Parrot-in-a-Suit vs. Smart Diva - Ann Coulter cleans Lauer's clock

95DevilleNS said:
Her husband cheats on her and she needs to stand up for women's rights? Sorry, I don't see the connection. Hillary should have ignored her, I'll agree with that, but sometimes you swat a gnat because it bugs you.

I don't see how she looks idiotic here though, Hillary calls Coulter out on attacking widows for grieving and Coulter's response is 'oh ya, your husband cheated on you!'. If anyone looks like an idiot there; it's 'drag you through the mud' Coulter.

He didn't just cheat on her. He was accused of groping(Kathleen Willey), exposing(Paula Jones), and raping(Juanita Broaddrick); and he lied about it on national television; and this all happened while he was in the Oval Orifice getting bjs from an intern while Hillary stood by and said nothing. And she hasn't said anything about it to this day.

She was an enabler, pure and simple.

See the connection now?
wayfarers43 said:
Politics are politics and grandstanding is grandstanding. Ann Coulter sells books because she's controversial. But I'd hate to have that bi**tch in my bed at the end of the day.

Who are you referring to, Hillary or Ann? I'd take Ann any day.
Coulter Was Cruel? How About Kristen Was Cruel?
Posted by Tim Graham on June 8, 2006 - 05:52.

As the networks robotically followed the New York Daily News and its "Coulter Was Cruel" cover -- probably the best TV day for the Daily News since they put Newt Gingrich in diapers in the mid-90s -- they did not consider that some of the 9-11 widows she mocked were also champions of political trash talk.

It should go without saying that by writing in her new book that the widows were enjoying their husbands' deaths, Coulter didn't cross the line, she exploded it with a grenade. (On the other hand, these liberal widows drew hours of TV pundit time that many members of Congress will never see in their lifetimes.) Kristen Breitweiser, the most prominent Bush-trashing 9-11 widow, has sounded like a liberal version of Coulter at times on her huffing and puffing blog at the Huffington Post. For example, on April 5, after complaining that New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani shouldn’t be allowed to make a victim’s impact statement ("Which family member did Giuliani lose in the attacks?"), Breitweiser whacked the Bush administration with the snide stick:

By these standards, should I expect Condoleezza Rice (Ms. "Nobody knew planes could be used as missiles"), George Tenet (Mr. "I failed to tell the FBI for 18 months that two known al Qaeda killers were living in San Diego and planning the 9/11 attacks"), and perhaps, George Bush (Mr. "I was reading a story about a pet goat while thousands of people perished and burned alive in the World Trade Center because I didn't want to alarm the school children.") to provide victim's impact statements, as well?

On the Dubai ports, February 23:

As an aside Mr. President, perhaps you should have spent the past 5 years decreasing our dependency on foreign oil from nations like the UAE and Saudi Arabia so that maybe this deal might not have been so necessary for you to rubber stamp.

But, that is just a thought and a dream. A dream that won't come true until you and all your oil-rich friends have sucked this planet dry of every drop of oil and in the meantime cornered the market on alternative energy resources, right? Power-grab; Power-shift?

On the subject of Newsweek's collapsing Koran-flushing "scoop" on May 18, 2005, Breitweiser wasn't so much Coulter as Seymour Hersh, loosely asserting "homicides" and "major human rights abuses" by U.S. interrogators:

Anybody who has looked into some of the allegations floating around about the torture and homicides being carried out by our interrogators must realize that it is a possibility that something like flushing a Koran down a toilet could happen. What do you expect when you have interrogators basically given carte blanche to do whatever they want to detainees....

We have major human rights abuses being carried out by our military and intelligence officers. Such human rights abuses are on their face morally reprehensible and wrong. Moreover, in the long run they put this nation at huge risk. Why? Because every person that is wrongfully held, tortured, and then wantonly released by us, immediately returns to their homeland, tells their story and becomes the poster child for why everybody should hate the Americans....My take? Don't flush the Koran, Flush Bush.

Oh, she's a real sweetheart, that one.
fossten said:
He didn't just cheat on her. He was accused of groping(Kathleen Willey), exposing(Paula Jones), and raping(Juanita Broaddrick); and he lied about it on national television; and this all happened while he was in the Oval Orifice getting bjs from an intern while Hillary stood by and said nothing. And she hasn't said anything about it to this day.

She was an enabler, pure and simple.

See the connection now?

No, I do not... The blame for any events you described above would fall on Bill Clinton.
The reason the left is so angry about Coulter's book (at least the ones who've actually read it) is because her points are dead on. I bought a copy and read it, and it's the most accurate, hard-hitting piece of work I've read in a long time. She even talks about government toilet regulations in this book! Unbelievable.

