barry2952 said:
It is again typical of MasterMark to misdirect the thread into Bush's level of intelligence and Kerry's discharge.
I guess it proves that I can walk, chew gum and even carry on more than one train of thought at the same time. It is called multi-tasking.
I only mentioned Kerry's intelligence because of the 5 hour conversation I had last night with a lefty and the articles I read from this morning, all containing verbiage pertaining to Kerry's intelligence and how he can better fight the war on terror because of it. What a complete joke.
And Kerry's discharge has alot to do with WHY I STARTED THIS THREAD IN THE FIRST PLACE. So I think I am entitled to further talk about it. I wanted to have the case wrapped up by now but a couple of others and YOU called me out on the carpet and questioned my credibility (and I might add, childishly called me a name) begging for a response. Now that I have already laid out more info than I wanted to, you want to complain because why? Your post shows you just can't handle the truth?
Kerry was a failure while in the military, a traitor exiting the military, a failure in 20 years of public office, currently is seen as a waffler on every issue of the day, and now you want him to be Commander-In-Chief? How preposterous and unfathomable to even have such audacity to think he is even qualified to run for the position.
barry2952 said:
Why can't you just admit that you were wrong and leave it at that. I've admitted when you were right.
I am NOT wrong. I have just not been able to prove that I am right beyond a reasonable doubt. It turns out I was premature in my post because I was relying on an individual that was going to the records room and reading the microfiche and I expected a quick kill.
The decisional document (DD for short) does not contain the name of the individual, which makes the going very tough, thus the delay.
It has information regarding date of enlistment, rank, medals, etc. that must be researched by hand. Nothing that can be computer automated, so like I said, it is only a matter of time, but in my situation, I have simply run out of time.
To make you happy you can say I am wrong. I guess I will have to wait to vindicate myself at a later date. Hopefully Bush still wins in the meantime, rendering all of this mute.