Joeychgo said:
I have a Client who almost lost her house due to that hobby..LOL
I used a Nikon Digital SLR w/Af Lens
Focal Length: 250mm
Exposure mode: Apertaure Priotrity
1/640 Sec-F5.3
Exposure comp +0.7 EV
ISO 400
No color modding at all. WYSIWYG
Quit that smoking and it will pay for your tank. Patience is a virtue in reefkeeping.
Do you have any pics?
How about you any pics of your Mini Eco System?
People think I'm crazy when I try to explain the eco system that were totally in control of.
I feel for you man! Kinda like my uncle, he's been paying child support for over 30 years, still has about 13 years to go...& Thats if he can keep it in his pants.
My Hat's off to you.
Now Thats expensive, If you skimp you die.
Someday I will get my Class c Lic. and fly locally for fun.
Is that yours?
Keep them coming guys! Now I can show the wifey that there are bigger spenders than me out there.

I dont feel so bad anymore.