P1474 code car running hot


LVC Member
Aug 5, 2014
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red bay
Where is the fan relay? Code tells me it could be a bad low speed fan relay but I don't know where this relay is. Fan is running but it doesn't feel like it is pulling enough air. Help.
If I unplug the solenoid on the pump will it run on high all the time.?
There is no fan relay on either generation of the LS.
You don't say if you have a gen I or a gen II, a V6 or a V8. I assume it's a gen I since you mention the fan actuator.
Unplugging it's not going to help. There are plenty of threads on here about troubleshooting and fixing the hydraulic fan system.
2000 model v6. Fan does run but not loud at all like other threads suggest. It does leak out of the pump motor seal just behind the serpentine belt pulley.not a horrible leak but noticeable. Can't figure out why it would throw this code though just from a leak.
Fan does run but not loud at all like other threads suggest.
first problem

It does leak out of the pump motor seal just behind the serpentine belt pulley.not a horrible leak but noticeable.
second problem

Can't figure out why it would throw this code though just from a leak.

ok, sorry if this comes off sounding like an ass, but if you know your fan pump is leaking, and you know that your fan is not spinning fast enough, why are you surprised that the car is running hot and is presenting a code related to the fan system?

FYI, if the car is running hot, the fan should be spinning damn fast. that way it can move more air through the radiator, and cool the motor off more...

long story short, there is a problem with your fan system. it is causing your car to overheat, its as simple as that.

first step in troubleshooting is to fix the stuff that you know is wrong and see if any symptoms still exist
Point well taken. I guess I was just asking for some experience here about the system. In other words could a very small leak like that cause the fan not to spin up to high rpm's or is it more likely the solenoid on that fan pump?
Perhaps the actuator is shorted or open-circuit? You really need to fix all the fan system problems at the same time.
Not leaking

Perhaps the actuator is shorted or open-circuit? You really need to fix all the fan system problems at the same time.

Cleaned everything up really good and watched it for a while. No leaks in the fan system. But the fan runs the same speed whether the pump switch is plugged in or not. When plugged in,fan runs same speed whether air conditioning is on or not. Can someone explain exactly what the switch does. It looks just like the pressure switch on the power steering pump. Is it a pressure switch or an actuator solenoid to allow more flow when the ac is on?
It's a solenoid valve. I think it controls the amount of fluid that is allowed to bypass the fan motor. The PCM PWM's the solenoid on the actuator to control how open or closed it is, which in turn controls how fast the fan turns. (95% on duty cycle PWM results in the minimum fan speed, 10% on duty cycle results in high fan speed.) There is no full off on the hydraulic fan. It runs at low speed at least, anytime the engine is running. Experience here indicates that actuator failure results in the fan never running at higher speeds.
UPDATE: no leaks, cleaned the solenoid really good, reinstalled everything after completely purging the system of the old ATF[pink looks like it may have had water in it]. Result: Fan still ran on low all the time. So I checked the voltage going to the solenoid. 13.7 volts all the time. A/C on or off 13.7 volts. So I grounded it through the body. Same result. How do you get the voltage to change to the solenoid?
The positive side of the solenoid gets +12V when the key is on. The PCM switches (PWMs actually) the negative side of the coil to ground as needed.
What is a PWM? How do I get the PWM to switch the solenoid on a and off at the correct times. Should that not be programmed in?
So are you saying I can't read the voltage without a scope. My fluke meter just looks like 13.7 volts constantly whether ac is on or off.
with PWM, you can see full voltage. PWM switches from full off to full on back and forth very fast, the speed of this is what changes everything. you need the O scope to see the frequency and the length of the pulse...
Is it possible that the little filter inside the resivoir box is stopped up? I cannot see any fluid flow in he resivoir. Shouldn't I be able to see flow?
I guess anything is possible.

however, I would look at things that are the most probable...
Experience here indicates that actuator failure results in the fan never running at higher speeds.
Actuator is wide open all the time allowing full flow..just wondering if someone could have run the wrong fluid and clogged up the filter.
Well, I bypassed the filter with the return line and proved the filter is not stopped up. flow from the return line is running but slowly. I reached in with my hand and stopped the fan and the flow stopped from the return line. Guess I have either got a bad pump or fan motor. Anyone care to guess which?
I find that with the LS, if I hope for the best, I am always disappointed. but if I always expect the worse, I am usually treated to a happy surprise!

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