PCM Flashing


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 20, 2005
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As far as having the dealer flash the pcm, is this a general thing that they do, or do they flash only certain areas of the programming? Also, being that I have a 2000 LS V8 sport, is there any particular part of the PCM that I should have flashed, if this is indeed how flashing works? Sorry, I'm new, and it may be a dumb question, but I couldn't find the answer in searching the posts. Thanks for your help to a newbie in advance!!! :feedback :Beer
when the dealer reflashes the pcm. they dont have control on what areas it reflashes per say. what happens is. when ford has certain problems, say a rough idle or a hard shift. they can change strategies in the pcm to fix the problem. change the pressures in the tranny or change the timing or whatever. all we do is hook it up to our WDS (worldwide diagnostics system) it tells us if it needs a reprogram, and it shows us what problems it will fix. then is reprograms it. We dont have any control on what it programs. ;]
so if they had diagnosed a check engine light as my car needing new coil packs, then they probably would have seen if the car needed to be flashed at that time too, is that correct? Sorry for the stupid questions again.
Your car should be checked for needed updates every time it goes to the dealership...even for a service. When the punch in the serial number, they should automatically check for any available updates.

That doesn't mean they did though...just give them a call with your serial number and have them check it out for you.
if they had wds on it.. they might of looked to see if it needed updates. but they wouldnt of done it for free. so if it didnt say it on the invoice and your car still isnt under warranty. then they prolly didnt do it.. u need to physically hook your car up to wds to see if its up to date.. u cant call it in. but if your car has never been at a dealership or atleast hasnt been there for a long time and they never mentioned doing it .. they u should go have it done. ;]
Question for the board? How much does a PCM flash cost, and is the dealership the only ones that can reflash the PCM? Thanks....

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