
So I hopped on the google machine and found me some new saftey goggles... note the goggles part, I wanted for 360 degree ocular protection!


I should have these by this weekend when I get to pull the tranny out of my parent's Focus!
Went to the doctors again today, he says my eye is healing fine and I should have 100% vision back in about a week...
my buddy jake at work looked exactly the same last week minus the dumb looking face lmfao, he got something in his eye and had to go to the doc's to get it poked at, they got it out and he scratched his eye bad so they gave him special drops to put in it for a week, looks fine now, i have been to the E.R about a half dozen times for metal in my eyes, one of them was really bad, had my head locked in a machine while they dug out the metal fragments then i wore a patch for a week, felt like someone shot me in the eye with a bb gun. your eyes are not to be messed with, SAFETY GLASSES dude!
I was just thinking... If you got a ferrous metal in the eye, couldn't you use a magnet to draw it out?
Had this happen to me at work a few years back metal in my cornea by the time I went to the Doc they said it was to rusted to take out and I had to miss work for two weeks and were and eye patch
so I feel your pain too
Probably best... Lol. Good job I married a nurse, to stop me experimenting on myself. :p
I have been there too, and got lucky had a rock in my eye from pressure washing. I was working at the time so my job paid for the medical bills. It only blurred my vision for 2 days. When you get older you realize how un-invincible you are. I tend to wear them allot more now.

On a side note you look really baked!!
thats hideous. and the eye looks bad too lol. that sucks man some times short of a faceshield there is nothing that can be done. hope it heals quick.

He doesn't look any better with the eye looking normal ... I had to look close to see what was different LOL:D

And you have to be completely awake and alert for that :q:q:q:qe, watching everything.

That sucks man, never had to drill metal out of my eyes:eek:

Oh If I could have been there to watch ..:D


Anyways... they tested my vision and my left eye I have better than 20/20 and the right is right at 20/20 but the doc said it should heal with no damage to my vision at all.

They weren't to safe LOL ... what made in China ?

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