Ok,,Ok ...Im back !
"They are doing it here in Los Angeles, and have been for years..
If you don't belive this, you might want to google the fact about bussing in Los Angeles, then maybe you will retract your rediculous statement.
I was not able to find information on kids getting bussed to black areas ,,,
but if they were (and from the postings it may have happened),,the only "rediculous" thing about that is the black kids have one book for 42 kids in a class,,why would anyone want to send there kids to a school like that on purpose..the black kids parents have been trying to get a fair shake in education since,and before "The Brown vs The Board of Education",,,,and it still not even close..
In my life time I have had the chance to live in both the best and the worst areas of Philadelphia PA, Cherry Hill NJ, Centerville MS, Las Vegas NV and one thing they have in common ...THE SCHOOLS SUCK IN THE BLACK AREAS !
To: Calabrio
"It's interesting how you mention how "white men" are in charge and have messed things up. Care to discuss the local governments in the neighborhoods you've just described? "
The local government are white guys,,who even when a black person is in a position to do something good for the neighborhoods they handicap them with BS regulations.
P.S. Glenn Beck is a over paided fool who is also a raving racists idiot,,,who trys to pretend like he is not ,,,check the rest of youtube...(even the devil can resite a verse for this own purpose)
YouTube - Media Moron: Glenn Beck
"It speaks nothing of the race of people living in that community, only the shared sub-culture"
The majority of the people up to this point in that community are black and have not been welcome to share in the mass culture that is white people,,so that is all they know ,,besides the white people lived there first and moved away after all the dark faces moved in ,,
Besides I already mentioned that this not the correct thing to do ,,maybe you got pissed and missed that part ..
Re: "I speak as one who has an AB in Sociology."
Ans: you dont have to go in 40-50k debit to know that...LOL
All I'm saying is that,,,,the world is not fair,,,and black people are trying to get there turn at the wheel ,,,,,even if the car is going over a cliff,,,LOL
And I've seen first hand the good and bad of the U.S. ,,,,from my dad walking down the street and some white guy screamin "whose white kids do you have" ,,to the people in the white neighborhood we lived in ,putting out our house when it was on fire with there garden hose "
But it is the same $h!t every where you go ,,, Life is not fair,, any where you go !