Painted Emblems

From Manoli? Lol

Or buy stock ones off ebay and try to do something custom but why bother when someone already offers them? Done right and to your liking...
Unless he has given it more thought, Manoli may be done with making then for a few(or for good).
Well if he's done and someone wants some blanks to try this themselves, I made a few here and there with extra resin that would be left over from the corners I would make.I tried tosell a big pack to manoli so he could have fresh ones to paint and then provide them to you guys, but he never pm'ed me back to follow up after a few weeks, so I guess he wasn't really interested. I have maybe 12, I never fully cleaned one up, but they look pretty good. They are blanks, no color, just clear resin, with the lincoln logo grove in the back like the stock one. They're actually the same as stock, just never been painted.

If manoli is still painting these and doing his custom work, mine will not be for sale. Just trying to provide stuff that are not readily available.

Just saying, for the few interested in the future.......thread jack over.....:shifty:
Well if he doesn't... Ill buy 2. The one on my grill is missing, and I'm wanting to replace it. I don't mind doing the work especially since Manoli was a bit busy this year with weddings and all. Oh yeah, tried looking on Ebay for any and couldn't find a single one. The only badges and emblems I saw were for TC's and Cont's
What color is your car? I have 2 sets of Manoli emblems that I'm willing to part with. If they're the right color and price of course. Boom, and you're in Indy.
Im back!!!!

So where do we go to get replacement emblems now that LS Koncepts isn't to be trusted? Need to fill the void on my grill and would like to do something custom like Manoli is working.
What color conbo are you looking to get sir?
Unless he has given it more thought, Manoli may be done with making then for a few(or for good).
I know I said i was done if thing work out with alax:D green LIGHT!
Well if he's done and someone wants some blanks to try this themselves, I made a few here and there with extra resin that would be left over from the corners I would make.I tried tosell a big pack to manoli so he could have fresh ones to paint and then provide them to you guys, but he never pm'ed me back to follow up after a few weeks, so I guess he wasn't really interested. I have maybe 12, I never fully cleaned one up, but they look pretty good. They are blanks, no color, just clear resin, with the lincoln logo grove in the back like the stock one. They're actually the same as stock, just never been painted.

If manoli is still painting these and doing his custom work, mine will not be for sale. Just trying to provide stuff that are not readily available.

Just saying, for the few interested in the future.......thread jack over.....:shifty:

Pmed thank you Alax!
Welp, you are better off talking to Manoli then. It was just a thought before he came off his LS hiatus.
Update some New colors!

Hopefully I will be up and running soon with the emblems just waiting for them too ship


This is actually a tinted emblem painted red, I think it def helps with red not popping out so much.

Hey Manoli, thanks!

I've been trying to reply to your PM but your inbox is full.

I'm looking for silver (chrome) for the star and a darkish metallic gray (gun metal) for the background.
Hey Manoli, thanks!

I've been trying to reply to your PM but your inbox is full.

I'm looking for silver (chrome) for the star and a darkish metallic gray (gun metal) for the background.

Sorry about that cleaned out my messages, cool I should have one mached up in a couple of days, I will keep you posted.
I want a pair of these but can't decide on color combo, blue with silver, or black and blue like the picture below. My car is silver frost. What do you guys think?

I want a pair of these but can't decide on color combo, blue with silver, or black and blue like the picture below. My car is silver frost. What do you guys think?

Bright orange with a silver Lincoln star would look good on a silver car. My first vehicle was a '79 F-150 Explorer that was silver with orange stripes. I have always loved that color combo.
^^^ I want to use blue because I got all of my interior lights swapped for blue LED lights, installed blue led courtesy lights under the seats, and I'm swapping out the dash lights for blue LEDs next weekend. I like the red and orange ones he did bit I don't think they'd go very well with the rest of my car.
I knew this would happen when I bumped this thread,
sorry Manoli, like I said your inbox was full and I was trying to reply.


Manoli isn't currently doing these as actively as he was in the past.
I've been waiting and bugging him too much to just get these done up.

... but that is of course all up to him. I do believe the price has gone up ;)
Just read the above post. Im really interested in a few sets of red background black star. And black with pink star. If you have any left overs let me know what kinds you have really interested.
I want a pair of these but can't decide on color combo, blue with silver, or black and blue like the picture below. My car is silver frost. What do you guys think?

I'm thinking silver with blue star.

I would like these for mine.. the blue may look good to match the color from the hoen high beams.
All Pm's replied sorry for the lack of updates i have been very with work :(
and in the process of purchasing a new home as well, I should have some pics soon.

Bigrig I have not forgotten about you :p

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