Poll: Moonroof or no moonroof?

Do you have/want/use a moonroof?

  • I have one and use it often

    Votes: 44 68.8%
  • I have one and rarely use it

    Votes: 9 14.1%
  • I don't have one and don't want one

    Votes: 6 9.4%
  • I don't have one but would like to

    Votes: 5 7.8%

  • Total voters
I use it all the time and now it got stuck open! My next car if it has one better have a manual crank..:q:q:q :q:q:qhettabout it ,my next car is going to have 0 power options if posable. electronics suck,they always cause grief and leave dumbfounded expression on the techs face as he hands you a $1000 repair bill and the problems not fixed!!
I cannt stand an open sunroof on a sunny day. The shine goes down behind my shades. Also burns my shiny head. Don't have one on the mark and happy about it. The VW has one and I hate it. People always want to open it. Waste of $$ and just another thing to fix.
Have it and love it. Lux, the morning thing-agree100%. Any night driving and the roof is open first thing. Kids love looking at the stars at night and the clouds during the day. The downpour on the highway thing is cool too. I always get some funny looks when I do that, mostly smiles. Don't forget the rain-x.:D I couldn't see not having one.
I love mines in my 98 LSC...I always keep it in the Vent Position with the windows down in the morning and while the sun is setting
don't have one in my 96, and I agree with others, don't need the extra aggravation-
I have one in my 86 LSC, and have repaired it twice in 15 years, and try not to use it since it is a PITA to get parts for or repair. My wife's current driver, an immaculate Olds Aurora DOHC 4.0 (2ed Generation) has a moonroof and if I want to drive open air I'll borrow it or go whole-hog and drive the TJ...life is good...
I've got one, but don't use it much. Prob because this is the first car I've ever owned that had one. Guess I don't remember it's there and just don't open it very often. I need to be careful I don't get a sunburn on the top of my melon anyway. I'll try the nitetime use though, that sounds kinda cool.
how tall are you?
At a little over 6 foot tall my head hits the trim for the moonroof unless I move my seat all the way to the low position.
Ball cap on in the car? Forget it.

my 95 didn't have a moonroof and my head never touched the headliner unlike my 98 moonroof car which aggravates me on a regular basis..haha

you might want to "test fit" one before you "wish too much"

This is so true! I am 6'4" and I hit my head all the time.
Two of my 3 Marks have had a moonroof. I'm 6'2 and have room.
have one and every time its open the wife bitches "its too bright" and i have to shut it, but every time we look at a car it HAS to have a moon roof!
Moonroof, used for 3 reasons, Cause you smoke (very nice in the rain), Ride homes at midnight when it's nice and cool out ( roof open) and last and most important, your girl friend is tall. Besides that I think it's a waste. I pulled my slide out, took the fabric off, and glued it to the glass.
94 had 1, 95 don't, I love my moon roof, 80 mph music blasting, don't smoke no mo so no problem there.
I've got one on my '96 and usually use it on vent when I'm parked on all those 90+ days to keep things cooler ( been alot of those lately). But I don't like it open while driving during the day with the sun in my eyes. Didn't like my brothers Trans Am with the glass T-top for the same reason.
All three of mine have them and yes I use them.. Next thing to having a convertible which I don't like !! They are great when it's not to hot !!
My dog would go crazy without it.....rides with his head out it all the time....now he is even putting his whole upper body out it.....I have paw prints on the upper windshield.
I have a moonroof in all 3 of my cars. I had a convertable back b4 my 1st mark and from there on i had to have at least a moonroof. I wont buy another vehicle without a moonroof.
I'm a smoker if you vent it you dont freeze in winter or sweat in summer. I think the cars look cool when its up.

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