Poll: What should we do about Iran?

mark0101 said:
Ok but why? Pakistan, india and other active countries are making them including us, so just because we think they are going to attack us, they have the same worry from us. And don't say we just don't attack anyone we want, example Iraq.

Pakistan and India have shown themselves to be allies of the US. Maybe not to the level of Britain, but they certainly aid us in the WOT. They have shown ZERO inclination to threaten any Western countries, or Israel for that matter. And they certainly haven't been in any major wars in the last 30 years. Get some perspective.
mark0101 said:
Ok but why? Pakistan, india and other active countries are making them including us, so just because we think they are going to attack us, they have the same worry from us. And don't say we just don't attack anyone we want, example Iraq.

...yeah, Iraq was just sitting there, totally innocent.

Just don't mind the fact that they were in gross violation of their surrender treaty. They were sanctioned by the UN and then in violation of UN security council resolution 1441. And that they had attempted to assassinate an American President. And they were routinely launching attacks on our aircraft.

You're right... we just attack people "just cuz." :rolleyes:
mespock said:
Tell me this Fossten, what positive actions have you ever taken for the betterment of the LvC community... The only thing I've ever see coming from you are wild political post and bashing of members of the LvC community who use their constitutional rights to disagree, basically you act as the being the LvC bully.

I don't have to explain myself to you. However, in addition to the eloquent remarks from Calabrio in response to your personal attack, let me add this:

I exercise my freedom of speech just like everyone else on this political forum, and I expose the hypocrisy and ignorance of those who would foist their left wing radical propaganda on everybody else. Sorry if that offends you, but I really don't care.

Your comment is nothing but an attempt to bully me off this board. The only thing you accomplish is showing your ass to the rest of the community.
mespock said:
I think if we do it right we could colonize all of the middle east. Let's start with Israel...and kick their sorry asses too.

Actually if we kick Israel's ass then all the people who are pissed at us will be happy...

By the way, just to show you how ignorant you are of Israel and her history, let me remind you that if we attack Israel, maybe several nations will approve, but God will not. And I'd much rather have God on my side than the rest of the world.

Genesis 12:1-3

1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee:
2 and I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3 and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Gal. 3.8
mespock said:
Oh boy, through the god thing into it.....

Hey do you know that Satan can quote the Bible for his bidding just like you..
Oh...did you...just...compare me to...Satan? Oh, that was SUCH a GOOD ONE. Oh, you really got me there. I'm compared to Satan! Oh man, what do I do with my life now? Mespock thinks I'm Satan! [snif] Wow you are sooooooo good at insults. Where did you learn that one, from rmac's 13-year old big sister?

The "god thing?" LOL you are so pathetic. Not only did you just acknowledge that you know nothing of Israel's role in the Bible, but you used the most cobweb-infested, pitiful, well-worn liberal tactic of attacking the debater WHEN YOU KNOW YOU ARE LOSING THE ARGUMENT.

:bowrofl: Go back to the mech side and quit while you're behind.
fossten said:
Oh...did you...just...compare me to...Satan? Oh, that was SUCH a GOOD ONE. Oh, you really got me there. I'm compared to Satan! Oh man, what do I do with my life now? Mespock thinks I'm Satan! [snif] Wow you are sooooooo good at insults. Where did you learn that one, from rmac's 13-year old big sister?

The "god thing?" LOL you are so pathetic. Not only did you just acknowledge that you know nothing of Israel's role in the Bible, but you used the most cobweb-infested, pitiful, well-worn liberal tactic of attacking the debater WHEN YOU KNOW YOU ARE LOSING THE ARGUMENT.

:bowrofl: Go back to the mech side and quit while you're behind.

Quit while I'm behind... This is so much fun watching you piss around it's hilarious. Why don't you come to the tech side and join LvC...

Oh and you can't lose and argument that's not happening!!! This is so much fun... you're like paper on fire... toss a little in and watch it burn LOL...
mespock said:
Quit while I'm behind... This is so much fun watching you piss around it's hilarious. Why don't you come to the tech side and join LvC...

Oh and you can't lose and argument that's not happening!!! This is so much fun... you're like paper on fire... toss a little in and watch it burn LOL...

And you just admitted that you're nothing but a keyboard-challenged brainless driveby troll. L...O...L.
.....I would like to interupt this little exchange with a good-old fashioned, pure-blooded American, distraction for guys..


