Quote Joe:
"(The PCM can apply neither. The parking brake is applied by the parking brake module. The PCM has no ability to command it to do so. The main brakes can be applied by the ABS module. It does communicate with the PCM, but it mostly goes the other way. The ABS module can command the PCM to reduce engine power. I do not believe that the PCM can command the ABS module to apply any of the brakes. The ABS module decides to do so on its own.) "
I'm not saying that the PCM was applying the parking brake... but more that the PCM was getting some sort of readout to apply brakes due to a false sensing of wheel spin, (traction control). To me,,, this would go back to a wheel speed sensor having an intermittent false reading. I don't care what system commands what... but it seems that according to what 2005 is saying,,, something is telling his LS to apply the brakes... WITHOUT cutting power to the engine. This would seem to be an issue with the traction control part of the system, (falsely sensing wheel spin/slippage), which would most likely be a wheel speed sensor... or a fault within that part of the system.
IRRC... someone recently posted an issue with hearing a "beep" from the LS,,, and before they could look at the message screen... the fault went away. IRRC... you said you had experieced that too,,, and said that it was a fault that happened quickly enough that the OBD couldn't record the problem. I too have experienced that... and also remember another thread where somebody was having similar "quirks" with their LS,,, ansd suspected the idea of the battery being in the trunk... and over time the corroded spot welded chassis of the LS becoming a poor ground,,, and having the idea of running a ground wire from the battery directly to the engine.
If the afformentioned issues are part of the same problem,,, then the poster that suggested the ground wire may not be that far off. However... I will go a bit further to suggest "star grounding". This means tapping into the ground on each module,,, and mounting them to a central point that also grounds to the battery... rather than using the chassis for a common ground.
Hope the link works:
If not... Google search "star grounding for electronics". It has worked for many applications over the years,,, but hasn't become a popular idea until recent years from what I understand, (like after the LS was manufactured).