Bob Hubbard
Dedicated LVC Member
mach8 said:The jury can only deliberate on the evidence and testimony the court allows to be used. This has the biggest impact on the out come of the trial. Any trial can be presented with important items being barred from the jury for many reasons. This is why good judges are important, as is good police work.
Here in California jurors are not anonymous. You don't get your name printed in the paper, but anyone around during jury selection or the trial can find out who the jurors are with very little effort.
Yes, but be it California or tin buck too, if professional jurors were, by declaration, prohibited from public and especially media interrogation at any time concerning their profession and decisions, finding out who is a juror would be extremely difficult.
This has been one of the main problems in the system today.
News people clamour to talk to jury members after a decision.
This only adds to the chaos.
The media has too many times been guilty of trying a case on the airways, long before the actual trial gets underway.
Jurors are ouestioned 5 minutes after a decision has been rendered.
Today's jurors are for the most part good people but in the case where they are involved in a "high profile" trial, the coin has two sides.
Most are publicity seakers and in the case of the up comming Jackson trial, down right impervious to the law and what would be expected of them as a juror.
The people showing up to be on that jury are there for one reason only.
They either want him convicted or aquitted, depending if they like him or not.
This equasion would never enter into it with a professional jury because that jury would not be aware just who would be sitting in on that trial until just before trial time.