the president.

Less than an hour after his Inauguration, Mr. Carter signed Executive Order 4483 empowering a general amnesty for draft dodgers and other war protesters. It was expanded in March 1977 to include other offenders who may have had general, bad conduct, dishonorable discharges, and any other discharge or sentence with negative effect on military records. In those cases the directive outlined a procedure for appeal on a case by case basis before a board of officers. A satisfactory appeal would result in an improvement of discharge status or an honorable discharge. ]
I didn't post that to prove anyone wrong, Bryan, I was just pointing out one reason for an OTH discharge. Most people would probably think hitting a superior would have brought a "dishonorable" discharge. So it's not out of the range of possibility that Kerry received an OTH discharge, but I'm not speculating on that.
barry2952 said:
It is again typical of MasterMark to misdirect the thread into Bush's level of intelligence and Kerry's discharge.
I guess it proves that I can walk, chew gum and even carry on more than one train of thought at the same time. It is called multi-tasking.

I only mentioned Kerry's intelligence because of the 5 hour conversation I had last night with a lefty and the articles I read from this morning, all containing verbiage pertaining to Kerry's intelligence and how he can better fight the war on terror because of it. What a complete joke.

And Kerry's discharge has alot to do with WHY I STARTED THIS THREAD IN THE FIRST PLACE. So I think I am entitled to further talk about it. I wanted to have the case wrapped up by now but a couple of others and YOU called me out on the carpet and questioned my credibility (and I might add, childishly called me a name) begging for a response. Now that I have already laid out more info than I wanted to, you want to complain because why? Your post shows you just can't handle the truth?

Kerry was a failure while in the military, a traitor exiting the military, a failure in 20 years of public office, currently is seen as a waffler on every issue of the day, and now you want him to be Commander-In-Chief? How preposterous and unfathomable to even have such audacity to think he is even qualified to run for the position.

barry2952 said:
Why can't you just admit that you were wrong and leave it at that. I've admitted when you were right.
I am NOT wrong. I have just not been able to prove that I am right beyond a reasonable doubt. It turns out I was premature in my post because I was relying on an individual that was going to the records room and reading the microfiche and I expected a quick kill.

The decisional document (DD for short) does not contain the name of the individual, which makes the going very tough, thus the delay.

It has information regarding date of enlistment, rank, medals, etc. that must be researched by hand. Nothing that can be computer automated, so like I said, it is only a matter of time, but in my situation, I have simply run out of time.

To make you happy you can say I am wrong. I guess I will have to wait to vindicate myself at a later date. Hopefully Bush still wins in the meantime, rendering all of this mute.
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Kbob said:
I didn't post that to prove anyone wrong, Bryan,
I know. I was just trying to have a little fun.

Kbob said:
So it's not out of the range of possibility that Kerry received an OTH discharge, but I'm not speculating on that.
I am speculating. That is the point of this whole thread. The smoking gun is hidden in the over 100 pages of documents the Navy has and that Kerry HAS NOT released from his official military records. Simple as that. Sign the form, get trounced and move on Senator Kerry. But this is a hollow man like I said, that has used and manipulated people his whole life. He deserves to fail.
Please point out where I called you a name in this thread.
barry2952 said:
It is again typical of MasterMark...
Post number 33. I don't have a problem with it. Just pointing it out. Not the first time. Probably not the last. Life goes on...

May be unintentional but I did look on my keyboard and the "o" and the "n" are not located next to the "a" and the "s". FWIW.
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The site I gave you the link to doesn't really support your theory as I read it. I know you said you're speculating, but your speculation is fueled by your heavily biased opinion of Kerry so it's coming off as more of a "witch-hunt" than a sincere quest for the truth.
I haven't even looked through the site. Just quickly visited the home page to check out the content. I thought you just directed me there so I could expand on my right wing conspiracy theories.

I do admit. I have quite the hard-on for Kerry. I don't try to hide it. I'll do everything I can as an American citizen in this election to make sure Kerry loses.

I detest everything Kerry stands for, just like some people detest George Bush.

What bothers me more than anything is the 25% of the population that is going to vote for Kerry, not because they like Kerry and what he stands for, but because they claim (claim) they don't like Bush. I think a flower could be running and as long as it had a (D) next to its name, people would vote for it. So I think it really has nothing to do with a dislike for Bush. It has everything to do with whether a (D) or (R) is running. Blind support. Sorry, it bother me intensely.
MonsterMark said:
Ya, bring it. I 'll get a core charge out of it or use it to reposition the new alternator mount for the Monster.

Oh, one more thing.

As far as this Kerry is smarter than Bush thing.

Is anyone aware that Bush scored higher on his ACT's than Kerry did? I guess one could extrapolate that finding into a correllation showing Bush as being smarter and having a higher IQ than Kerry.:headbang: Or maybe just a better cheater. LOL.

I didn't say that Kerry was smarter. I was going with the thought that bush fans think Kerry fans aren't smart.
barry2952 said:
I apologize for misspelling your name. Get a life.
"Show me" . . . "okay, you showed me, but screw you anyway." What a jerk.

I'm taking this stuff too personally. I'm leaving for my weekend now, and it's going to be even better than I thought since my wife got a hold of a couple of tickets to the OU game tomorrow from one of her vendors. Hopefully I'll be refreshed and a little more thick-skinned when I get back. Good day everyone.
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I'm not buying that Bryan. I USUALLY don't fit that mold. I'm a registered Republican but usually tend to vote independent. I REALLY hate the 2-party system and REALLY wish that it could be abolished. As you say, there ARE many people that vote blindly for the D or R and that's a shame. As for MY views on Bush vs. Kerry, I guess you'd have to count me as one of those idiots that will vote for Kerry mainly because I REALLY feel we need to dump Bush. It's kind of like the way I route during an Eagles game on Sundays. My favorite team is whoever's playing the Eagles!!
Kerry IS an unknown to me but I KNOW that we MUST get rid of Bush, no matter what. So in my mind, I'd rather take a chance on Kerry.
Hey Ken, Hopefully I can still catch you.

OU? Oklahoma? Have fun. Go Sooners!

I am going to the Badger game tomorrow. Looking to have alot of fun also.

Thanks for 'hanging out' this afternoon. It was fun.
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Katshot said:
I'm not buying that Bryan. I USUALLY don't fit that mold. I'm a registered Republican but usually tend to vote independent. I REALLY hate the 2-party system and REALLY wish that it could be abolished. As you say, there ARE many people that vote blindly for the D or R and that's a shame. As for MY views on Bush vs. Kerry, I guess you'd have to count me as one of those idiots that will vote for Kerry mainly because I REALLY feel we need to dump Bush. It's kind of like the way I route during an Eagles game on Sundays. My favorite team is whoever's playing the Eagles!!
Kerry IS an unknown to me but I KNOW that we MUST get rid of Bush, no matter what. So in my mind, I'd rather take a chance on Kerry.
I appreciate AND respect your views. I don't think we can take a 'chance' on Kerry at this point. It is too dangerous a game to play.

I would vote for a 3rd party candidate if there was ever a viable one. I believe in competition at every level of life. We need more viable candidates and the result will be a more responsive legislature that will be more inclined to listen to joe lunch bucket.

And I agree on the Eagles but also add the Vikings to that statement.
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