Plot to assinate Obama

"I am sure after a while paranoia would set in reversing the racism.
My question would be is it justified ?"

Not only is it justified, but it is happening.
Take the statements by Michell Obama.
"For the first time in my life I am proud of my country", then the statement given on tape about getting back at "whitey".
Yes, I would say it is happening.
There is no monopoly on racism.
It isn't just a white thing.
It is present when, and whereever different races come together.
Something like racism is never going to go away completely. It's like all negative things in this world; war, famine, poverty, etc. etc...

However, that type of institutional racism (to the detriment of blacks) doesn't exist (in a broad sense) in america today.

Thats a broad statement.
It happens...... how much you will never never know because its not overt.
I am sure some areas are worse then others.
Do you think racists like Bob tell the person they wont get the place because they are black ?
Do you think Bob is one of a kind ?
So you are putting me in bed with the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton ?
A race peddler ?
Nice try for a smear.
Pull your head out of the sand Shag
I am sure after a while paranoia would set in reversing the racism.
My question would be is it justified ?
No reply to the question ? Oh thats right it dosen't happen right ? :rolleyes:
Ok,,Ok ...Im back !
"They are doing it here in Los Angeles, and have been for years..
If you don't belive this, you might want to google the fact about bussing in Los Angeles, then maybe you will retract your rediculous statement.
I was not able to find information on kids getting bussed to black areas ,,,
but if they were (and from the postings it may have happened),,the only "rediculous" thing about that is the black kids have one book for 42 kids in a class,,why would anyone want to send there kids to a school like that on purpose..the black kids parents have been trying to get a fair shake in education since,and before "The Brown vs The Board of Education",,,,and it still not even close..

In my life time I have had the chance to live in both the best and the worst areas of Philadelphia PA, Cherry Hill NJ, Centerville MS, Las Vegas NV and one thing they have in common ...THE SCHOOLS SUCK IN THE BLACK AREAS !

To: Calabrio
"It's interesting how you mention how "white men" are in charge and have messed things up. Care to discuss the local governments in the neighborhoods you've just described? "
The local government are white guys,,who even when a black person is in a position to do something good for the neighborhoods they handicap them with BS regulations.

P.S. Glenn Beck is a over paided fool who is also a raving racists idiot,,,who trys to pretend like he is not ,,,check the rest of youtube...(even the devil can resite a verse for this own purpose)
YouTube - Media Moron: Glenn Beck
"It speaks nothing of the race of people living in that community, only the shared sub-culture"
The majority of the people up to this point in that community are black and have not been welcome to share in the mass culture that is white people,,so that is all they know ,,besides the white people lived there first and moved away after all the dark faces moved in ,,
Besides I already mentioned that this not the correct thing to do ,,maybe you got pissed and missed that part ..

Re: "I speak as one who has an AB in Sociology."
Ans: you dont have to go in 40-50k debit to know that...LOL

All I'm saying is that,,,,the world is not fair,,,and black people are trying to get there turn at the wheel ,,,,,even if the car is going over a cliff,,,LOL

And I've seen first hand the good and bad of the U.S. ,,,,from my dad walking down the street and some white guy screamin "whose white kids do you have" ,,to the people in the white neighborhood we lived in ,putting out our house when it was on fire with there garden hose "

But it is the same $h!t every where you go ,,, Life is not fair,, any where you go !
Ok,,Ok ...Im back !
And having read your response, I can tell you didn't put much thought into your response....
I was not able to find information on kids getting bussed to black areas ,,,
but if they were (and from the postings it may have happened),,the only "rediculous" thing about that is the black kids have one book for 42 kids in a class,,why would anyone want to send there kids to a school like that on purpose..the black kids parents have been trying to get a fair shake in education since,and before "The Brown vs The Board of Education",,,,and it still not even close..
Schools are the product of local government.
Some of the worst schools in this country, ones you are refering to, spend more per student than anywhere else. It's not about money, it's a local issue. You can't keep passing the blame off forever, eventually the education a child because the responsibility of the community and the parents.

And that is a statement regarding the quality of the local government and the involvement of the community.

To: Calabrio
The local government are white guys,,who even when a black person is in a position to do something good for the neighborhoods they handicap them with BS regulations.
And you think that BS regulation is only applied when a black person is in charge? You're deliberately vague regarding what "BS regulation" it is that is preventing black people from doing good for the neighborhood, but bureaucracy and inefficiency is a trait of government. The trick is to stop looking to the government for solutions.

Glenn Beck is a over paided fool who is also a raving racists idiot,,,
I disagree 100%. And I've met Glenn Beck on a few occasions.

The majority of the people up to this point in that community are black and have not been welcome to share in the mass culture that is white people,,
The mass culture that is white people???

so that is all they know ,,
Clearly it hasn't been working, so maybe some of those poverty pimps that "represent" the community should start looking for better solutions. Maybe looking at what some of the other minority communities have done to raise themselves out of poverty and not perpetuate an endless cycle of dependency and victimhood.

Or they can just lay blame and extort money.

All I'm saying is that,,,,the world is not fair,,,and black people are trying to get there turn at the wheel ,,,,,even if the car is going over a cliff,,,LOL
And they are entitled to "drive the car" if they wish. But they should get to the drivers seat by taking the same taste, and with the application of the same standards, as anyone else.

