PATS problem or glitch maybe?

Anyone have any ideas for me? I have a Gen 1 02 LS v8 with 147K on it.
Monday I went to work and I come out 4½ hours later at lunch as I usually do to move my car up front. I disable the alarm with the remote and notice the taillights flashed but the front turns didn't. Try to open the door but it's not unlocked. Press it again and the other three open but the driver's still didn't. Put the key in to start it and nothing. No starter no click no nothing. The alarm light is flashing like crazy and finally stopped but didn't see any codes. Disconnect the blade switch on the battery for about 5 minutes and tried again. Nothing. Got furious, disconnected battery again and went inside. Come back out about 20 or so minutes later, connected it and it started normal. Moved car and finished work. After work it starts fine too. Got home, parked, turned it off and try again and it starts. Next day I go out to get mail and try again to make sure it's still starting and it is. So go out to go to work in afternoon and it still starts fine. Get to work and go in. Come out at lunch to move it and again it's not starting. Disconnect battery for about half hour to 45 minutes and go out and try again and no start. By this time I'm livid because I'll have no way to get the car home if I can't get it started. Disconnect battery and finish work. After work I cross fingers, connect battery and it starts. Started again when I got home and twice this morning. I'm not getting any codes on the PATS light (Edit: It's doing it again and now I do see PATS codes which appear to be 11. Also notice when it's doing this the message center says "Check Front Turn Lamps"). I started Forscan and cleared all the codes since disconnecting the battery seems to set off every code it has with the modules and rescan. I have a few codes still but none that have any relation to the PATS system or cluster. But I tried to run the instrument cluster test and it wouldn't finish. I forget if it said failed or interrupted.
Am I just getting a glitch with the PATS since I know the electronics in these are known to get glitchy as they get old. Or is my cluster starting to fail? I sure as shit hope not.
Is there some other easier way to reset the PATS without having to disconnect the battery?

See highlighted red letters above.

Maybe the first thing you should do is remove the blade switch and eliminate that as a possible connectivity issue.

Just a thought.
Joegr that was a masterful bit of troubleshooting! Great job!

You can check those blade type fuses without removing them from the car. Very simple and quick.
Check Fuse in Car.jpg

Also follow joegr's suggestion about the sunroof (moonroof really) drains. Very common and no cost to fix if you can DIY it.

Here is what happens.
Sunroof Drain Unhooked.jpg

I pulled my up and used a hose clamp on it to prevent it coming off again but the tubes do shrink and several people have needed to add a short section of hose to reconnect them.

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