parting out a mark will make me 1 million dollars!

Whats your prob staff boy.. Are you trying to say you have a staff infection?
P.S It was nice to finally put a face to that big mouth kk fat mouth kid who is always running his mouth.. Let me tell ya. By the looks of you I would ONLY run my mouth over the internet to fat boy!

so big red...

you keep calling everyone fat...

i see on your ebay account you bought some jeans recently

i guess your trim muscular body wears the 42" waist jeans,or is it your girlfirends/wifes pants?

A. TIZIANO Blasted Loose Boot Cut Jeans 42x34

,seriously,what is with all the "FAT" remarks and blow me /blow you remarks,is your vocabulary that limited?
Fat, Far from it..But I am 6'6 and 260...Not 5'10 190 - 200 The jeans were bought on my account by a friend of mine...hes 6"5 290...Height my friend its all in height..Even him being 290 does not look fat at all.. Its called a MAN! Not a little chubby twirp like I see most of you are! P.S 190 pound guys wear 36" waist and 200-230 wear 38-40 so him being 290 in a 42 well you do the math ..Not fat at all, its called big men and thats what I told you retards from the start when you claim to say you could or Would run your mouth to my face. I dont think so!
I have no problem I just think since you are into posting everyones pictures you should post some of yourself. Don't get all shy on us now.
he is like a cold, annoying but will eventually go away! Lets spend our time talking about more important things then waist our time with her.....or is it him:shifty: hhhhmmmmmm! oh yeah i'm 6'2" 250 with 36" waist so where do you get "fatboy" ?? 6'6"........260 thats one big pile of s*it!! See ya!
Yea well this pile of sh@t would snap your fucxing neck boy just know that pussy!
Picture 131.jpg since you have pics of everyone else, here is one of me sweetcheeks!! mmmmwwwwaaahhh!!! you are so fun to f*ck with!! lol

Picture 131.jpg
agreed pepps, this guy is just lashing out at everyone now, the admins rarely ban anyone but this guy deserves it. but since i posted in this thread i guess that makes me gay too. lol
agreed pepps, this guy is just lashing out at everyone now, the admins rarely ban anyone but this guy deserves it. but since i posted in this thread i guess that makes me gay too. lol

Yeah i know Chicken that the Admins rarely ban anyone but this ( thebigredapple ) needs to be BANNED for life.
Whats your point omen? You think you look any tougher in that picture then you do your other? You think those sun glasses make you look tough? Like I said before you would get owned by this boy as your trying to look bad picture dont mean crap to me I have kicked way bigger scarier looking dudes asses then you bud!
P.S What did you do, go stand in the mirror just now playing dress up to look bad and go outside and take a pict of yourself trying to look bad lol what a lol And P.S Last I knew 2 earings on a guy means your a flamer...Well at least in NY it does..
And no chickenviii I never said you are gay.. You are more like a red neck surrounded by fat girls..


Yeah i know Chicken that the Admins rarely ban anyone but this ( thebigredapple ) needs to be BANNED for life.

The sad thing is there is no true way to ban somebody.

I doubt this dope would figure it out.

I never knew a chicken could be gay lol :)
I suppose it could be born that way.
Lol! You crack me up! Is that the best you can come up with? My sunglasses? Anyway tough guy, I don't recall seeing any pics of you? You just have pics of other guys....hmmmmm,makes me wonder! I am good friends with one of the administrators of this site so I will put a good word in for you bro!NOT! Don't worry everyone, THIS ASSMUNCHER IS HISTORY! I am sure if everyone took a vote, you would be gone! Get a life! I'm done!
Lol! You crack me up! Is that the best you can come up with? My sunglasses? Anyway tough guy, I don't recall seeing any pics of you? You just have pics of other guys....hmmmmm,makes me wonder! I am good friends with one of the administrators of this site so I will put a good word in for you bro!NOT! Don't worry everyone, THIS ASSMUNCHER IS HISTORY! I am sure if everyone took a vote, you would be gone! Get a life! I'm done!

Don't you remember this is a punk kid with only the ability to type .... What's that song about the guy on the Internet? You can be anything you want ....

Oh we don't want him gone .... he give us entertainment... this is better than the political forum....
Omen boy you said you were done 5 posts ago puss boy.. Go ahead and ban me. Ill open another account. Simple as that!

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