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Monday, June 12, 2006 11:05 p.m. EDT

Media Proves Coulter Right

In their outrage over Ann Coulter’s new book, "Godless: The Church of Liberalism." the media have proved the very point they dispute -– the church of liberalism has a doctrine of infallibility and liberals hide behind a bevy of sacred cows to defend its tenets.

In her book, Coulter writes that ever since Rush Limbaugh and Fox News Channel broke the monopoly on the news and the floodgates opened, the leftist media and the Democrats have been trying "to re-create a world where they can hurl slander and treason without anyone arguing back –- they needed a doctrine of infallibility” that would prevent critics from answering back, leaving their fallacious doctrines unchallenged.

"They would choose only messengers whom we’re not allowed to reply to,” she writes. "That’s why all Democratic spokesmen these days are sobbing hysterical women. You can’t respond to them because that would be questioning the authenticity of their suffering.”

Among them, Coulter writes, are "people with "absolute moral authority” in the words of Maureen Dowd describing Cindy Sheehan -- Democrats with a dead husband, a dead child, a wife who works at the CIA, a war record, a terminal illness or as a last resort being on a first-name basis with Nelson Mandela.”

And so we get the likes of the "Jersey Girls" exploiting the deaths of their husbands on 9/11, Sheehan exploiting the death in Iraq of her son to attack President Bush, Joe Wilson, Rep. John Murtha and other untouchables. To challenge their assertions is blasphemy and "over the line.” And an assault on the "sacred.”

In her book Coulter writes of all of the above unchallengeable messengers, but the liberals in the media have focused on one group -– the Jersey Girls -– four New Jersey 9/11 windows who have blatantly exploited the deaths of their husbands exactly as Sheehan has exploited the heroic death of her son -– to castigate the president and his administration, and become lionized millionaires in the process.

And, just as Coulter has written, she has been lambasted by the media and such liberal Democrats as Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, for daring to attack their untouchable spokeswomen.
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Vile Left Gets a Pass

Steve Malzberg
Thursday, June 15, 2006

You have to admire the brazen hypocrisy being exhibited by the liberal media when it comes to the treatment that Ann Coulter has been receiving from them.

She has been so vilified that at least one liberal columnist has reportedly suggested she'd be better off dead. He actually asked her, "Would it kill you to do us all a favor and kill yourself?" But that columnist, Simon Dumenco of Ad Age, gets away unscathed – as do the rest of those who have directed vile, outrageous and shameful remarks in the direction of Coulter and others on the right.

Let's take the much-hyped Wednesday night matchup on Jay Leno's "Tonight Show" on NBC between Coulter and George Carlin.

You may remember Carlin as the man behind the "seven words you can't say on TV."

I also cannot write them on these pages.

In a story about the Leno show, Coulter is described as "the acid-tongued conservative" while good old George is tabbed as "the quick-witted, anti-establishment comedian." I also see that he is in the voice cast of the new hit movie for kids called "Cars." (Disney might want to take a closer look at its movie voices in the future.)

I wonder when Ann will get her shot to voice a kids movie?

During a Sept. 9, 2005 appearance on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher" Carlin used his quick wit to take this gratuitous shot at our president:

"Governor Bush, and I call him that because it's really the last thing he was elected to, ... when he reaches his Christian heaven I think he will have a lot to answer for." As for the president's mother, Carlin told Maher, "The silver douche bag, I call her."

Far from evoking any Ann Coulter-type outrage, the slur elicited a hearty roar from the audience, a broad grin and chuckle from fellow guest Cynthia Tucker, a columnist from the Atlanta Journal Constitution, and a good laugh from the host himself.

I also don't recall any outrage from the left when comic Whoopi Goldberg took to the stage at Radio City Music Hall in New York City for a democratic fund-raiser for the Kerry-Edwards ticket back on July 8, 2004.

According to the New York Post, "Waving a bottle of wine, Goldberg fired off a stream of vulgar sexual wordplays on Bush's name in a riff about female genitalia." Goldberg reportedly said the country should "keep Bush where it belongs and not in the White House."

Not only did John Kerry not object to the vulgarities, but he actually took to the stage at the end of the night and thanked all the performers for "an extraordinary evening" and said that every performer "conveyed to you the heart and sole of America."

I don't recall a group of congressmen writing a letter to Goldberg or Carlin asking for an apology they way they did to Coulter.

I don't recall state legislators in New Jersey or anywhere urging a boycott of Goldberg, Carlin or, for that matter Alec Baldwin, who had urged the stoning of Congressman Henry Hyde during the impeachment of Bill Clinton, the way they have for Coulter.

Might I have said what Coulter has said about the "Jersey Girls" in a different way? Yes, and I have many times. But the reaction by the left to what Coulter did say is just another example, the latest example, of selective outrage, aka the old double standard.

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