I'm not quite sure that such an emblem is "exactly where such an emblem should go", because adding this V8 emblem as the user is wanting to do (or has done already?), is s/thing that the LS does not have to begin with...this particular emblem that is.
So, if you're adding the emblem, ANYwhere I guess could be fine, right? On the Dakota I just sold 2 months ago, the "V8 High Output" was on the tailgate, not the front 1/4 panel. Ha, I recall a few bikers had pulled up behind me one day, and reading their lips in the rear view mirror and watching them for a second, the one turns his head to the rider beside him pointing to the emblem saying, "Look at that...high output"
So yeah, if it's placed on front 1/4 panel, most won't see it if you're at a light, but to the guy who is behind you at a light and wants to bring it on, may have a better chance of spotting it.
MY question is, do I live in an overly conservative place, because nobody around here is racing at traffic lights any more nowadays!

I DO recall living up around the Detroit area years back and visiting Woodward Avenue a few times...now THAT was the place to be if you wanted to run s/body and show 'em what you've got