How long will it be before Israel does something should be the poll. I doubt that with our current situation in Iraq, no one is going to do anything to Iran in the near future. I think that we will wait for someone else to take action first, unless they threaten us directly, which they wont do. It would be nice to launch a few missiles with somebody elses name on them.
You're the one that was hurling insults like an immature girl when I mentioned my sister. BTW, I don't live at home, and I do respect my siblings.
rmac694203 said:
My point is if anyone questions anything Isreal does, they are called Jew haters. But throwing around ideas of bombing every other middle eastern country isn't a big deal at all. I'm not saying that Isreal is bad, I'm just saying it seems a little twisted to me.

I agree. I dont advocate attacking Israel -- but your point is very true.

mespock said:
But all this forum is full of his hatred of one group or another...

Unfortunately Rich - your right -- Its about insults and put downs to get a point across - There is a bully mentality among some individuals that like to post here.

My vote would have prbably been ---

Military action - either missile strikes on nuke facilities or all-out war

However -- GW shot his wad in Iraq - and cant manage that. We could have gone right from Afghanistan into Iran had he played it right. Instead, GW chose to go after the much easier target - Iraq -

BTW - Im still waiting for all those weapons of Mass Destruction to be found.....

In the meantime - GW couldnt get support to invade IRAN from anyone - even his own party is now jumping ship. I told you all years ago that GW was bad for the country. Now we're in a war we cant get out of but arent willing to do what it will take to win - like Vietnam. I place the blame sqarely at the feet of GW and the republicans that followed him in lock step for 6 years - not because he was doing the right thing, but out of party unity.

Now much of his own party wants out of Iraq - and that too is a wrong decision. But GW doesnt have enough support to do what it takes. Nice mess --
So uneducated, so ignorant. I keep having to remind you people of both history and the current facts. Sheesh.

Interesting that you don't place one ounce of blame on the Bush-hating, liberal-agenda-driven Mainstream media, which has done nothing but portray Iraq in the most negative way possible. It's interesting the change that has come over this country in the last 40 years. You people are simply unwilling to try to win a war. It's cowardice in the extreme, and it's sheer ignorance of history. Not to mention a fast-food mentality of war. Because we finished Desert Storm so quickly, everybody thinks it should always be that way. Hell, we STILL occupy Germany from WWII. That was over 60 years ago. Helloooooo!

What would have happened if, during the invasion at Normandy, all the thousands of American soldiers who were killed were bandied about in the press the way our onesies and twosies are today? We would have turned tail and run for the hills. What about the 40,000 killed in one month in the Battle of the Bulge? There would have been no way we could have won WWII. But we fought that war to win. We were less concerned about losing lives on the battlefield than we were about losing the war.

Have you people forgotten that we were attacked on 9/11? And don't give me that crap about Iraq not being part of the WOT. That is baloney and all of you know it. Iraq is a theater in the WOT and we are fighting terrorists who are being sponsored and aided by Iran and Syria, and indirectly the Russians for good measure.

Get this through all of your thick skulls: We are the USA, we don't LOSE WARS. The only reason we will lose this war is if we quit. So I guess you fast-food conditioned lefties are a bunch of cowards and quitters. Give Bush 9 months to show an improvement. If the war doesn't improve then, have at him. I don't care.

But remember this, Bush-haters: A loss in Iraq isn't just Bush's loss, it is America's loss.
fossten said:
Have you people forgotten that we were attacked on 9/11? And don't give me that crap about Iraq not being part of the WOT. That is baloney and all of you know it. Iraq is a theater in the WOT and we are fighting terrorists who are being sponsored and aided by Iran and Syria, and indirectly the Russians for good measure.

No - your the one who is uninformed and ignorant here - your pushing rumor not fact. There has been no evidence shown of any significant terrorism involvement in Iraq prior to the war. SO thats all BS.

Iran has always been the key problem. They are the ATM for terror - GW made 2 main mistakes - He went into Iraq instead of Iran - and then - he didnt go in strong enough. We had 500,000 troops for Iraq I and 150,000 for Iraq II. We went in too light - plain and simple.

As I have said before, I suspect GW figured if we took Iraq, Iran would get nervous and be more negotiable - but that didnt happen.

