PCM Issue


Active LVC Member
Jan 18, 2010
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Mount Laurel
Having an issue with the PCM and the cooling fan turning on at start up. Coincidently while it is running the fuel pump is not coming on. As seasons change and things get colder the problem becomes more pronounced. Wondering if it is worth buying a tool to try and fix issue myself or bite the bullet and go to the dealer. Any suggestions would be great. Not sure if I can reflash it myself or any other options. Tried pulling cooling fan conection but proble still persists. Any ideas other than a trip to the dealer? Car is a 2003 with electric fan. Not sure if there is a way to test if it is a bad relay, or if the fan is reading something that is not actually going on. I need read there is a cylinder head temp guage not sure if that would have anything to do with anything. Thanks.
Here' a good scan tool.
You need the Ford unlock code, as well as the scan tool. Of course, this will only work for you if you have a laptop to use with it.
Thanks. The only temp guage I know is working is the one for the outside temp. Have to see if it is worth paying ford or going on to try and fix issue myself. I have a loaner for the week from a friend because of the trouble I have been having getting it started in the morning. At the price I either have to find someone with one or bite the bullet. Anyone in South Jersey/Philly area?
60 for reflash doesnt sound bad. Buddy getting back to me about scan tool to just check temp sensors. One friend has Ford tool but It is not the type of thing he feels comfortable borrowing. Guess I still have to pay out for diagnostic first and if need be 60 for reflash. Taking one last look before going to dealer on Thursday. Ill post the solution when I find one.
OK. After all the headaches and guessing of what could possibly be wrong the official Lincoln verdict is in. A bad cell in my battery caused the PCM to wipe itself out. Diagnostic was $150, reprogramming PCM is another $60 putting me at $210. Also calling to replace the battery running me up to $320 or $330 for core if I want to keep old battery. Sounds like battery is an up charge but considering old one is from 2003 original I don't think I am going to lose on it. Allowed Lincoln to do everything they wanted to do so the same issue should not occur again. Already knew the PCM thing but didn't want to have it done on a guess. Thanks for all the help along the way. On a side note, anyone ever hear of a bad battery cell or was the coil problem more likely the cause of the PCM issue?:shifty:
I bought an OEM battery (750 CCA) for my 04 last year at a Ford dealer for around $120. It takes less than ten minutes to install.

I've heard of batteries having bad cells. I haven't heard of that messing up the FLASH in the PCM. I suppose it could happen. I haven't heard of bad coils messing up the PCM's FLASH either.
Dont think I got a bad deal, just hate spending money. A luxury vehicle with only 55,000 Mi and I have about $850 in repairs other than standard maintinence seems a little high. New Battery, Flash, and full diagnostic of vehicle ran me $320 out the door. Allowed them to do everything they asked so hopefully the problem wont return. I did just recently replace the spark plugs and coils due to a misfire from one of the coils. Pressure test at least showed all the new coils were good. All and all I feel I got my money worth. Could have simply requested the PCM flash but if the problem came back I simply would have been out the money.
Check engine light back on after 4 days. New code is P0430 Catalyst efficiency low-bank 2. PCM was reflashed and new battery so I am thinking just a coincidence that new issue appeared after being in dealership. My new concern is as follows:
Recently had 2003 LS in shop for PCM issue. After looking everything over the dealer informed me the PCM needed reflash caused by a bad cell in the battery. Authorized dealer to install new battery on there word but requested old battery be saved since it was less than a year old. Battery was a bosch aftermarket that I installed in factory location with adapter for vent tube in the trunk. Paid the core deposit and went to get the battery tested before I raised hell at Pepboys over the bad battery. Auto Zone checked battery and Pepboys. Both places stated battery is 100% good. CCA tested higher then stated.
Should I go back to dealer and raise all He#@? Some how I have purchased two batteries in a year and I am thinking some one is wrong. Any ideas on how to fully test cells? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

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