Poll: What should we do about Iran?


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Let's see how unified or disunified we are on the subject of Iran. I suspect part of the problem in this country is that we are so divided on the subject it's no wonder we can't get anything done.
I think if we do it right we could colonize all of the middle east. Let's start with Israel...and kick their sorry asses too.

Actually if we kick Israel's ass then all the people who are pissed at us will be happy...
mespock said:
I think if we do it right we could colonize all of the middle east. Let's start with Israel...and kick their sorry asses too.

Actually if we kick Israel's ass then all the people who are pissed at us will be happy...

Ah, an open Jew-Hater. Your honesty is refreshing. Would that your lib buddies on this forum could be so up front about their true feelings.
mespock said:
I think if we do it right we could colonize all of the middle east. Let's start with Israel...and kick their sorry asses too.

Actually if we kick Israel's ass then all the people who are pissed at us will be happy...

Honestly, that was an incredibly ignorant statement.

First of all, there is no reason to attack Israel, unless you think we should make it a policy for us to attack the lone tolerant and democratic countries located in within that hellish snake pit.

Second, sacrificing the Israeli's for peace will not make ANYONE happy with us. It just means that all the attention, all the misdirected anger and hate will just be turned to us and Europe.

So, Mespock, do you think that Iran is threatening the peace and stability of the region? Do you think they are actively funding and supporting the insurgency within Iraq, working to kill Americans as well as Iraqi civilians?

Are you seriously putting Israel and Iran on some kind of moral equivalence? If so, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Well, if all else fails, we have one last resort...

F#ck Yea!
mespock said:
Boy is sure got you guys going LOL....

But all this forum is full of his hatred of one group or another...

As hard as it is to understand your posts normally (including this one), you were exceedingly clear and lucid when you posted that we should destroy Israel.

You're such a funny guy. I wish I had your sense of humor. Joking about killing the Jews is just such a side-splitter around here, I can't even describe it. <sarcasm off>

You, sir, are a boorish brute and a retard.
fossten said:
My intelligences? :lol: Geez, how many do I have?

Hi Fossten

You obviously have never read Howard Gardner's "Theory of multiple intelligences" which suggests that an array of differenct kinds of intelligence exists in human beings and that in each individual varying levels of each kind of intelligence exist giving each of us a unique cognitive profile


I am not very clear with the subject on Iran but couldn't we let them have weopons but on some kind of any agreement?
Iran is an enormous problem looming over the horizon, although I believe that threat would be non-existent (to the US anyway) if Iran's nuclear program was halted as soon as possible. After all this is a country that still practices stoning as an execution method of the state.
In this country is that public sentiment on this issue is so divided, that a decision on Iran -no matter what decision that may be- will come under serious criticism by one group/party or another. Because of this, and because Bush still has quite a mess to clean up in Iraq, I don't see America enacting anything more than economic embargos on Iran.
Military action, most practically thorugh air strikes, will eventually become the only way to strip Iran of it's nuclear capability for sure. However, since the insurgency in Iraq will not be put down anytime soon, and our troops and budget spread as thin as it is, the only nation to perform such a strike would be Isreal. For the sake of keeping this short, I say let them do what they feel is necessary, as it is the Isrealis that have had to deal with these hostile nations in the Middle East first hand, every day.
It's funny how it's ok to say to bomb any country over there, but if you mention Isreal at all you're a jew hater. So that means you're an arab hater. I realize you don't think that is a bad thing, but it is a bit hypocritical.
rmac694203 said:
It's funny how it's ok to say to bomb any country over there, but if you mention Isreal at all you're a jew hater. So that means you're an arab hater. I realize you don't think that is a bad thing, but it is a bit hypocritical.

No it's not. Unless you are prepared to say that there is a moral equivalence between a free and tolerant democratic state, and the regimes that call for the unprovoked destruction of Israel and the United States.

There's noting hypocritical about it. One country is an ally, the others have are hostile and have directly and indirectly attacked. Iran is linked to terrorist attacks on the United States as early as the Lebanon bombings in the early 80s.
My point is if anyone questions anything Isreal does, they are called Jew haters. But throwing around ideas of bombing every other middle eastern country isn't a big deal at all. I'm not saying that Isreal is bad, I'm just saying it seems a little twisted to me.
mark0101 said:
I am not very clear with the subject on Iran but couldn't we let them have weopons but on some kind of any agreement?

Two words: FVCK NO!
I say get Chevron’s new Jack field wells in the Gulf of Mexico (estimated 15-20 billion barrels) up and producing at full till then make sure Iran understands that its oil is no longer needed—at least by the United States. Tell them that we can just as easily cripple their economy with a few carefully placed 500-pound bombs if they continue. Unfortunately, full production from the Jack field is likely years away so I guess that idea is off the table.

If the Unites States wants to gain the upper hand when it comes thug oil rich nations like Iran then it needs to exploit its own oil rich reserves and at the same time advance full speed ahead with alternative energy sources.

Unfortunately, Americans have a propensity to elect idiots that can’t understand the importance of this very simple concept. Maybe exploitation of our own natural resources is not the only answer, but it certainly is an important beginning.
rmac694203 said:
My point is if anyone questions anything Isreal does, they are called Jew haters. But throwing around ideas of bombing every other middle eastern country isn't a big deal at all. I'm not saying that Isreal is bad, I'm just saying it seems a little twisted to me.

You have a funny way of equivocating "questioning anything Israel does" with suggesting that we should go in and wipe them out, which is what Mespock (stupidly jokingly) did. Israel isn't a threat to anyone who isn't threatening them. They have a parliamentary republic, and they allow Arabs to live in their country peacefully. They have not attacked any of their neighbors without severe provocation. Often they are provoked and do NOT respond. They show tremendous restraint considering the nations that pick on them wouldn't stand a chance in a real pitched battle.

The Arab nations, on the other hand, teach their school children that Jews drink blood and that they are apes and pigs. These are malevolent societies that hate our very existence and have taken action or sponsored action against us. I hate loss of innocent life as much as the next person, but I'm not going to lose sleep over the loss of the lives of our sworn enemies.

It's really not twisted at all, it's very simple. The Israelis are the good guys. The Arabs (and the Persians) are the bad guys. Mespock did worse, saying that we should kill everybody. Of course he was probably joking, but that means we should not take anything he says seriously, which is just as well, since we can't understand half his posts anyway.
fossten said:
Mespock did worse, saying that we should kill everybody. Of course he was probably joking, but that means we should not take anything he says seriously, which is just as well, since we can't understand half his posts anyway.

Find the work Kill in any of my posts... Kick ass doesn't say kill.

Makes it easy for everyone to understand where you come up with your wild stories.... You read whatever you want into anyones posts and then make it whatever you can dream up to say negative things about them.

Tell me this Fossten, what positive actions have you ever taken for the betterment of the LvC community... The only thing I've ever see coming from you are wild political post and bashing of members of the LvC community who use their constitutional rights to disagree, basically you act as the being the LvC bully.
This is the second time I've seen this tactic used, I fail to see the relevance.

Fossten is, or at least, was, a Mark VIII owner. When he was working on the car, he did post both questions and his experience. As of late, he's been fortunate to not have any problems or projects related to the car.
evillally said:
Two words: FVCK NO!
Ok but why? Pakistan, india and other active countries are making them including us, so just because we think they are going to attack us, they have the same worry from us. And don't say we just don't attack anyone we want, example Iraq.

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