What he should do now is go in with an additional 100,000+ troops - not some 20,000 as he is proposing. Go in and take control - and stop playing friggin games. Then - 9 months afterwards - he will see support because we'll be more comfortable with the results.
Joeychgo said:
No - your the one who is uninformed and ignorant here - your pushing rumor not fact. There has been no evidence shown of any significant terrorism involvement in Iraq prior to the war. SO thats all BS.

Iran has always been the key problem. They are the ATM for terror - GW made 2 main mistakes - He went into Iraq instead of Iran - and then - he didnt go in strong enough. We had 500,000 troops for Iraq I and 150,000 for Iraq II. We went in too light - plain and simple.

As I have said before, I suspect GW figured if we took Iraq, Iran would get nervous and be more negotiable - but that didnt happen.

What he should do now is go in with an additional 100,000+ troops - not some 20,000 as he is proposing. Go in and take control - and stop playing friggin games. Then - 9 months afterwards - he will see support because we'll be more comfortable with the results.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. There IS evidence that Iraq was associated and even harboring terrorism before the war. What's BS is your silly assumption that the only way terrorists could be in Iraq is if they were already there before the Iraq war. That's also absurd and weak. In fact, we already know that Zarqawi was in Iraq before the war, so your ENTIRE STATEMENT is BS.

I agree with you that we should be going in with 100,000 more troops, ok? And I agree with you that we should go into Iran. But that will never happen thanks to the Democrats in Congress. These guys are full of chickensh!t cowardice and cut-and-run strategy. Bush will be lucky if they don't cut his funding and condemn the troops to being shot at as they lift off in choppers, like they were in Vietnam, thanks to the Democrats again.

Finally, you are wrong about Iraq. Clinton thought Iraq was the big threat, so did the media, so did 3/4 of Congress, so did the Brits, so did the rest of the Middle East. You can't fault Bush for doing what 99% of the world and our own intel thought was the right thing. But that's what you're doing. And you're doing it to score political points. And that's the ONLY REASON. So you are SH!TTING all over our troops over there in harm's way for politics. Anybody who does that is petty and small.
fossten said:
Finally, you are wrong about Iraq. Clinton thought Iraq was the big threat, so did the media, so did 3/4 of Congress, so did the Brits, so did the rest of the Middle East. You can't fault Bush for doing what 99% of the world and our own intel thought was the right thing. But that's what you're doing. And you're doing it to score political points. And that's the ONLY REASON. So you are SH!TTING all over our troops over there in harm's way for politics. Anybody who does that is petty and small.

IM not doing it to score political points - and I dont blame our troops for ANYTHING - They are doing their job as well as they can given the resources they have. Dont tell me I am badmouthing our troops. GW sent them and didnt send enough - plain and simple, and Ive said that from day ONE.
Hey Joey, remember that off shoot so called Christian group int he central plains who goes around to the funerals of our fallen soldiers. The shout out Bible verse, they shout out claims, and the with the fact out in front of them they deny the facts, change the facts and keep on yelling their claims as truth with out true logic.

Oh and by the way Joey they tend to also be self proclaimed highly intelligent people, only back up their claim with they are right and you are wrong, and then put downs.
mespock said:
Hey Joey, remember that off shoot so called Christian group int he central plains who goes around to the funerals of our fallen soldiers. The shout out Bible verse, they shout out claims, and the with the fact out in front of them they deny the facts, change the facts and keep on yelling their claims as truth with out true logic.

Oh and by the way Joey they tend to also be self proclaimed highly intelligent people, only back up their claim with they are right and you are wrong, and then put downs.

Hey, Mr. Off-Topic-We-Should-Kick-Israel's-Ass, how is this relevant to the thread?
We should bomb them or allow Israel to do it. Israel has the military capability to do it but they're acting like a bunch of girls. They have the 3rd strongest military in the world(thanks to us) and they act like a bunch of wimps, what gives? Everyone already hates them over there, who are they trying to please? Remember the good 'ol days when Israel had balls? Even better, remember the good 'ol days when America had balls? Who's left? Australia? Is Australia the only nation left in the world that has a pair?
mespock said:
I think if we do it right we could colonize all of the middle east. Let's start with Israel...and kick their sorry asses too.

Actually if we kick Israel's ass then all the people who are pissed at us will be happy...

Oh look, a liberal, how cute. :rolleyes:
b34nz said:
Is Australia the only nation left in the world that has a pair?
..The United States.

They all have sectors of the population that still have something swinging. But it's not unanimous. And I think, when push comes to shove, all of those countries will pull it together and fight evil.

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