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Just wondering who has a Town Car, what year, options, etc. What do you like best about it, and what do you not like about it?
02 lincoln town car sig seriesBlack87LSC said:Just wondering who has a Town Car, what year, options, etc. What do you like best about it, and what do you not like about it?
Black87LSC said:Just wondering who has a Town Car, what year, options, etc. What do you like best about it, and what do you not like about it?
nyflava said:is a 98 considered a 90's rr a 00+ 98-02 are the same but 2/5 of these were 90's?
1995towncar said:I like my 96, black on gray signature. Miles are low for the year.
Black87LSC said:How much? I can't afford it, but I LOOOOOVE that ride!!!
Black87LSC said:I know 98-02 are the same, but the question was what year.. Not what body style
nyflava said:What era T/C do you have? was the question not what year.
does era more closely describe the body style or the year?
Main Entry: era
Pronunciation: 'ir-&, 'er-&, 'E-r&
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin aera, from Latin, counters, plural of aer-, aes copper, money -- more at ORE
1 a : a fixed point in time from which a series of years is reckoned b : a memorable or important date or event; especially : one that begins a new period in the history of a person or thing
2 : a system of chronological notation computed from a given date as basis
3 a : a period identified by some prominent figure or characteristic feature b : a stage in development (as of a person or thing) c : a large division of geologic time usually shorter than an eon <Paleozoic era>
Redwingvksm said:Nothing that I can really say that I don't like about it...I just love it ALL (Including the 3 cig lighters w/ the lincoln symbols on them!!)
Black87LSC said:I quote myself... "Just wondering who has a Town Car, WHAT YEAR, options, etc. What do you like best about it, and what do you not like about it?"
My my my, you certainly DO have a lot of time on your hands... Starting piddly-a$$ arguments like this when our country is going into another depression... You're just looking to start a problem for reasons unknown Get a life man