Well-Known LVC Member
Dieseldan & dnsherrill, i have purchased items from gman in the past, he went so far as to offer to bring it to me in Laredo tx where i was doing work at the time, i have been to his home as well to pick up things, my issue is the person purchased car and drove it home and after it gets home he isn't satisfied or felt screwed, members here are saying car in question wasn't worth $4500.00, but many have paid more for a car and didn't get as much, gman documented on this forum the issue of the brakes so it wasn't a surprise, and then members act like he owes them an explanation for his deal with someone else, there is nothing he can say that's going to make a difference. whats funny is when its you're mark8 its worth a lot of money,but another person's mark8 it's always over priced.. plus ive noticed members here smell blood in the water and go in for the attack under the guise of trying to defend with name calling and juvenile antics.
Ok Ervin, good points but this was a year or so ago right? Seems like its been recently that his sales tactics have gone down hill. This is just a hypothetical, but let's say he was selling some Speedstars right now, for $300 plus shipping, would you honestly say you would buy it from him after reading all these posts? I know I wouldn't want to take that chance, but that's just me.