Passenger Rear Door Lock Actuator Part#


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 21, 2011
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Anyone have a Passenger Rear Door Lock Actuator Part Number? I have looked in the forum, rockauto, ebay, amazon, google etc... I can't seem to locate it. Dealership wants $$$. Any help would be appreciated. Also, how/were did you find this part number?

My drivers door window regulator just went out yesterday (window struggles to go down and won't go up), I just ordered a new part for that.

The RR door switch on the inside hasn't been moving for some time via the remote or via the interior driver lock switch on the door arm rest (I do hear the RR door lock working but the latch barely moves, sometimes it works, most of the time it does not work), so I have been leaning over to manually lock/unlock it for a year or two. I thought I would search for the part# and maybe work on the LF and RR doors to fix the window and lock.

Also, time to replace the drivers visor latch, again. Other than these items, the car has been running well. Wishing you all an early Merry Christmas!
2W4A-5426412-BB should be the right number. AFAIK, they aren't available new any more, so ebay or your local junkyard would probably be the most likely places to find it.
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Thank you Joegr! You are always helpful, thanks for your time finding this part#.
Correct Part# 2W4Z-54203A28-EA (per local Lincoln Dealership)

No longer available. I haven't found it used for sale anywhere yet. Yesterday it no longer allowed me to lock the car from the inside manually (so the car was unlocked at that door). Today I took everything out, determined that I can't fix it, can't find the part, so I put it back together but did not reattach the exterior door handle linkage. Now you can open and close it from the inside, and can close it from the outside... but you can't open that door from the outside anymore. Essentially the car is now locked again.
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Thanks for the links Joegr. I saw the first link you sent earlier, before my previous post. I talked to the local Lincoln Dealership today and they said the correct part number is: 2W4Z-54203A28-EA

So I didn't know what part is correct now, as nothing matches on ebay etc. with what the dealership states is the correct part. Hesitant to order anything if the part number doesn't match.
They changed part numbers a few times. Still any 1st gen lock will work for you as far as I can tell.
Good to know about the part number changes. The old part number seems to be found used more often, than the new part number.
They look slightly different, but they bolt in, plug in, and function the same.
I pulled parts myself in the 70's in Iowa junkyards for a Ford Galaxie 500 XL.

Pulling parts yourself here in Arizona I don't think is wise with all the rattlers, scorpions, black widows, brown recluse etc..

I might skip the door latch actuator for now (I unhooked the exterior latch linkage so no one can get in the car).

Thanks again for the help/links etc.

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