Passenger Window "bounce back"


LVC Member
Jun 8, 2010
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I searched the forums but maybe I am using the wrong key words. I have an 06 LS and when trying to roll up the Passenger window it will engauge the Bounce Back feature and roll the window back down. This happens if you just hold the button or use the Auto Up feature.

If you roll it up 2 or 3 inches at a time it will go all the way up.

Is there an adjustment for this or am I looking at a bigger problem?

Thanks All!
I searched the forums but maybe I am using the wrong key words. I have an 06 LS and when trying to roll up the Passenger window it will engauge the Bounce Back feature and roll the window back down. This happens if you just hold the button or use the Auto Up feature.

If you roll it up 2 or 3 inches at a time it will go all the way up.

Is there an adjustment for this or am I looking at a bigger problem?

Thanks All!

I've been having this issue ever since I've owned my car. Been to the dealership a half dozen times & it NEVER does it when the tech has the car so they can't fix it. As soon as I leave the dealership it does it...
I've posted this before, but here it is again.
You need to reinitialize the window controller.

Lower the window fully.

Press and hold the window up button all the way down (auto position). Do not release the button until two seconds after the window has fully closed.
I've posted this before, but here it is again.
You need to reinitialize the window controller.

Lower the window fully.

Press and hold the window up button all the way down (auto position). Do not release the button until two seconds after the window has fully closed.

Ok so I just went out and tried that. I held the window up button all the way down as you mentioned. The window rolls 3/4 of the way up and the rolls back down. It stops going down when it is about 1/4 of the way up and then stops even though I am still holding the window up button down. I tried from the drivers side button and the passenger side button.

My passenger window did that all 10 times I tried.

Any other suggestions?

Like I said I can get it to roll all the way up but I have to tap the window button and let it inch up rather than just hold it or being about to use the Auto Up feature.

Thanks again your help!!
Ok so I just went out and tried that. I held the window up button all the way down as you mentioned. The window rolls 3/4 of the way up and the rolls back down. It stops going down when it is about 1/4 of the way up and then stops even though I am still holding the window up button down. I tried from the drivers side button and the passenger side button.

My passenger window did that all 10 times I tried.

Any other suggestions?

Like I said I can get it to roll all the way up but I have to tap the window button and let it inch up rather than just hold it or being about to use the Auto Up feature.

Thanks again your help!!

You probably have a failing regulator then.
Hard to replace?

Not too bad. At least there aren't any rivets to drill out and the glass doesn't have to be removed. Do a search (I know, the search here is awful). Its been covered a few times on this forum, some with pictures.

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