I don't get what the big woop is all about. This in no way is going to fix our economy, this in no way will pull our troups out of the middleeast. As stated the "government" has put...it's a war on "terror" sop we're stuck there cause the terror will not stop...if anything now we got the Muslim Extremists whom are gonna be angry like bees.....remember...they only needa sting once!
He was the icon Enemy of the State
A real life Bond villian.
One man was challenging the entire United States.
Seeing the bad guy who masterminded 9/11 die in a hail of special forces bullets for his deeds is extremely satisfying to americans on a basic human emotional level.
Bin Laden also wrote the Al Queda handbook on how to attack us and use our laws and customs against us.
9/11 was so spectacular and humiliating that vengence was guaranteed.
However it gave Bin Laden and the terrorists a much greater stature than they deserved.
3000 people dieing at an event is terrible and not to minimize it or be disrespectful but 3000 people or more die every day in the US from varous causes.
Since then there have been some terror attacks outside the US but only several hundred to a thousand people have died.
Mexican drug terror has killed over 10,000 people last year but that's not ideological and the druggers will kill but are not going to be martyrs.
Bin Laden was impotently holed up inside what was essentially a fortress for the last 6 years.
That was what we reduced him to before finally getting him.
He wasn't even as good as the vaguely muslim Dr Zin in Jonny Quest.
Getting him is a symbolic victory that everyone in the world understands.
F with us and we'll get you at any cost.
Saying the terrorists only need to succeed once is a false truism.
The IRA set off bombs for years on a regular basis and british society carried on.
Tamil terrorists in Ski Lanka are another example.
They can't do 9/11 again and there's not much they can do other than small savage barbarian acts that only annoy us.
It's a big small thing that has been accomplished.
One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind

There have always been terrorists in history. It remains to be seen what
the latest batch can do.
Both Richard Ried the shoe bomber the Christmas day bomber and the Times Sq guy were totally pathetic
and now Islamists are busy fighting amongst themselves again over their own latest mediocrity.