But it is the same $h!t every where you go ,,, Life is not fair,, any where you go !
Implication seems to be that it's a walk in the park for a hard working white person while a black person is incapable of getting a fair chance. This couldn't be more evidently untrue than it is today.
Ya know,there is an old saying, "If you can't beat um, join um".
It would be great if the black population would stop this stupid complaining, get off their lazy a$$es and start building lives for themselves.
They are running out of options.
Take advantage of all situations to gain the upper hand , just like the white folks have been doing for centuries.
Pi$$in and moaning, thinking because they are black, they will always be second class, and in some instances, third class citizens, won't cut it.
They need to think positive, and set goals for themselves, and not stopping until they are reached.
I can hear the comments from our black forum members already.
How can we get ahead and reach goals when we are being held back?
It is this stupid thinking that has held them back.
They, for the most part are defeatist with a capital "D".
I think if the blacks spent as much time in constructive purpose in their lives as they do bitchin about it, they would be a lot better off.
Instead of robbing banks and dealing drugs, get an education and do something constructive for a change.
The one thing I think is happening in the black community is, there is no plan, no group involvement for constructive causes.
These things are prevalent in most white communities.
The blacks need to learn how, and why many whites are successful.
I started this post saying perhaps the blacks need to join the whites, if they cant compete with them.
I am gonna say something here that too most, if not all, will come as a shock.
I can hear the comments already "what a biggot", What a hypocrite".
He lives across the street from me.
We have been friends for 17 years.
Now you ask, how can that be?
How can you have such dislike for blacks and have one as a friend?
I don't think of him as black.
He is a white man with black skin.
He neither thinks or acts like the typical black man.
He is a highly paid executive with Northrop Grummand, and learned early in life that he would have to break the ghetto lifestyle.
He was able to put himself through college by working while going to high school, and all during college.
This is one dude that knew what he wanted, and did all he could to see that he succeeded.
He is now 42 years old, a successful executive, owns 5 houses, two new vehicles, numerous stocks and bonds, and just a great guy to be with.
We have talked many times about his roots, and my racist feeling toward his race.
He feels the same as I when it comes to most blacks.
They are holding thenselves down.
Last week, a symbol of their struggle emerged to become the most powerful man on the planet.
They should take head, and see how he accomplished this feat
The black communities in our major cities are living the way they want.
If not, they would work to change things instead of moaning we have nothing because "whitey has it all".
Instead of trying to steal it from "whitey" they would do well to find ways to better themselves legally.
They should realize by now, no one is going to give them anything, they need to get off their a$$ and work for changes, in order for them to happen.
I can hear it now, "would you hire a black?"
I would if he or she were qualified too do the job.
Qualification takes education, and no black, in a black community is going to get that education sitting on a stoop watching the world pass them by.
No one is going to hire a drug peddler, pimp, or felon.
These unwanted qualities are magnified in the black communities.
Until blacks make up their minds that there is no free ride, and they need to "get on the bus", they will never have anything but the meager existence they have now.
I don't care for President elect Obama, but you have to give the dude credit, he made the most of his life.
Blacks in particular could learn from him.
I just don't get it.



So you race baiters need to shut the **** up.
it sucks that people feel the way bob feels, I respect him because he doesnt hide his feelings and thats where my respect stops, i am a young black male, 25 to be exact, i have worked since i was 14, and majority of my black friends did the same thing. Its a shame that people allow a small population speak for the masses, its unfair and just wrong. It pisses me off that i risk my life everyday for people like him, people that judge me before i even say hi. I am sure i do more before 5am before most do the whole day and he calls me lazy, that sucks...
it sucks that people feel the way bob feels, I respect him because he doesnt hide his feelings and thats where my respect stops, i am a young black male, 25 to be exact, i have worked since i was 14, and majority of my black friends did the same thing. Its a shame that people allow a small population speak for the masses, its unfair and just wrong. It pisses me off that i risk my life everyday for people like him, people that judge me before i even say hi. I am sure i do more before 5am before most do the whole day and he calls me lazy, that sucks...

In all races there are good and bad, and some like yourself make sure they succeed.
I applaud you for that.
Unfortunately there are far to many in the black population that are on the flip side of that coin, and those are the ones giving the entire black race a bad name. You and I both know it.
I am willing to bet just from your short post here, that you take advantage of most opportunities that come your way.
Most balcks wouldn't know an opportunity if it hit them over the head, and that is their own fault.
I respect all who wander outside the realm in an effort to make things better for themselves.
It is this feeling that "whitey owes us" that really pi$ses me off.
So my friend, it isn't every black that I dislike, but I DO have to say, it is the majority of them.
In all races there are good and bad, and some like yourself make sure they succeed.
I applaud you for that.
Unfortunately there are far to many in the black population that are on the flip side of that coin, and those are the ones giving the entire black race a bad name. You and I both know it.
I am willing to bet just from your short post here, that you take advantage of most opportunities that come your way.
Most balcks wouldn't know an opportunity if it hit them over the head, and that is their own fault.
I respect all who wander outside the realm in an effort to make things better for themselves.
It is this feeling that "whitey owes us" that really pi$ses me off.
So my friend, it isn't every black that I dislike, but I DO have to say, it is the majority of them.

if u can say that, then i can say that majority of white people are "racist" but i would never say that because the few i ran into dont speak for the whole race! We need to get past this, i know there are lazy black people out here, but when will they stop being lazy black people and just be lazy people.

We are all one people, we are all americans, we have good and we have bad!
although i have him on ignore because i have no time to waste on people like Bob, i thinks its amazing how he sums up an entire race of people because of a few lazy seeds in the garden. Unless he was black he would never know what most blacks will or would know when an opportunity as he says hits them over the head. That statement right there just adds to just how he truelly see's any black person no matter what. As far as the bull:q:q:q:q comment about Unfortunately there are far to many in the black population that are on the flip side of that coin, and those are the ones giving the entire black race a bad name. You can say that about all races. Bob just doesn't like black people no matter what they do. FEAR is a beast when it comes to any man or womans heart when they dont take the time to get to know or understand where others values stand.

If thats the case there are people in every race that wouldnt know an opportunity if it hit them in the head. No one race is better than the other. racism will never die its just in how you move forward in your life.

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