Passenger Side Window questions


LVC Member
Apr 15, 2012
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So I have perused the forums about the regulator problem on the windows, and have reached an impasse.

Driving home from work today, I rode with the windows open, and when I got home, I tried to roll the windows up, and much to my surprise, I simply got a "crunching" sound from the passenger door, and no window. So I looked through the forums and found that this is a common problem with the LS (mine is an '06). I saw that it is most likely the regulator but it could also be as simple as replacing some plastic clips. So I decided to take a look.

I managed, after trying to gingerly remove the door panel, to rip the damn thing off and get a good look at the inside of the door. Much to my surprise (because I had not read about it) I found a "sound proofing" layer of foil like material underneath the door panel. I managed to peel most of it off on the right side of the passenger door (towards the back of the car), and found that the window is intact, and that the wire for the pulley seems to not be tangled as I had previously read.

My question is, what exactly am I looking for to determine what the problem is with my window? I am sure its not the motor, because when I push the button, the motor turns and tries to pull the window up or down. The glass is not broken (which i thought was the cracking sound when i pushed the button). but the window seems to sit lower in the door then normal. i suppose i will take the car to the autoglass place near my work tomorrow, but now that i have the panel off, i would like to diagnose it myself.

what should i be looking for with the panel off? is it okay to peel the "foil" layer off of the door? if it sacrifices a little bit of the sound dampening, i dont care if i can fix the door for less than a few hundred dollars. even so, is this foil layer something that i can replace?

thank you as always for your help, i cant tell you how useful and productive this forum has been for me.

i look forward to your help.
by looking at it you should be able to see what is wrong.

if the piece of glass is not still attached to the regulator that moves it, then you probably lost or broke the clip that holds it in (i had this happen to the rear window in my 00' )

if the piece of glass is still attached to the regulator, but there is a loose metal cable and/or pieces of a broken wheel flopping around in the door, then you probably have the broken regulator (had this happen to both the front windows in my 03')

then again you may also have a completely different problem, my way to fix it would be to watch it and observe why it is not working when the button is being pressed
The pulley wire is loose, but i do not see any broken pieces of wheel.

I am a little bit apprehensive to take the rest of this "sound proofing foil" off of the door, but if something needs replaced in here, doesnt it stand to reason that it will have to come off anyways?
The foil will have to come off anyway to fix any problem in there. Just observe what happens when you try to roll the window up and you should be able to find out whats wrong. Probly the regulator.
Try to see where the window actually attaches to the regulator - little plastic clips. They frequently break. Folks have found replacement clips, but I'm a little wary of them.
Full regulators, which include the motor, cable, clips, pulleys, etc all assembled are available as Dorman parts from most parts stores.

Yup, the sheet has to come off. The large metal tray then unbolts from the door and comes out. You need to remove the window, which at this point is as easy as just pulling it up and out. Angle it carefully and it's easy.

But, I'm feeling generous. Check out:

Also, in general, hit up for the full '06 service manual. All the diagrams and procedures that you need are up there.
This happened to me the other day, I took the entire door apart to find plastic all over the bottom of the door, make sure you take off the metal part behind that sticky sound proof whatever stuff and take the window out I bet you will see the bottom plastic not the wheel i don't know what it is but it exploded on mine the bottom part. After figuring that out I brought it to a shop and they're ordering the part and fixing it.

It was quite annoying, my friend rolled down the window only to hear a loud 'bang, pop' and then a crunching noise when trying to roll up the window. Moments later it started pouring rain :(.
I have never had to take my windows completely out. I usually lift them up to where they are when fully rolled up and tape them to hold them in place. That allows enuf room to get the regulator out and the new one in.
Awesome advice guys, I always appreciate everyone's help on this website, it is great.

This morning before work, I had an opportunity to (after my frustration had worn down) get in there and take a better look. I managed to get the window most of the way up manually. I had to use the window up button to give me enough slack, but I got it to nearly an inch from being closed. After that, I reached inside to see if I could feel anything loose or out of place and... there was. I got ahold of a loose "cable", but it wasnt a bare cable like the one on the right side of the window. It was encased in a rubber lining of sorts, that seemed to be ridged or formed, almost like it was a weather strip like shape (if that makes any sense). I didnt feel any plastic pieces or anything broken in the bottom of the door, but to be completely honest I know know that I dug that deep.

Does the coated wire piece (that is clearly not how its supposed to be) make any sense to anyone? I am going to take a look at the links oddball left for me.

Thanks again!

Does the coated wire piece (that is clearly not how its supposed to be) make any sense to anyone? I am going to take a look at the links oddball left for me.

Thanks again!

Here are some pictures (end of thread).

What you are describing is normal and it is supposed to be loose in the door.
Your clearest path to getting this fixed is to just replace the regulator.
It looks as though the regulator may still be good...

So I had a chance to go home last weekend to my dad's to take this door apart in the garage -- as opposed to taking it apart on the street in downtown Cincinnati.

I have a feeling I didn't take it apart in the most cut and dry fashion, as I had removed the bolts holding the regulator to the inside of the door.

Regardless, when I got everything out of the door, I took a close look at the "regulator" (which I am assuming is the name for the entire window mechanism).

There did not appear to be any tangling, or any broken pieces of "wheel". In fact, it looks as though they clips that attach the window to the regulator are the parts that need replaced.

I have included some pictures below to see if anyone can confirm this for me?





As you can see, the white clips are clearly broken, or at least the one toward the front of the car. Everything else seems to be in order. Am I correct in this assessment?

I have managed to get the window in its slot, and have it closed with some planks of wood for the time being, but I surely dont want to leave it like this.

Thanks in advance for your replies!

You really need to replace the whole regulator.
You also need to put the "foil" air/water barrier back when done.
Boooo... I was really hoping for better news, lol.

Thanks for your insight, however Joegr

It's sometimes possible to repair the regulator, but usually the cable and spool are damaged (that crunching sound you heard was this damage happening). Once damaged, they will likely fail soon and may be slow and/or noisy. It not real hard to replace the regulator, but hard enough for me to pay for a new one instead of risking that I'll be doing it over in a few months.
I dont believe you could buy them separately if you wanted... But you should be able to get a new one for under $100, which is great for these cars lol... If not you can maybe salvage one...but it wont be worth it...

looks like rockauto has with the motor for 103.00 and without 73.00

(would 1st gen be different then 2nd?)
I dont believe you could buy them separately if you wanted... But you should be able to get a new one for under $100, which is great for these cars lol... If not you can maybe salvage one...but it wont be worth it...

looks like rockauto has with the motor for 103.00 and without 73.00

(would 1st gen be different then 2nd?)

Yes. 2nd gen has a "smart" motor. 1st gen is a simple, dumb, motor. I believe the regulators are different too.
LOL ... care to explain the difference

On the front window motors, the 2nd gen has all of the electronics for the auto up, auto down, and safety bounce back features built into the motors.

On the 1st gen, there is only the auto down feature, and it is handled by external electronics.
FWIW the Dorman window regulators have a "limited lifetime warranty". Should come in handy!

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