Pics (CAI/angel on fog)

There's so many ways to do this and everyone's going to have their own opinnion on what's the right way.

You could make a "cold" air box out of metal flashing and some door trim gasket. I fabbed one up for my '96 SHO that way. Make a cardboard template first, then cut it out of the metal flashing. The thing is that a metal "cold" air box acts as a heat sink, transferring the engine bay heat through the material and into the air box. Had a remote thermometer in my cold airbox and the temps under hood and in the box were the same when the car was sitting still. When the car was moving, the temps dropped in the box; but it was the same difference as just relocating the filter to below the engine bay or into the fender. You'd have to wrap the box with something that would deflect the heat.

Ideally, you'd like to scavenge air from a high pressure area of the car... either behind the bumper, headlight, fender, or from the lower portion of the windshield where it meets the hood. The engineers usually have the right location, we're just looking for more volume.

You never get any sort of ram effect unless you're going 160 mph. If you're looking to just cool the intake charge, look to relocate the filter somewhere out of the bay. Heat's always going to be a problem, and you'll never completely defeat it.
mholhut said:
You could make a "cold" air box out of metal flashing and some door trim gasket. I fabbed one up for my '96 SHO that way. Make a cardboard template first, then cut it out of the metal flashing. The thing is that a metal "cold" air box acts as a heat sink, transferring the engine bay heat through the material and into the air box. You'd have to wrap the box with something that would deflect the heat.

You never get any sort of ram effect unless you're going 160 mph. If you're looking to just cool the intake charge, look to relocate the filter somewhere out of the bay. Heat's always going to be a problem, and you'll never completely defeat it.

I don't want to fab a box, I just want to buy one. I don't feel like hunting around Orlando for someone to do it, when there are so many people here that know how.
Wouldn't a Windshield sun deflector shield be good for insulating an air box?
mholhut said:
Only if the sun is shining on your motor.

Aha, lol - NOT. The sun puts out heat, the shield not only reflects the light, but the heat also. :L
you guys would laugh @ my setup!

First I cut a hole in the box right above the infamous hole, sounded good but that wasnt enough so I cut about 4 to 5 inches of the original tube that goes into the fender, shoved it inside the bigger end of the tube twisted it so that the opening faces very flushly on the infamous hole (cold air baby! and the factory box wont allow most of the Heat in if not all).... took it for a drive the thing sounds great and the car readout showed me a gain of 4 MPG.

If I were to sell it or trade it in for an Manual V8 {Yeah I wish!} they would mostly not be able to tell that its modified.

Could post pics and perhaps a small clip of how it sounds, only if there is interest.
Sacredfire said:
you guys would laugh @ my setup!

First I cut a hole in the box right above the infamous hole, sounded good but that wasnt enough so I cut about 4 to 5 inches of the original tube that goes into the fender, shoved it inside the bigger end of the tube twisted it so that the opening faces very flushly on the infamous hole (cold air baby! and the factory box wont allow most of the Heat in if not all)
Could post pics and perhaps a small clip of how it sounds, only if there is interest.

I would like to see a pic of it. I haven't installed an air tube, yet. I have the parts, but I don't want crap flying into the engine area.

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