guys, i tried to paint the highly flexible rubber seal that meets the hood. i tried to paint it the body color, and it sort of backfired.
if you are referring to the simple fact that they are fogged, i just have to inspect, and apply more silicone where needed.
WTF? lol did you paint those yourself? That looks sick on the black LS
is that LS across the street on an incline and on one jackstand?!
haha yea that doesnt look like a good idea. hope nobody get under that thing
You spray them with some glue first !!!
Sounds good I'll give it a try. I replaced the bumper and use paint sold at Mill's Fleetfarm for plastic called Rust- Oleum Paint for Plastic it was easy Pizzie lemon squeezie but these rims are a pain. I might have bought some low quality paint I used Duplicate-color wheel coating I'll try looking for a better paint this time around but thanks for steering me in the direction to get these done right.As you can see they look like garbage right now.Zoals bij alles, zou het plakken voor verf het schoonmaken en .... scuffing down the surface. Primer, possible even etch primmer, followed by flashing of the first coat. Clear to seal it in. Pretty standard stuff really. (Ik doe nu eigenlijk ... some grille painting work, right now myself)